- With the closing out of the Orono Badminton club on Tuesday night it was 'Trophy Awards Night'.^Above Chris Van De Velde receives her trophy as a winner in the mixed doubles from organiz- member of the top ladies er and convenor of the doubles team. Mrs. Lowes tournament, Mrs_. Margaret played with Toni Den Hoi- Mercer. Mrs. Bjorg Lowes lander to win the ladies also receives her trophy as a double division. After four hours of plày on Tuesday night the men's double tournament was. decided. decided. Margaret Mercer presents presents trophies to John Wither- idge and Eric Burton on the extreme right as top winners. Myles MacLeod also received his trophy, as part of tfce winning team in the mixed doubles, playing with Chris Van De Velde. Runners-ups in the mixed doubles were Graham Crou- dher and Nita Davidson while runners-up in the ladies doubles were June Robinson and Janet Duvall. BADMINTON CLUB CLOSES OUT MOST SUCCESSFUL SEASON ; The Orono Badminton club closed out: the season on Tuesday evening at the Orono Public School with a Men's double tournament. Prior to Tuesday night the club had run-off tournament in Mixed Doubles and in Ladies Doubt' es. The Club plays out of the Orono Public School with Tuesday and Thursday nights badminton nights. In speaking speaking to Mrs. Mercer she said they had had a very successful successful season with attendance holding up well throughout. She said: there were generally some thirty present every night to play the sport. The club has operated now for a number i>£. years out of the school and has-brought much enjoyment to its members. members. ' V EVERYTHING'GO'FOR TENNIS AT ORONO PARK The Orono Tennis Club held a meeting on Sunday at which time plans for the season were unfolded to the general membership. There were some thirty in attendance' for the meeting, ; ' The club expects to conduct a clinic for Junior members on Saturdays and as well will have classes for ladies and Intermediate members. In speaking to the president, Mike Carman, he said he would like to see some films shown regarding the sport and would also like to have a pro visit the club. In the weekly schedule Monday evening is for mem, tuesday for women, Wednesday Wednesday for mixed play and Thursday, 5 - 9 for Juniors and Intermediates only . Memberships are ' to be taken out in the club by June 4th. Up to this,date last year memberships will be valid for play. NEW COURTSURFACE The club has engaged à firm to recoat the surfaces of the two courts. This is expected to be completed within a four day period sometime in May providing weather conditions are suitable. suitable. The club has sufficient funds to cover this expense. So now its off to the court for that summer sport of tennis. MORE YOUNG SOCCER PLAERS NEEDED If Oron is to have a Soccer team in the 11 to 14 year age group more players will hav,e to register. Any boys wanting to play in this age group are asked to phone 983-5840. More bodies are needed if the team is to survive. • ANNUAL MEETING ■ THIS SUNDAY EVENING The Orono Amateur Athletic Athletic Association is holding its annual meeting this' Sunday Joyce Major, Pres. Hockey Mothers The Orono Hockey Mothers held their annual meeting on April 22 with 14 present. The following officers were elected for the 1976-77 season : Past President - Jancie Quarn trill President - Joyce Major Vice President - Lenore Hickey Sec.-Treas. - Carol Graham Directors: Carolyn Johnson, Johnson, Gail Stapleton, Maureen Munford, Maria Murree, Shirley Shirley Henry, June Heard, Cindy Bob, Ev. Olesdn, Kay Gustar, ' Beth Carr, Nola Bridger, Judy Hall, Joan Mitchell. During the year the Hockey Mothers ran concession bo ot lies ,at* the Wrestling Matches Matches and the Street Fair for a total profit of $127.57. Our annual Penny Sale at the Orono Fair brought a profit of $550.12. The sàle of Hockey Pins brought a profit of $102.46. The Hockey Mothers donated donated $2.50 per hockey player so the coadhes could give them a banquet for a total of $421.00. Our annual ft.H.L. Draw for $500.00 will be held again this year'when the final hockey is played. Tickets are $1.00. We thank all the mothers who helped in any way during the year. " . . " :"" \.~r evening in the Orono Arena. The occasion will mark reports reports for over the past year along with the' election of officers 'and directors for the organization. The meeting is being called for 8:00 p.m. • Plan now : to attend to give your support to the orgaiza- tion providing sporting activities, activities, for the youth of the community, Annual Meeting Oroiio Amateur Athletic Orono Arena Sun., May 8th at 8.00 p.m. • t Reports and Plans for the Future Everyone welcome CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Department of Recreation & Parks Women's LOBB Ball Registrations Orono Town Hall MAY 17, 18.19 7: 30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Newcastle Town Hall MAY 17, 18,19 "7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. - Bowmanville Town Hall , MAY 18,19, 20 < ; -0 Q.m. to0:00p.m. PLAY IT COOl" ADD A POOI. SUMMER IS MORE FUN 'with YOUR OWN POOL We are prepared to discuss your new pool with you. COMPLETE INSTALLATION or POOL KITS CHEMICALS - WATER DELIVERY LLOYDTAYLOR Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5003 ffEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Swimming Pool Employment Persons interested in applying for employment as a Lifeguard at Orono, Newcastle or Bowmanville Pools are invited ftp attend a general meeting for all applicants AT BOWMANVILLE town hall ' CHAMBERS • i , * V , ON THURSDAY, MAY 6 - , AT7.36plm. For further information please contact: MR. J. CARUANA • Phone 983-5558, 987-5939 or 623-3114, Ext. 32 oç 46