10' ' Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 28,197fi Health unit prepares for immunization F Up and down the book staeks 1 would schedule strategy meetings meetings in the future as more information on the immunization immunization program is made available available by the provincial government, government, HORTICULTURAL NEWS (Continued from page 1 ) and other spring flowers will be set back severely, if not completely spoiled for this year. Weather, however, has no effect on the activity at the Orono Forest Station and we were fortunate in having Mr, W. R. Bunting at our meeting tp tell us about it. The slides were excellent and obviously had been carefully selected to illustrate the nature and scope of the Provincial Forestry Forestry Programme, and the Orono Station in particular. Established in 1922, the original nursery of 350 acres was extended to a total of 1350 acres in the late 1940's. Some 400 acres are suitable for nursery production, the remainder remainder being rough-rolling land suitable for plantations or lowland. Currently, the output of the nursery is 10 million trees per year, mostly cone-bearing trees. Approximately Approximately 70 per cent of the production is shipped for planting on crownlands, county county and conservation authority forests, and lands being • reforested under the Woodlands Woodlands Improvement Act 1966; the balance is planted by private landowners. Under the Woodlands Improvement Improvement Act all owners of five or more acres of land suitable for planting or Woodland Woodland Improvement can have the land planted without charge by thé Department of Lands and Forests. The owner pays' only for the nursery stock and must agree to protect the woodlands from fire, insect and grazing for a period of 16 years. The President, Mrs. Joan Couvier, thanked Mr. Bunting for his most interesting and informative talk and Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery provided entertainment on piano and saxaphofie. Mrs, Margaret Brbwn and Mrs. Jeanine Dupuis reported on their vi.%it to "A" Day For Gardeners", an annual event held at Sir Sandford* , Fleming College in Peterborough. Refreshments were served by Mrs: Margaret Hancock and helpers. Imagine! 10 million trees Shipped from our own Orono Nursery each and every year ' -enough to plant a double row 4 feet apart from Halifax to* Vancouver! ALCAN SIDING Soffit - Fascia - Eavestrough Doors - Windows - Shutters Awnings -20 YEAR GUARANTEE DURHAM INSTALLATIONS ORONO ' 983-5262 Some clinic sites have been established by the Durham Region Health Unit for a mass voluntary immunization immunization program to combat a potential outbreak of switi flu this year, according to Dr. Cam Stewart, Durham medical medical officer of health. Dr. Stewart said 12 schools located in the region have been designated as sites for special community clinics where the vaccine will be available for administration to about 120,000 select high- risk residents in the region. Clinics will be held in the • afternoons and evenings during during September and October at Bowmanville High School'; Newcastle Public School; Eastdale Collegiate, McLaughlin McLaughlin Collegiate, G.L. Roberts Secondary School and Durham Durham College in Oshawa; Henry Street High School in Whitby, Ajax district High School; Uxbridge High School; School; Port Perry High School and Brock High School "in Cannington. In addition to these sites, Dr. Stewart said, efforts are being made to establish special clinics in industrial plants, hospitals, homes and senior citizens' centres in the region wherever possible. Durham residents who will be urged to take advantage of the vaccination include : Everyone Everyone over 65 years of age; those who have chronic conditions conditions - heart disease, chronic bronchitis and other metabolic metabolic disorders - and people bewteen 20 and 50. Priority will be given to those working in essential services. "We can't do much more than that now," Dr. Stewart said this morning, "at least not until we get more information information from the ministry of health." He said the health unit Thursday, April 29, 1976 ADULT Prison of Grass by Howard Adams (Canada from the native point of view) Step by Step out of Grief by . Ivan Mattern (a book to lend encouragement after the death of a loved one) Doris Day Her Own Story by A. 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