, 2 - .Orono Weekly Times ■ Second Class Mail Registration Number 6368 Published every Wednesday at the office ot Publication NO EXPERT BUT We are no expert in determining what constitutes an excellent skating performance but we do know when we are please with what we have seen. - This was the case over the week-end when we viewed the annual skating carnival, at the Orono Arena. We were glad we had attended. It appeared to this corner that the skaters have improved in the quality of their performances. And further it is all; home-town talent that makes it that more exciting and rewarding. It also appeared that the precision drills were geared to, the ability of the skaters and groups. It is better viewing to watch a simple routine well done-than to view a difficult routine poorly executed. In all it was a good show and to say the least the club, its executive and skaters are to be congratulated. , COSTS WOULD HAVE RISEN NO MATTER The Regional system of government has often been blamed solely for the rise in taxation. It has been easy to point the finger at the regional form of government for what appear, to the ills of the times.. . Whiter Beath in a recent address pointed out that under any form of government taxes would have risen over the past two years. He further stated, that in his opinion, our current difficulties would have been magnified to the detriment of all concerned if the restructuring of lovai government'had not taken place. Over the past month and a half the local press has been reporting rising taxes upward of thirty percent at times. Of course most of the figures, in the beginning, were purely estimates and desires of the various departments. Every year the same thing happens, estimates come in and the paring goes on until finally a figure is established. There is no doubt that taxes have increased under the regional system but we believe this would have been just a true under the old system and even to the same degree if not to a greater degree. Mayor Rickard pointed out at the recent meeting of the Town of Newcastle council that even now it is impossible to determine accurately just what the increase will be fpr 1976 over that of 1975. This is due to a great part to the fact that the assessment base for 1976 is yet to be established. Everyone, the Region and the School Board use accurate figures but as the Mayor points out these figures are outdated and do not give the true picture which will result qn the tax bill. We find this quite believeable because we endeavoured to associate our 1975 residential tax bill with those 1 figures put out by thé region and found they do not correspond. To actually know the final figure ytiu will just have to wait for your 1976 tax bill before a true comparison can be made. A LITTLE HOMEY ATMOSPHERE The Department of Recreation has added a little atmosphere to the grounds of the Town in Orono with the placitig of a bench outside the building. By no means is it shoddy being well painted and quite sound. Many times it is the little things that add so much for so little. THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN Yes it is that time of year again when a lot of humans « decide it is time to burn off thé grass. Well be careful it is not hard for such a fire to get out of control. It can become a costly outing. 1 The above is part of the scene of the Sugar Bush number at the recent Figure resses are above serving the in the corner of the arena. Skating Carnival. The wait- younger set seated at tables Letters to the editor Bowmanville, Ont. March 24,1976 The Editor, - Just a word to express my appreciation for the co-operation co-operation and news coverage of the Orono Orphans reunion which helped to make it such a huge success. We had players from all parts of Ontario and as far away as B.C. attending and they all recalled the wonderful wonderful support your paper gave them during their playing days some 20 to 30 years ago. I would like to add my personal thanks to the Armstrong Armstrong .boys, Bilk and Chuck for making it possible also to Raymond Lunn who spent a <good many hours looking after the correspondence to over 140 players and supporters. supporters. In closing once more thanks Roy for a wonderful job well done. Yours, Orono Orphan Hockey Club • . ' Dane Found, Mgr. Ç Round About Us 3 Cassandra's Corner It's income tax time again and each year at tjiis time our normally peaceful home becomes a second Dante's,Inferno. Just as soon as the inoffensive brown envelope is produced and the contents spread out on, the nearest table all hell breaks loose. The dog runs for cover under the