Kendal News x --itie.kiSs of the sun for pardon The song of. the birds- for. ■ mirth , ;',Dne is nearer God's heart in a • • garden' : Than anywhere else on earth. Afterenjoying the warmest April in nineteen years we are • now getting an abundance of j rain in May. There are some , fine gardens planted in Kendal. Kendal. However some of us with heavier land plant ours on the twenty fourth of May to get ■the best results. Mr. Harding is building a new house on the former Bill Curtis farm,-on the eighth line, just north of Mr. Jack Carscadden home. , On Tuesday, May 11, Mrs. R. Elliott, Mrs. E, Foster, Mrs. G. Cathcart and Miss' Catherine Stewart attended the District Annual of. West durham Institute held in , Trinity United Church Bow- . manville. On Saturday evening May 15 Kendal Jamboree was held in the Public School auditorium. auditorium. It was a marvellous program beginning with "Pack up your troubles". ■ Kendal Sunday school scholars scholars put on various special UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge I Minister MVlgVSfcf Rev. B.E. Long B. Th. ORGANIST & CHOIR ... DIRECTOR ■ .. Mr. Douglas Dewell Sunday, May 23, 1976 Orono United Church Church School 10:60 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. " Fellowship Group immediately after Church t Upper C. E.-Auditorium Kirby United Church Morning Worship 9:45 a.m Church School 11:00 atm. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 numbers Lisa Hoy played an instrumental, Danny Webster played a coronet solo accompanied accompanied by Mrs. G. Brewer, Donald Fonk and Robin Ibbotson sang two duets -accompanied at. the piano by Mrs. K. Wood, Rose marie Sol of Curtis gave two delightful numbers one with a dancing puppet the other with a small instrument to accompany her song. The couples club orchestra of Kendal accompanied Mr. Mark Wagar and Mrs. J. Fonk as they sang "This is my Everything". The Brooklin orchestra called called "The Country Teens" and led by Mr. Joe Howe gave several numbers. "The singing auctioneer", was the otie that received the most applause. Then a fashion fashion show caused a lot of mirth as our capable "Master of Cerefnonies" appeared as a beautifully dressed lady, followed followed by another unlady-like lady and the last one was a very fat man who resembled a thin lady of our village. The Kendal group sang 'The Green green grass of Home" and the final number was "Precious Lord take my Hand", led by 'the singing of Mr. Stan Hoy, Mrs. Judy Fonk and Mr. Mark Wagar and accompanied by the couples orchestra. Miss Cor- rine Turansky the secretary of our Sunday School announced announced that they had taken .in $248.00. Lunch and a social time were enjoyed by all. We were sorry to hear that Mrs. Ester Kerslake of St. Catherines had passed away. She was an aunt of Mrs. Martin Foster. Mr. and Mrs. M. Foster went to Delhi to attend the funeral this past week end. She spent her summers at Kendal. Glen stayed with his Uncle Roy Foster while his parents were away. » Miss Ann Foster who is in charge of work with retarded children in Toronto spent the work end at .home with her parents. Rev. G. Montgomery gave a fine sermon on Sunday entitled "Ye shall be my witnesses". It was "Penticost Sunday". t May Is Water System Month 10% Off any Water Pump purchased during the month of May (Cash Sales Only) Harvey Partner . and Sons PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRIC Phone 983-5206 ' Orono, Ontario Kirby News On Sunday, May 9th the Kirby Church was filled to observe Mother's Day. There were six children baptized. Rev. Long baptized the following following children. Melissa Ruthe Colville, daugher to Brian and Ruthe Colville; Kevin Lloyd Goode, son of Bob and Gwen Goode, Glen Malcolm Harris son of Ronald and Julie Harris ; James Laverne Mercer son of Bruce and Bonnie Mercer, April June Switzer daugher of Mel and Catherine Switzer and Bradley John Switzer son of Mel and Catherine Switzer. On Tuesday May 11 the U.C.W- held their monthly meeting at the Church with 11 present. Our President opened opened the meeting with a poem. God's Love. Hymn 15 For the Beauty of The Earth was sung followed by prayer. Grace Reid gave the Fellowship of the Least Coin entitled Unity In the Neighbourhood by Winnifred Keys of Australia followed by prayer. Hymn, Come We That Love Thé Lord was sung. