i Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday Meals on Wheels for Ôrono area Last week Rev. Basil E. Long, pastor of the Orono United Church charge waè elected to the office of President-Designate of the Bay of Quinte Conference of the United Church of Canada. Rev. Long was chosen on the first ballot from a slate of four candidates, Rev. J. Leslie Dean from the Belleville Presbytery, Rev. Donald Drew from the Kingston Presbytery, Rev. B. Long from the Oshawa Presbytery and Mrs. Olive Richardson from Oshawa and supported by the Renfrew Presbytery. The election of Rev. Long as President-Designate bestows bestows great honour not"only to himself but for the congregation congregation of both the Orono and the Kirby United Churches. It has been reported that this was the first time in many years that this position has been filled on the first ballot. Rev. Long holds this position position for a period of a year when a t that time he automatically automatically takes over as President of the Bay of Quinte Conference. Conference. Rev. Long has not only been most active within his own foappemngs... GREMLINS AT WORK Last week seemetj tof be the week of gremlins at the Orono Times. First we reported that funds from the Firefighters pancake breakfast would be in support of Cystic Fibrosis. This is not the case as the firefighters support Muscular Dystrophy. Secondly a front page picture of* activities at the Kinsmen Monte Carlo night noted Kin Ron Hadley at the Over* and Under table with Mrs. Rod Carveth a player. This particular picture appears in this week's issue. ON THE DEAN'S LIST Louise Van Niejenhuis, a former student at Clarke High School and now attending ■ Calvin College "in - Grand Rapids, Michigan, has been placed on the Dean's list of the College for her academic achievenments during the year. In correspondence with Mr. A. Witherspoon, principle of the school, congratulations were expressed to the school for the excellent academic preparation .being given the students at Clarke. WILL DECIDE IF NEW ARE AT FAIR GROUNDS A special meeting of the members of the 1 Durham Central Agricultural.Society has been called for,Monday, June 7th at 8.00 p.m. when the full membership will be asked to vote on a proposal to construct a new arena-çommimity centre complex on their property in Orono. The meeting is being held in the Orono arena. 120 ATTEND NEWTONVILLE MEETING * 120 residents of the Newtonville area attended a meeting last Wednesday over the possibility of future developments in the Port Granby area by Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. Councillor Lyall voiced his objection to any development by the company in the area. Mayor Rickard when asked his view by chairman John Veldhuis declined to make a committment at this time. ministry in Orono but has held various offices with the Bay of Quinté Conference as well as being chairman of the Oshawa Presbytery for a perivu of a year. Prior to his election as President-Designate President-Designate Rev. Long held the position of Secretary of the Settlement Committee for the Conference. His election came at the meeting of the Conference in Kingston at McArthur College, College, Queen's University. Rev. Long came to the Orono charge in 1957 following a term of two years with the Quyon Pastoral Charge in Quebec. Rev. Long was ; ordained at Queen's Theological Theological College in 1955. May we extend our congratulations, congratulations, to Rev. Long. Town issues booklet on mosquitos "A booklet on mosquito control and facts concerning Encephalitis will be in the mail to all Town of Newcastle householders this coming week". Councillor Kenneth E. Lyall made this statement in a press release over last week-end. At a recent meeting of the Town of Newcastle Council, Mr. Lyall was delegated to get the booklet into the hands of local residents. It. is entitled "Mosquito Control and What You Can Do" and was published by the Ontario Department of the Environment. Environment. • "This is a good piece of work" Mr. Lyall stated "The, booklet indentifies the different different types of mosquitos prevalent prevalent in Ontario, what can be done to control the pests and outlines facts concerning the CULEX. mosquito that can spread the disease Encephalitis. Encephalitis. The booklet will be mailed via Household Delivery. Mr. Lyall said "If any home is missed by the mailing and a person so missed wants a copy of the publication, I can be reached at 987-5020 and I will make arrangements to get a e copy forwarded ' '. Lyall favours retaining marsh Councillor Lyall of the Region of Durham was one of five to respond to a question- air e circulated by the Durham Durham Region Field Naturalists to Regional councillors asking asking their opinion of