2-- Ôrono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 5th, 1976 Second Class Mail Registration Number 6368 Published every Wednesday at the office of Publication Koy f'. Forrester, Editor , Rick Patterson, Advertising Manager WORLD RED CROSS DAY, 1976 Circle May 8th on your calendar. It's a special day, on which Societies of 122 countries will be celebrating World Red Cross Day, the birthday of the founder of Red Cross, Henry Dunant. RED IS-YOUNG is the official slogan this year, and the aim is to inspire everyone to participate dynamically in its programmes and rejuvenate our spirit of enterprise. There will be incentive aplenty in 1976, the year of the Olympic Games in Canada. Millions of people will be cheering the efforts of limber and dedicated amateur athletes. Many of the onlooker?, confirmed sports spectators, will be conscious of the fact that their own fitness is far below par. Throughout the two weeks of games, the good health habits, water skills and the enthusiasm and determination of youth - all comprised in .the programmes of Red Cross - will be actively demonstrated. The international gatherings of peoples for a sports event reflects the internationalism of Red Cross, with its emphasis bn world peace and international brotherhood. The wholehearted giving of the participants' time and energies reflects the spirit which motivates the 300 million volumteers of Red Cross throughout the world. On this World Red Cross Day, the Canadian Réd Cross Society asks those spectators who are young in age and young in heart to pl.edge themselves as volunteers, ready to help improve the lifestyles of those less fortunate wherever they may be. In this way, the 1976 Olmpiad will stand out as the time when the ideals and precepts of Red Cross and its ability to forge ahead with the times proves that in this respect particularly, Red Cross is Young, IS THIS BEING CONSISTANT The Town of Newcastle council on Monday night moved to encourage Eldorado to loqate in the south-east corner of the municipality. The decision was clear and decisive and made within the period of a relatively short time during the course of the regular meeting Whether the decision is right or wrong is not being discussed at this time. The interesting point is - how does council differentiate between the Eldorado development and that of the proposed Nuclear generating plant at the west end of the municipality. Surely there is great similarity both in operation, impact on the community and whatever. There can bfe little doubt that council has had there back up over the Hydro generating plant. They have failed to greet hydro as they have Eldorado in this latter case even though they have voiced great concern over, the dumping of refuse from the Port Hope refining plant. The operation of the Port Hope refinery must certainly had implications in that,Town or so it would appear from a recent report that of 714 properties already tested of the total 3350, 257 have shown some signs of , contamination. This is even more positive than any result to date over the operation of nuclear hydro plants. The Port Hope report further points out that of the 257 contaminated areas 73 will require extensive clean-up work. There was no mention of calling a vote or setting up a Liasion committee :., it was all go. It would appear that council has some form of v endetta against Ontario Hydro. "Flowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 (Bet/A SHotal c4%t 133 Church Street BowmaQville FRESH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS for > WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL and HOME L. 'IFF I V OF! 7TOOKONO Library costs too high too fast Councillor Kenneth Lyall issued a news release oVer the weekend concerning Library costs in the Town of Newcastle. Newcastle. "Last week, the local press ran a story about my attitude concerning Town Library spending under the headline "Lyall Claims Library Board Spends Too Much". "Not wishing the people of the Town of Newcastle to believe that I am a popoff-- here are the facts and figures about Library costs in this .area-befbre arid after Regional Regional Government". According to Mr. Lyall the total expenditure of tax dollars in the district amounted amounted to $52,388 in Ï972, two years before Regional Government. Government. Of this 1972 total of $52,388, the former Town of Bowman- ville spent $37,565 for Library services. The former Township Township of Clarke spent $12,823 and the former Village of Newcastle spent $2,000. These figures were taken from the financial statements of the municipalities for that year. Darlington Township, according to its statement spent nothing for Libraries. In 1973, the last year of pre-Regional Government, the total area expenditure for Library services amounted to $46,646. Bowmanville went for $33,250., Clarke $10,996, Newcastle Newcastle Village $2,400 for the total of $46,646. Again nothing showed in the Darlington statement for Library expenditures. expenditures. Thén along came Regional government in 1974 and the Town of Newcastle expenditures expenditures for Library services increased to $58,265. In 1975 Library costs went up again this time to $83,265. • 'The present Town budget indicates plans to spend $86,800 for Libraries for the .coming year", Mr. Lyall said. According to Councillor Lyall in 1973, the final year's Library costs