sofa, the kids barricade themselves in their bedrooms, all small ornaments are moved out of harms way, the Coffee pot is -put on to "simmer and a bottle of aspirin is' uncapped then and only then is the master of the house ready to do battle with Revenue Canada. So. far I have poured four cups of coffee, two small brandies and doled out two aspirin and he has only got as far as Inserting his date of birth and social nsurance number. This is going to be a ong. long night. , If we don't, break even jfiis year, this is, \e get something back from Ottawa, I am seriously thinking of becoming a part-time Sex Therapist - no qualifications necessary, necessary, except to be a good listener (which I am ) and the pay is fantastic -- $60.00 per hour. THE ONTARIO BUDGET All together .this will be a bad week. Tomorrow*(Tuesday) is Budget Day in Ontario and D'Arcy McKeotigh will be unveiling our fate, tax-wise for the rest of the year. If the sales tax is increased, booze and cigarettes go up and personnal income tax hiked, I am going to take the kids and the dog and move out for a few days. All of the talk these past few months, I believe, has been to condition us for massive tax increases by every level of government. I hope I am wrong. HoweVer, "by the time this paper reaches you we will know the worst. . P.S. He is up to page four on the tax form and smiling, I am sure it can't be from his figures, it must be the brandy. ' . 1 NORTHUMBERLAND BUDGET DOWN FOR 1976 The budget report presented presented to the Northumberland County Council is down by a figure of $140,000. over that of 1975. The total budget for 1976 has been set at $1,424,008. compared to $1,565,000. in 1975. The audit for 1975 shows a surplus of $117,000. STILL SEEKING CONTROL OF WATER AND SEWAGE Both Mayor Potticary of Oshawa and Mayor Clark Mason are to, present a motion to the Durham Region council today in which they are asking that the province be petitioned to make changes changes in Bill 162, a bill which created the Region of Durham. Durham. The Mayors want the Regional Regional council to ask the province to amend the bill so that water and sewers can be returned to the various municipalities municipalities to operate in the matter of water distribution and sewage collection. It would be the intent that the Region would still be the wholesaler of water to the I municipalities and would also look after the treatment of sewage. was stated that more people could* attend the meetings if some were held in the evening." The request was received-anti filed. FESTIVAL PLANS The Oshawa and District Council 'for the Arts has planned a, festival for April 23-24. For . the occasion a bandstahd will be erected in the Oshawa Centre with Concordian Pops Concert Orchestra, Orchestra, Osligwa Choral Society, Society, Oshawa Boys Choir and dshawa Symphony performing performing during the two days and evening. TENTATIVE A provincial development plan is still tentatively scheduled scheduled to be released Thursday, Thursday, e , a spokesman for the ministry of treasury, economics economics and intergovernmental affairs, confirmed today. The plan is reported to suggest jj^ays of reducing the population pressure on Metropolitan Metropolitan Toronto. A development strategy for _ Durham Region is also expected expected to be included. REDUCED MILK QUOTAS^ EXPECTED Mr. David Head speaking at the Durham County Milk- Producers Association annual dinner last week in Newcastle Village predicted a cut in milk quotas of fourteen per cent. He said this would be so providing • the Ontario Milk Marketing Board's assessment assessment of the soon-to-be announced announced national dairy policy proves to be right. Francis Tennant Fuels CLAIMS ANTI-INFLATION PROGRAM DESTROYING ONTARIO'S ECONOMY Mike Breaugh,. MPP for Oshawa stated in the legislature legislature recently that the Anti-inflation Anti-inflation program was going to destroy the economy of Ontario. Ontario. . ' 1 Breaugh states that people do not . like the program anymore. , ■' NO EVENING, MEETINGS The council of the Region of Durham took no action on a request to hold some of their meetings in the evening. It Phone 983-5693 Hamiltons Insurance Service Your Friendly Agency > All Personal and l Commercial Insurance Sadie Hamilton Sue Sawyer Jim Hare Foridependable, service 983-5115 "Flowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion 1 Tel. 623-3377 . Bev A jHotal o4%t 133 Church Street Bowmanville FRESH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS for' , * WEDtilNGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL and HOME FREE DAILY DELIVERY TO ORONO