8-- Woho Weekly Times; Wednesday, May 5th, 1976 w from the Schools Orono Public School SPRING CONCERT On May 19, 1976 there will be a Spring Concert held at Orono Public School. Each class will be singing 2 - 4 songs each. , The time for the afternoon performance will be 1!30; 3:30. The night performance will being at 7:00 and end at 9:00. The tickets are selling at $.50 each. Everyone is, welcome welcome to come. By Sharon Simpson A TRIP TO THE PIONEER CAMP The grade 5 - 6 students of. Orono Public School are very excited. On Wednesday May 26, Friday, May 28 approximately approximately 80 students will be going to the Junior Pioneer Camp. The camp is located 3 miles from Port Sydney and 10 miles south of Huntsville. It is run by Mr. M. Lee and staff. There will be 3 teachers from Orono Public School and 7 parent volunteers going. The teachers are Mr. G. Yeo, a grade 6 teacher, Mrs. J. Deremo who teaches grade 4 and Mr. D. Smith who teaches grade 2. The camp provides a qualified staff for each of the following canoeing, orienteering, orienteering, animal study, forest ecology, perception walk's, archery and rock and soil study. The students will be divided into groups of approximately approximately 22 people and one teacher or parent volunteer and a staff member. ^ The student^ of O.P.S. went to this camp last year and enjoyed it very much. The trip was very exhausting. Mr. G. Yeo and teacher hope this trip will betas good as the last one. The students and teacher's thank Mr. Lee for asking them back. By Annette Stephenson CANADA FITNESS TESTS On Thursday, April 29" Canada Fitness Tçsts Were held at Orono Public School. There was 10 captains who had 25 to 30 people in their team, There were several parent volunteers who came to time the students. The first event was the fifty yard re, in which you were to run 50 yards as fast as possible. As many speed sit ups that could be done in 1 minute for die speed sit up event. The flexed arm hang is an event where you hang onto a bar as long as possible. A course of 30 feet long is, ( measured for the shuttle run. A marker is placed at the end of 36 feet. On the signal "go", students run the 30 feet and pick up a bean bag and return it to the starting line. This is done for two bean bags. By Kathy Bambrick GYMNASTICS On Thursday, April 29 at Bowmanville High School a gymnastics competition was held. The four girls that went to the competition were Sherry Nancekievill, Lynn Williams, Janette Armstrong and Kelly Hall and they tried their very best. The girls from Orono Public School placed in this order, Sherry Nancekievill seventh, Lynn Williams nineth, Janette Armstrong Armstrong tenth and Kelly Hall placed eleventh. In the vaults Bonnie Irwin placed fourth and Donna Colvin placed fifth. In the boys vaulting Joey Peeters placed fourth, Kevin Talsma place fifth and Parker Pepper placed sixth. All of these boys and girls are very grateful to Mrs. Joan Deremo, Mrs. A. Àllin, Mrs. Fran Lunn and Mr. Grant Yeo, for the time and help they gave the girls Wit the music for the.routines. • By Sherry Nancekievill NATURE Back at the lake, the air so crisp and clear, The pitter-patter of chipmunks chipmunks in a distance I can hear. ' The ripples in the water, splash against the rocks, •in the clean cleat water we wash our dirty socks Birds are flying through the ■ air, lying there I did stare, Then •turning my head around, around, across the road I saw a hare. Its getting late the sun begins to set, I guess my supper I'll start to get. The hoot of an owl, the growl of a bear, You must be careful and must be aware. Of course the animals aren't . the only ones, There's the tree in the woods and the stream that runs. Please be careful -with matches matches and flame, For forest fires they start and what a shame. Its time to go to bed now, I've got to get some sleep For early in the morning, the birds begin the peep. I've got to go to sleep now tommorrow's on its way Vnd then once again I'll start an early day. By Annette Stephenson Clarke High School MAGAZINE CAMPAIGN COMPLETED In an assembly which was held on Tuesday, April 27, Clarke finished its magazine campaign for 1976. Before the magazine campaign was under under way Mr. Lowry, a phys-ed teacher at Clarke and Paul Quinney, the co-president of the student's council promised promised the students that if $5,000. was raised, they would be the recipients of a pie throwing Spree which was to be directed by them. As our campaign progressed, Mr. Sylvestervich, Vice : Principal of Clarke stated that if $6,000, was raised he would join Paul Quinney and Mr. Lowry. We raised $6,131. Accompanied by a drum roll, Mr. Sylvestervich, Sylvestervich, Paul Quinney and Mr. Lowry were led to the stage. They were asked if they had any last requests Or words - Paul Quinney asked for a cigar and received one. Grace Vanniejenhuis, who sold 29 magazine subscriptions subscriptions threw a chocolate pie at Paul Quinney. Cathy Brough, who sold the most subscriptions subscriptions en the Easter week-end threw a lemon merange pie at Mr. Lowry. Mr. Sylvestervich, Sylvestervich, dressed in a bright yellow track suit and goggles, was the recipient of a ■ thocolate pie thrown by Janet Lawrence a grade 11 student i who sold 25 subscriptions. Needless to say all the students enjoyed this assembly!!. assembly!!. By Jo-anne Danilko O. Chatterton Electrical Contracting Phone . or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Orono Electric Herb and Gerry Duvall 983-5168 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances " TV. - COLOUR T.V. ' RADIO-HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE ' RCA ELPJCTROHOME . Giaaranteed Service ' CANOEING TRIP 