the Oshawa Second Marsh. Of the five returning their forms four were in favour of preserving the Second Marsh rather than having it developed developed as a harbour. Councillor Lyall also through through the questionairc stated that he would be seeking re-election. Bid for rezoning fails A bid by Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. to have lands they own or control in the south-east of the Town of Newcastle rezoned failed last Thursday when the company met with members of the Town of Newcastle Council. The company owns and control some 605 acres in the Port Granby area where now they operate a dump on a 28 acre site. ' It has been reported that Mayor Rickard refused thp request for rezoning as it would be "out of order at this time". Eldorado also asked for a series of in-camera meetings which both the Mayor and Count - . Lyall opposed. Counc. Lyall was critized by' the ■ company representative as having a closed mind on the issue. Following the meeting whi,- ch lasted less than ah hour Counc. Lyall said nothing was accomplished with no response response from either the Town or Eldorado. Following a meeting of .the Newcastle Social Planning Council, in Orono last week a Meals on Wheels program is to be organized for the Village. A motion by Mrs:* Grace Gibson of Newcastle and Rev. Haynes was passed by the close to thirty in attendance. Mrs. D. German of Orono was delegated to organize the program and to seek volunteers. volunteers. Mr. Wiseman of Newcastle Newcastle will provide the nutritional meals for the program when it begins operation in the- Village. The program is designed for the elderly who may find it difficult to prepare meals. Sènior citizens in the area will be contacted by the Orono group/and will be left literature literature pertaining to the program. program. This literature will also contain forms which the individuals will complete 1 if they are interested in taking part in the service. Although the program will initially be called. Meals on Wheels it is the intention to extend it to a Community Care Service. During the course of the evening it was pointed out that the president, Mrs. Joan Higginsoh and Mrs. Pat Rundle had attended a seminar seminar concerning the Meals on Wheels program. Other services were- also considered at last Thursdays meeting including transportation transportation for senior citizens, handy work programs and cooking lessons. It was pointed out that one of the problems in promoting servies is that people tend not to ask for services even though they may require a particular servce. In a survey last year senior citizens topped the list with the need for transportation. transportation. PC speaker critical of N DP attacks Speaking before about forty members of the Durham East Progressive Conservative Party last week in Bowrnan- ville'■ Terry Jones, PC MPP for Mississauga North concerned concerned a good portion of his Speech to an attack on the NDP. He said Ontario could not stand for the 'ruthless, irresponsible attack upon our 'institutiôns' , by the NDP. He also critized the NDP for claiming a monopoly on the concern for their fellow man and giving "the indication they are the friends of business. He pointed out that past history in other provinces, especially in thé west, had proven other- wsie. Here he referred to the potash industry in Saskat chewan where the NDP party would have nothing to do with when it was at a low ebb but nationalized the industry when it got back on its feet and surged ahead. NDP policies, he said, have destroyed destroyed business and the corpse of businessmen lay across the three western NDP provinces. The speaker said the present present Conservative government (Continued page 4) MORE TIME TO DO LESS What many people are looking for today is: Less to do, more time to do it in, and more pay for not getting it done. ; With the completion of the NH-L championships and the final game of the final series being 'played 1 a winner was determined for the 1 Orono < Hopkey Mother's NHL ,draw. The winner this year was Mr., Ron " Good' of, Orono with a total prize of $500.00. The seller of the winning ticket', Mrs. Betty Lycett received a sum of $25.00. According to Treasurer Mrs.'Carole Graham Graham all 1195 tickets were sold. The winging ticket is determined determined by the time' of the winning goal coming at ' 14, minhtes and 18 seconds. Pictured above at the- -presentation of- the cheques are Mrs. Carole Graham., treasurer of the Hockey Mothers, Mrs. Betty Lycett, Mr. Ron Good and Mrs. Joyce Major, president of the Hockey Hockey Mothers. The local ladie's organization does assist with funding equipment and ice time for -the various hockey teams under the sponsorship of the Orono Amateur Ahtle- tic Association.