when the area had the four communities of Bowmanville, Newcastle Village, Village, Clarke Township and Darlington was $46,646. The 1976 Budget figures indicate a spending of $86,800 - a hike in tax dollar spending for Libraries Libraries in three years amount to ■ $40,154. "This increase of $40,154 in three years occasioned my remarks at the Town Hall meeting to the effect that the Library Beard is spending too much and "how long can the taxpayers stand these increases increases and the other increases germaine t'o Regional Gov- * eminent?" "No one has to point out to me the value of our Library system as I am book person, but OUÇ Library system, like many other facets of Regional Government have gone too far-too fast. We can not have our cake and eat it too-we can not have equitable taxes and high municipal spending at the same time". "The Town is spending too many of its resident's tax dollars on its Library services and a roll back in Library costs is called for". Councillor Lyall concluded. (from page 1) PROVINCE WANTS NFWC TO WITHDRAW INTERIM secondary studies went eerie a year ago. "If we want to go ahead we will have to withdraw the plan, she said, but if we want to freeze development, then we do nothing. She stated that the Minister of Housing, Rhodes, met with council . and no one said anything. At this'point Coune. Entwisle, said he had, to which Counc. Cowmdn a- greedhehad. Counc. Allin said that Rhodes had given his opinion but council did not have to accept it. Mayor Rickard pointed out that Newcastle was attempting attempting to implement the Interim plan and it had taken night Authority negotiating for Cold Spring Camp after night of work in its preparation. Now the Minister Minister of Housing said it should have been approved month' ago. The difficulty is that ti v Region . will be coming out with their official plan within a month and no action will be taken with the Newcastle plan until the Regional plan is finally approved. Counc. Cowman moved that the Town of Newcastle Interim Interim plan be withdrawn to which she, did not receive a seconder. Council then passed a motion to receive the Michael's Michael's letter with no action to Last Thursday negotiations between the Ministry of Correctional Service and the Ganaraska Region Conservation Conservation Authority continued over the possible transfer of the Cold Spring Camp to the Authority. The two groups have had the matter under considéra- tion for a number of months. Correctional Services have discontinued using the camp for residents of the Pineridge School and the camp lies ideal. The camp is located in the centre of the Ganaraska Forests on the town line between the former Township of Clarke and Hope Township. It is some three miles north of the county road. The Authority has shown interest in obtaining the camp for the purpose of establishing establishing an outdoor educational centre within the forest as. well as a centre for outdoor recreation. The Authority jointly with the Ministry of Natural Resources are currently currently carrying out a study of the forest with the purpose of multiple use of the forest for timber production and for various forms of recreation. Chairman Roy Forrester stated stated that the camp would be a focal point for ' recreational activities in thé forest as well as being the centre for outdoor education. . 1 Although the Ministry pf Correctional Services and the NO MATTER WHAT THE JOB .. Authority had tentatively a- greed upon a lease for a period of ten years the Authority has requested consideration consideration of an outright purchase for a sum of $1,000.00. ' The Authority has noted that the camp has been located on Authority lands for the past fifteen years with no charge for rental. In view of this consideration the full Authority felt consideration should be given the Authority by the Ministry, The Minstry of Correctional Services is now considering the out-right pdrehase proposal made by the Authority. ' The camp consists of a dining hall, sleeping quarters,» a gym Building and a number of outbuildings. It was noted At the meeting that some work would have to be done to improve facilities. Ken Lyall questioned costs regarding taking the camp over and setting up an : outdoor .educational centre. He said .he"wotild be leery of ioperating .the'camp oyer the | extent of the full year but could see it operating as a summer camp. It was pointed out that the 'Authority is only at this time investigating the possibility ' of the outdoor centre and that to this end a trip to such an establishment was slated for May 9th to study such a proposal. ( Continued from page 1 ) $2,235,000.00 Where knows-what this is all about," said Counc. Cowman. With this remark Count-. Hobbs said it had been before council before. Counc. Tink said he knew what it was for, its the Soper Creek plant. The Mayor Rickard said he knew What it was and that it certainly had been before council and was approved. The correspondence was tabled. Call your licensed Plumbing and Mechanical Contractor who sells, installs and guarantees CARMAN Plumbing and Heating Phone 983-5207 Orono Tim's Rent-All Limited Sales and Service Try us for your Spring Garden needs: Lawn Rollers Spreaders Wheel Barrows Aerators Lawn Rakçs Post Augers Chain Saws Roto-Tillers ' IF YOU HAVE A JOB TO DO ' RENT THE TOOLS FROM US . ,55 King St. East Bowmanville 623-4S21