32 students from Clarke High School, Mr. Çarlson and Mr. and Mrs. Lowry, who are phys-ed teachers at Clarke went on a 3 day canoeing trip to Buckhorn Wilderness Area •which is about 20 miles from Apsley. The 32 students were Bob Boyd, Jack Julicher, Cathy Brough, Mark Breen, Gary Zulauf, Gail Bryn- Jones, Mike Maitland, Janet Shoenmaker, . Phyllis Cox, Christine. Benedict, David Rowley, Don Dennis Laura McKnight, Shirley Allin, Maurice Allin, Calvin Allin, Patti Lunn, Muriel gibson, Anna Ciesielski, Brad Hillis, Brad Freethy,. Colin Brqdy, Toni Bellefontaine, Darlene Jenkins, Danny Quinney, Brian Hoogkamp, Susan Partridge, Partridge, Joanne Collier, Nancy Gro.ot, Janet Lovekin, John Nanninga, and John Bojorek. They left on Wednesday, April 28 at; 8:00 a.m. and returned on Friday, April 30 at 9:00 p.m. Each student paid $20.00 but they had to supply their own sleeping bag, tent and knapsack. ROCK STAR DAY For the first time in Clarke High School's history, a rock-star day was held.' On Friday, April 36 students were asked to dress up as their favourite rock star. Seme students came as Jim Croce, Alice Cooper, Davie Bowie and Kiss (Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss and Paul Stanley). - Kelly Myers, a grade nine student at Clarke came to school dressed as Gene Simmons, Simmons, a member of the rock band Kiss. For imitating Gene Simrtieps, Kelly reciev-. ed the latest Pink Floyd L.P. "Wish You Wcre^fere". A grade 12 student, Greg Winterhelt received a 45 record by Elton John for second place. He came to school dressed as the late folksinger Jim Croce. By Jo-anne Danilko Car wash On Saturday, May 1 two car washes were held by the students of Clarke High school. One of the car washes was held in Rahm's Garage in Orono and the other one was held in the Town Hall parking lot in Newcastle. The students raised a sum of $120.00. Marcel Charland's team from Orono won first place by washing 53 cars'on Saturday, the second place team was Shauna McLay's group from Newcastle. St. Saviour's News' St. Saviours held a pot luck supper on Sunday evening to say good-bye to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spry and family who have taken up residence in Cobourg where Roy is. now employed. As a parting Roy and Bettÿ were presented with a silver tray with a suitable inscription. inscription. Master Stephen Chriso- malis presented Betty with flowers and Mr. and Mrs. Don Tansley presented them with a gingerbread church, a replica of St. Saviours. Rev. Hayne gave a few remarks on Betty and Roy's faithful service to St. Saviours. Saviours. Betty and Roy will surely be missed in the Church and community. Grand jury wants full investigation A MOTHER'S DAY PRAYER Dur father in heaven whose love is devine Thanks for the love of a mother like mine And in thy great mercy loçk down from above And grant this dear mother the gift of your* love And all through» the year 'whatever betide her - ' Assure her each day that you» pre beside her. , And father in Heaven show me the way To lighten he/ tasks and brighten her day And bless her dear heart with the insight to see That her 'love means more than the world to me. ' The Durham Grand Jury in submitting a report to Mr, Justice J. D. Cromarty last Tuesday asked that the Ontario Ontario Ombudsman conduct a full investiagtion ef the Pine- ridge school in Bowmanville. Last Friday the school was opened to the news media te counteract statements in the report. The jury report stated they had meet on two occasions the same boy, once at Pineridge and later at the Whitby Psychriatric hospital. The boy was said to be disturbed and very upset on both occasions. ■In commenting on detention centre at Pineridge the report stated , that the centre was very inadequate. Broken glass from two doors in the holding cells could have been used by boys who were upset enough to attempt suicide. The holding cells are used for periods up to forty-ejght hours for correctional purposes. purposes. It has been stated that boys are only placed in the cells under extrême circumstances circumstances and it was further pointed out that the doui= Qre not always locked. The jury also stated that some furniture was disgraceful disgraceful and had been deliberately damaged. The'report commended several several of thp training facilties but that others did need new equipment and paint. . It has been pointed out that the boy met in both Bowmanville Bowmanville ajid Whitby was one 1 of the most difficult boys ever at the school, He has since the report been transferred to Browndale/a residential trea- tément centre. The school, a former prisoner prisoner of war camp is some fifty years old and with a limited budget difficult to maintain. It Was also pointed out that the school is regularly inspected inspected by various provincial officials. LAWN BOY in it. DELUXE 19". Model 5269F With Catcher. Exclusive 2-cycle LAWN-BOY engine engine With finger-tip starting. Sin 1 plified carburetor eliminates, justments. Extra-quiet, under-V. deck muffler. Lightweight deck, easy-roll wheels. Patented safety features. Six-position height adjustment. adjustment. Grass catcher assembly optional. ROLRH DOMINION Hardware 5 Luxury Motorcooch touff Blue Grass Country & Georgia 9 Days departing: May 16 • July 25 t August 19 • Octobers Williamsburg & Penn. Dutch 9 Days departing: , July t0- * August 14 Sept- 11 * Sept. 2£ New England & Cape Cod 7 Days departing: July 24 • Sept. 11 Sept. 18 & 25 • Oct. 2 Frankenmuth, Mackinac Island & Agawa Canyon 6 Days departing: July 25 • Sept. 12 Sept. 19 & 26 • Oct. 3 /Is well as many, departure dates to Eastern & Western Canada » California, 'Fall Florida Jours and Long Weekend Specials. '■ ■