- 6- Ororid Weekly l imes. February 25 1976 Queen's Park Report Doug Moffatt, MPP Durham East ' February 19,1976 , I.haVe received a number "Of, • comments from citizens with. )'regard to the Second Marsh in the Oshawa area and thought - ,that I wojildexplore that ipstie 'itliis week. The Second Marsh is an extemijl'y sensitive marsh area within tire boundaries of , 'the City of Oshawa and a for a ' ,number of years it has Been regarded by naturalists, conservationists conservationists and sportsmen as the finest wetland area on the north shore of . Lake 'Ontario. It is rated by Audubon and other groups as ll,ie fifth most important , marsh in North America, as it is on the central Canada flyway and is of extreme importance in relation to migratory birds. For a number of years there have been proposals to cha- nge the Second March,into a harbour, or an addition to, the Oshawa Harbour, or' some kind of extra facility for harbour craft, and this has led to long and sometimes bitter discussions between the various various groups concerned-some taking the position that in order to preserve the industrial industrial base in Oshawa a second harbour is necessary, and that this addition to the harbour facilities in Oshawa would provide a great number of jobs in that area. That's certainly a valid statement to Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consult me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 Pumping Out St Septic Tanks Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 make. Unfortunately it doesn't doesn't solve the' problem to my ' way of thinking. What in fact is possible is to preserve the Secotjd Marsh -as a wetland area and also, if the - need is there, to expand the Oshawa Harbour facilities from the mouth of the present harbour into the lake with the use of deep-water pier. One of the problems in using small bays such as the Second Marsh as a harbour is that they continually silt up and at each five or ten year period must be dredged in order to keep a sufficient depth for shipping. This would no doubt be the case with the Second Marsh.in Oshawa if it were made into a harbour. However, However, a finger pier extension into the dçeper water in Lake. Ontario would allow the currents of the lake to keep that: area ■ clear and the ■ constant cost of dredging would be eliminated. •Further, the Second Marsh is .separated by a property known as the former Beaton Dairy Farm frpm the Darlington Darlington Provincial Park and would make an ideal addition To that recreation facility. The city of Oshawa and people in ,the Courtice and.Bowman- ville area would have access to a very important park with the attraction of rare natural features if the Beaton farm and Second Marsh were added to the Darlington park. I think that over the next few years we are going to need far more recreational facilities in this area and the preservation of the Second Marsh on the Lake Ontario shoreline and its inclusion in the Darlington park would provide a significant significant asset. People sometimes forget, also, that the tourist industry itself creates jobs; . but from this point of view once we lose an area like the Second Marsh it is impossible to reclaim it and turn it back into a natural resource. Lake Ontario shoreline and its ^inclusion in the Darlington park would provide a significant significant asset. People sometimes forget. also, that the tourist 1 industry itself creates jobs ; but from this point of view once we lose an area like the Second Marsh it is impossible to reclaim it and turn it back into a natural resource. I would like to recommend people who are concerned with the Second Marsh to contact me personally or "the KiliCV NEWS A very pretty wedding was solemized n February 14th, when Rev. Basil Long, united in marriage Miss Susan Ball daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ball to Mi 1 . Leslie Hrebicek of Toronto at Orono United Church. The reception was . catered to by Kirby U.C.W. held at Orono church. Congratulations Congratulations Susan and Leslie. The happy couple are honeymooning honeymooning in Hawaii. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor on the arrival of their baby son. The Kirby ladies have been busy guilting each Tuesday. Going in the morning and having their dinner and staying staying for the day. Last week some of the men, did a fine job of varnishing the interior of the Church. Today the ladies are paying for their dinner and the money is going to Gautamala. Hope they have a nice turn out. The Kirby U.C.W. held their monthly meeting at the church church on Feb. 10th. The ladies came in the morning for a guilting and then all sat down for dinner followed by the meeting in 'the afternoon. Dora opened the meeting with a poem called Joy' Hymn 252 was sung with Ruby Bryson at. the piano followed by the Lords Prayer. Roll call was taken with twelve present followed by-the minutes and treas. report. Preparations were made for Susan Ball's Wedding on Feb. 14th. Our president reminded those who wished to attend the workshop at Kingsview United United Church in Oshawa on Feb. 18th. Kirby U.C.W. are in charge of the World's Day of Prayer held in Orono United Ch.urch on March 5th at 7:30 p.m. : Grace Reid gave the Fellowship Fellowship of the Least Coin, entitled our Gardener. A message from the Phillipines and prayer. A reading was given by Iris Lam bier on The Fred Victor Mission, How the ^mission was started and their activities. Norma Ransberry read an article by the Star reporter called Save Homeless Children. Children. Hymn 480 was sung. tylow&Kk by Jackman Since 1912 Beautiful Flowers. .for Beautiful People 162 KING ST. EAST, BOWMANVILLE Ask Operator for ZENITH 36540 Local phone 623-3365 DXSERVICE STATION Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products At the Most Reasonable • Prices Stove Oil & Diesel Oil Available in any quantity Phone 987-4215 Mrs. C. Lowery gave the study book which was very interesting. The topic being The Impossible Made Possible Possible with the building of the Evangelical Christian Centre Church in Toronto with Dr. A. W. Ness as the Leader. The meeting closed with the Mispah Benediction. Mrs. C, Lowery and Mrs. Don Morris attended the Kingsview United Church workshop workshop on Wednesday. Although Although the weather was rather nasty the workshop was well worth going to. Miss Lorn;, Lowery, Uni- veristy of Waterloo was home for a couple of days last week. It being the winter break or 'reading week. It was also Professional Activity Day for the teachers of the Elementary schools on Thursday and Friday also High Schools on Friday so the children had a couple of days off. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Harris. 1,1 < K N ( I. IIEADI.I N E NEARS , Time is running out for those who haven't yet obtained obtained their, 1976 automobile licence stickers. Witt, just two full days left to get their new blue stickers, drivers can expect to contend with long; line-ups. By .next: Saturday, Feb. 28, all; "drivers in Ontario are expected to have their licences. licences. But the latest province- wide : estimates indicate 1.1 million people haven't bought their tags yet. JUDO CLUB A WINNER (coptinued from page 1) awa Civic Band will receive $1,335, the Oshawa Development Development and Fitness Club $1250 for the purchase of uneven parallel bars. The Ajax Pipe pand will receive $10,000 to purchase instruments and uniforms, Bowman ville Minor Hockey Association $5,000 to help pay for an expansion program, Whitby Public Library Library to purchasè large-print, books. Other grants .were also made to Pickering Village Minor Hockey Association for trips to Michigan, $2,000; and .other smaller grants. The grants are part of the continuing Share Wintario program to support cutlural and recreational facilities throughout Ontario and to date the ministry has announced announced $8.2 million in grants. members of the Oshawa or Regional Councils and make their views known. The citizens citizens of this area have a responsibility- to inform their elected representatives and I urge you to do so.