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted followed followed by roll call. 1 Barb Cochrane gave, the Treasurer report. We are having a bake sale at the home of Alva Reids on June 5th, All members are to be contacted for baking. On June 12th we are to cater to a bus laod of ladies front Toronto. Clothing brought or donated to (lie Church are to be put into our sale to be held the first or second Wed. of June along with the other items being sold. Date to be set. Grace Reid reported on our adopted child. He is Hindu, born in 1973 and is called F.C. We were pleased to have Mae Allin back with us after her eye surgery. Mae thanked everyone, for cards and flowers flowers received while she was convaliscing. Mrs. C. Lowery was in charge of the Devotional and study period. Scripture, acts 3 1 16 was read. Members divided into two groups for study of scripture in reference reference t,o (1) Home base (2) the World (3) Missionary Role (4) Motivation and how its related related to the Hutdon profile. Who are Missionaries in Brazil. Hymn 7 was sung followed by the mispah.benediction. Mrs. Ethelda Williamson, London spent a couple of days last week with her aunt Mrs. Catherine Lowery. The Cancer Society wishes ' to thank all who contributed to the Cancer fund from the Kirby area. The sum of $150.00 was donated. Thanks to all. Sorry I haven't been getting the news in lately, I will try to do better. Mr. and Mrs. Les Hrebicek, Toronto were Mother's Day week end guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ball and attended the Christening Christening of their nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hird, Whitby, attended the christening christening of their nephew Glen Harris, Mrs. Lawrence Harris is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulford and children at Meaford. While Evelyn is in the Hospital. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 19th, 1976--9 Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. William Hooey (centre) along with their bridesdmaid and best man of ton. soifle twenty-five years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Middle- Mr. & Mrs. W. Hooey celebrate anniversary On May 1st, 1976, in the Oddfellow's Hall in Orono, about 200 relatives, friends and neighbours gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs. William Hooey and their family on the occasion of their 25th Anniversary., Anniversary., Bill and Connie were escorted escorted to their chairs-by Edgar and Wilda Middleton, who were their escorts when they were married. Mr.' Ronald Moffalt, Bow- manville, (Bill's cousin) was a very able IVlaster Of Ceremonies,, and after his address, called on Mr. Harold King (Connie's Father) for a few words, also Mr. Donald. Tansley, Mr. Vern Harris, and Mr. Charles Gray, and they all heartily responded. They were then presented with a complete Dinner Service for Twelve,' in Paragon Paragon China with Silver rims, also à Money Tree from the Staff at, Orono'Post Office. Numerous gifts of 'glass.and china, cards etc. were displayed displayed on thé table, IJilï and Connie thanked everyone for their kindness ami word pleased to have so many there » on this happy- day. Dancing then followed, after after • which a -delicious lunch was served to wind up the evening. i LAWN BOY Believe in it. Clarke holding third spring concert The Clarke High . School music students are preparing for their Third Annual Spring concert, Tuesday, May 25th, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. This will be our last concert this year. The cost of admission is: Adults $1:50 - Students $.75. Our L.P. record was cut almost 3 weeks ago. Copies will be ready for sale soon. All $63,750 grant for flood plain mapping A $63,750 grant for flood- plain mapping on the Ganar- aska River and its tributaries will be provided to the Ganaraska Region Conservation Conservation Authority, Natural Resources Resources Minister Leo Bernier announced today. in 1974 and 1975, the Authority carried out flood- plain mapping on various streams flowing into Lake 1 Ontario in the Hamilton Township-Coboprg area as well as in the' vicyiity of Newcastle. It,was part of -the Authority's water management management program. ' ÿ " During 1976, Authority pla-' ns include aerial-photography engineering and mapping. Mapping will cover 120 miles of watercourse having a cjrainage area of 103 square miles. • • , C.H.S. music student^ will be selling,them. Records pay be bought in advance. .' Amy Morton Sr. Band Publicity DELUXE 19". Model 5269F Mfi£h Catcher. Exclusive 2-cycle LAWN-BOY en gine with finger-tip starting. Simplified Simplified carburetor, eliminates adjustments. adjustments. Extra-quiet, under-the- deck muffler. Lightweight deck, easy-rol! -wheels. Patented' safety features. Six-position height ad-' justment. Grass catcher assembly' optional. ROLF H Dominion Hardware etiMBsiWiarcfitt; "Flowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 ^JSev'â 3lotal cS%t 133 Church Street Bowmanviile FRESH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS for WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL and HOME FREE DAILY DELIVERY TO ORONO | * iç BOWMANVILLE BROADLOOM for BROADLOOM, KITCHEN FLOORING CUSTOM INSTALLATION Free Estimates - Free Delivery 72 KING ST. WEST, BOWMANVILLE 623-5054