A week ago Monday the had arranged an interesting R. Fletcher of Newton ville Great Pine Ridge Kinettes program of activities and at were presented with a gift held a very successful Senior the closing of the evening being married for fifty-five Citizens night in the Orono presented a number of prizes Oddfellows Hall. The Kinettës and awards. Mr. and Mrs. K. years. Discontinue 4-yr-old schooling The Northumberland and last week defeated a motion Newcastle Board of Edücâ%rtb carry on the four-year old tion on Thursday evening 'of student program which has fjappentngsL. ___ I A BREATHE OF SPARING Miss Ann Samells of Ann's Beauty Salon' brought a refreshing breathe of spring to the Main Street of drono last week with a timely and fine window decor of spring flowers etc. -ANNUAL MEETING OF RED CROSS The. Durham East Branch of the Canadian Re'd Cross *' Society is holding its Volunteer Wards Night to-night, Wednesday, March -31st at 8.00 p.m,. It is being held in the Memorial Park Clubhouse, Liberty Street, Bowmanville TABLES QUESTION ON SECOND,MARSH M.P.P. Doug Moffatt has tabled a QUESTION IN THE LEGISLATURE ASKING Premier Bill Davis for a reply. The local M.P.P. is asking if the cabinet has made a decision on the retention of the Oshawa Second Marsh, as has been rumoured. He has also asked if the cabinet was prepared to refuse permission to convert the wildlife area into a harbour . OVER 300 CHILDREN ATTEND PROGRAM The Clarke Public Library in Orono conducted a very successful holiday program at the library. The staff was kept real busy with an overall attendance of over 300 hundred children during the course of the one week program. Crafts and games were the order of the day. The library continues with its Saturday program from 10.00 to 11.30 of crafts. ' * FATALLY INJURED IN ACCIDENT Twenty-one year old Clarke Robert Penfound of R.R.4 Oshawa was fatally injured in an accident at Prestonvale Road and Bloor Street dieing_ later in Oshawa General Hospital. Clarke Penfound was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sim Penfound living all his life in Darlington Township. He is survived by his parents and two brothers, Mark and Todd and pre deceased by brother, Lee. . Growing mixtures ■ ' . » . ■' « horticulture topic existed in Brighton and Rose- neath since 1973-74. The motion to continue this program program was defeated six votes to five. . * In another motion to extend • the program throughout the jurisdiction board members voted in a'block to defeat the move. It was pointed out at the meeting by Mr. Frank Thom, that, it would cost an estimated estimated net $300,000.00 to carry out the. program throughout the whole of the school area. The program has been carried out in the Brighton and Roseneath schools as a pilot project for the past thrèe years. A report by Robert Moorcroft, supervisor of instruction, instruction, stated that little difference was noted between this group of students and . others that had started a year later when at the grade one level. His report recommended recommended that unless the program could be carried out throughout throughout the whole of the jurisdiction jurisdiction the two pilot projects be terminated as of June 1976. n A1 MacLeod, business administrator, administrator, stated that recently recently passed budget clearly stated that no new programs would be considered for the upcoming year. W. H. Carman pointed out in the discussion that the whole (5f the area was • (Continued on page 3) Local gardeners, members and friends of the Orono Horticultural Society, held, a most successful meeting on Thursday evening last-. Mrs. Joan Couvier', newly elected President for 1976, chaired the meeting. Mrs. Couvier is not new to this job, haying served in the same capacity before, and her efficient handling of the meeting was' proof of her competence and previous experience. That she will prove to -be a popular president "was evident from the good'natured sallies and repartee exchanged throughout throughout the evening. Guests and new members were welcomed by the President President and Mrs. Gladys Gams- by, in her own inimitable way, gave a glowing account of the bus trip t@ the Spring < Continued on page 3) Call tenders for Clarke It was announced at the recerit Board of Education meeting that the Ministry of Education had approved the working drawings for the new addition to the Clarke High School. The architect has advertise ed the project calling for, tenders to close on April 13th, 1976. A meeting will be held on'April 13th at 4:30 p.m. in the Board room "to open the tenders. ( (Continued on naffe 3) Orono Cubs Rodger King an'd Bilj Taite inspect * a pre-assembleçl bird house on Monday evening» due to the fact they wi th the help of their fathers are,to assemble a bird house and erect it on their property -as a project of the Orono Cub Pack. The local pack was provided with 38 , pre-cut, bird houses fcy tHe Ganaraska Conservation Authority Authority which are to be assembled by the 'cubs arid placed out for nesting. The Cubs have also been asked to complete ap. Information Sheet Sheet about the type of bird using the house and its habits. Roy Forrester, chairman of tfie Authority, states this is the first such project by the Authority. He is hopêful that' the Authority will become more ' , active in involving individuals corkerping the state of nature- ofi their own properties: , ' • Co-op sales over $1 million The annual meeting of the Durham Farmer's Co-opera tive was held on Monday evening in the Orono Oddfellow's Oddfellow's Hall when members reviewed the business of 1975, elected officers for 1976 and declared patronage dividends. dividends. In the review of 1975 it was noted that the Co-operative had during the year increased sales to over $1 million, $1,019,430. This figure compares compares with $950,880. in 1974 and $397,200 in 1971. From these sales the gross margin was 15.3 per cent, or $155.888. Barbara Underhill and Jim don. They also placed second comparing with 13.4 per -cent Sorochan both of Oshawa and in the Eastern Canadian in 1974. members of the Os*hawa Competitions and first in the Net savings for the year Skating Club will be guests at Eastern Ontario Competi- 1975 amounted to $76,159 the Orono Figure Skating tions. before patronage dividends Club annual carnival this The Orono Carnival is being which is an increase of $13,200 coming Sunday afternoon, held both on Saturday even- over 1974 and the largest in April 4th. -The show gets ing and on Sunday afternoon the history of the Co-opera- underway on Sunday at 2:00 with all skaters along with tive. In 1971 the net savings p m The young pairs couple guests taking part in what is. was $15,100.00. placed., sixth in the Junior to be an excellent show. Plan The annual meeting gave Pairs in 1976 at the Canadian now to attend this annual ( Continued on page 3),'Championships held in Lon- spectacle in Orono.