Durham College extension Orono Weekly Times, February 18, 1976 -7 Architectural plans have been completed and tenders have been called for the itruction of Durham Col- Vye's new "activities" building building effective Febraury 16, 1976. The complex will include an excellent 550 seat theatre and a spacious double gymnasium. gymnasium. Construction has already already begun on a separate Applied Arts addition. Because of financial constraint constraint beginning in 1969, the College has not been able to provide adequate physical education facilities and the new sports activities areas will not only be a much needed facility for students, but will be. available for community use as well. The sports and recreation complex will include a large gymnasium with seati. ' capacity capacity for 1000 spectators in the bleachers. In addition to an indoor running track there will be a general purpose area for such activities as archery, table tennis, combatives, gold training and fencing. There will be a work-out room, and five squash courts. The new theatre, which will be for both College and community use, has been designed after visits to theatres theatres in Ontario and Quebec so that the best features of their facilities could be incorporated. incorporated. The theatre will seat 550 and will have continental type seating which permits easy movement of patrons to and from their seats without the inconveniece of standing. Spècial Spècial arrangements will be made for handicapped persons persons in wheelchairs. .The proscenium will be 40 feet in width, and the stage is 35 feet deep, accommodating musical, musical, dance, and theatrical productions of all kinds. Ttiere will be a demountable thrust stage 12 feet deep and in èxcess of 40 feet wide and an orchestra pit. Separate dressing rooms for male and female actors, a green room and offices are provided. Facilities for motion pictures are included, and there are lighting and sound control systems. Thefe-will.be ample storage* area beneath the stage. Because of the heavy props required for some stage productions a large loading bay is to be located, immediately immediately adjacent to the storage area, theatre work shop and "Studio One". "Studio One" is a television production studio which will be used by Applied Arts students for their radio and television workshops. It will also serve the community as an additional rehearsal area (Continued page 8) "Bang. Bang.^bu*re dead" Some say the violence in our media makes us-a.nd our children'-react to the world in a violent why. : If that's true, we're in trouble. There's been very little research in Canada, and ftone about all the media. The Royal Commission on Violence in the Communications Communications Industry is trying to find.an answer. . What does violence mean? Does it reflect the real world? Or can it create a different, more violent world in which we all have to live? What is the Commission doing? We're reviewing ' the current research. Holding public hearings for , everyone. And we'll be,recommending appropriate action for all levels of government, to the industry and to the public. What can you do? You can start by thinking about the effect that violence in the media has-good or bad-on your life. Your family. And that includes violence in radio, TV, comic books, newspapers, popular music, movies, books-even rock concerts. Then, tell us what you think. Send us your ideas. Come to the hearings. And when the time comes ' to make recommendations, t.here'11 be things you can do. In your own home, your own neighbourhood. With your own children. It's important for all of us to know more about media violence and how it affects us. We will, if you help» The Royal Commission on Violence is holding a hearing in:' ' , V.... PETERBOROUGH , , . * ; ; * - February 27 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Toronto, Ontario M5S 2V5. Commissioners: The Hon. Judy LaMarsh, His, onour Judge L. A. Beaulieu, Scott You ny. Call us toll-frée anytime at 1-800-261-7091. Central Public.School General Purpose Room Murray Street Peterborough, Ontario