Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 7th, 1976--5 Welfare cuts to have no impact in Durham Region The new provincial government government regulation requiring able bodied persons to take jobs or be cut from the 'fare rolls will not have »._jch impact in Durham Region, Social Services, Commissioner Commissioner Doug Johns said ■•Thursday. Mr. Johns said the region's welfare department has been cutting able-bodied persons ftom the rolls for the past year. •The new regulation, which •came into effect Thursday, 50% RACK We are still offering a good selection of Dresses, Dresses, Slacks and Tops at HALF PRICE. and browse thepi. Come in through COTTON SHEETS and PILLOWCASES Tex-Made white 'Cotton Sheets with Pillow Pillow Cases to match. Attractively priced. 'M RUBBER BOOTS Â good supply of Rubber Boots in Men's, Womens and Children for those wet spring days. PANTSUITS New, Pant Suits arriving daily being added to our stock of Ladies Wear. 20 attend business management meet was proposed by Social Services Services Minister James Taylor in February , and approved last week, by the cabinet. Mr. Johns explained the welfare department's policy of cutting able-bodied persons during the past year by ARMSTRONG'S A business management seminar primarily for people in small business was held at the Flying Dutchman Motel on March 30t*h, 1976. Arranged Arranged by the Management Services Services Department of the Federal Business Development Development Bank, in co-operation with the Bowmanville Chamber Chamber of Commerce, the seminar seminar was one of several hundred conducted by the Bank in smaller cities and towns across Canada. Some 20 people attended the seminar which considered the financial statements of a small business and the effect that an expansion has on ■them. Brief presentations by the Bank's officers, supported by the guest speaker, Mr. G. A. Fitchett, C.A., of Dunwo- ody & Co., Oshawa, wère made and the participants were actively involved in the group workshops. The Federal Business Development Development Bank (formerly the Industrial Development Bank) Bank) makes loans to businesses of all types for a variety of purposes. Almost half of the , Bank loans are for $25,000. or less and the Bank if especially interested in assisting small saying under the legislation then in effect the option of cutting was available to _ welfare administrators. Under the new rules it is mandatory. Mr. Johns estimated the department had saved $200,000. last year by cutting able-bodied persons Who did' not accept suitable employment. employment. Asked to define, "suitable employment," Mr. Johns said it is anything a person 1 is "physically or mentally able to do". But Mr. Johns also said other regulations which also came into effect Thursday will save the welfare department department money. He noted that one regulation regulation prohibits any single, employable person under 18 from accepting welfare except except in special cases. An example of a special case would be' a teenager whose alcoholic father was continually beating him. Mr. Johns estimated this . new regulation would save about $100,000. during the rest of this year. The commissiner expressed expressed satisfaction with this regulation. Durham regional council should also be pleased with it. The council had sent a resolution to counties and regions in the province last April suggesting,,the change. ,Another regulation reduces the welfare payment to "a person who is sharing ac,- commodation with another ' person retefving welfare. Mr. Johns said'thi^ regulation regulation would result in a saving, but he did not know exactly how much. 1 1 businesses. The management Services Department of the Bank publishes a series of pamphlets pamphlets on Small Business Management, Management, provides information information on Federal assistance programmes available to bus-, inesses, organizës management management seminars and in other ways tries to help business people to improve on their management skills, this including including counselling assist- Dave's Plumbing Heating Electric Industrial-Commercial Residential Free Estimates 786-2471 R.R. 1 Orono BY AMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24-HOUR BURNERSERVOCE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: -, Tyfone 263-2650 Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Heating ' '24 Hoilr Sefvice New Installations Alterations - Repairs Specializingjn Hot Water Heating • Forced Air Heating Septic Tank Work R.R.l.Ôrono 983-5624 Call your licensed Plumbing and Mechanical Contractor who sells, installs and guarantees CARMAN Plumbing and Heating Phone 983-5207 Orono Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors - Tile 983-5441 Orono *. 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