OPP REPORT During the past week the Ontario Provincial Police at Newcastle investigated . 15 motor vehicle accidents and attended several general occurrences. occurrences. These motor vehicle collisions collisions caused injury to eight persons, and as a rèsult of investigation six persons have been charged with offences under thé Highway Traffic Act and two persons have been charged with "Impaired Driving". The general occurrences investigated included offences offences such as Break and Entér, Theft, Wilful Damage, and Trespass. Nine persdns have been charged with offences under the Liquor Licence Act, two persons have been charged with offences under the Criminal Criminal Code and four persons have been charged with Impaired Driving. DRIVING TIP: STOPPING ON THE HIGHWAY Drivers ! One place not to stop your vehicle is on the, travelled portion of a Highway. Highway. This is both dangerous and illegal. If for any reason you must stop on a Highway, always pull off onto the On Saturday night Dave and Carol King, 5 year residents of Orono, were recipients of a going away party held at the New Dutch Oven. About 36 of their close friends were on hand to give them a fine farewell party. Pictured above are Dave and Carol displaying an eight day clock they were presented with. Up and down the book stacks Thursday, June 10th, 1976 V. ADULT Fatu-Hiva by Thor Heyerdahl . (the author spent a year on an island, imitating a Robinson Robinson Crusoe existance) ' Deciduous Garden Trees & Shrubs by Anthony Huzley (well illustrated & Informative Informative book) Improving Garden Soil with * Green Manure by R. Alther Sharks & Shipwrecks by Hugh Edwards (tales of divers tru and horrifying experiences experiences with sharks) / The Murdock Legacy by Irma Walker (romatic suspense) Hot Paper by Gerald Astor (what happens when a N.Y. bank is ripped off for $13.(100,000) The Drums of Kui'u by .Japhet Delft (sophisticated spy thriller) The Incredible Duchess by Doris Leslie (historical novel novel of Elizabth Chudleigh in fhe Royal Household). JUNIOR ' Mouse <K Company by Lilo Hess (life cycle of a deer mouse) ^ Geography a Study of its Elements by Quentin Stanford Stanford Great Men of Medicine by Ruth Hume Shanymen of Cache Lake by Bill Freeman (winner of the Canâda Council Award) EASY READING & » ' PICTURE BOOHS Dig, Drill Dump, Fill by Tana Hoban The Girl Who Would Rather Climb Trees by Miriam Schlein Madeleine Hadley PICKERING AIRPORT STATEMENT BY DR. CHARLES GODFREY Intimidation and fraudulent practices are being used to threaten residents of the proposed Pickering Airport area. Following a widely circulated press release which which stated the Federal Government Government had obtained warrants of possession to" their proper- ■' ties, area residents are being served with documents on Department of Public Works note-paper which authorizes the bearer to take physical possession. The result is that many bewildered and harassed harassed older owners have been flurried into signing leases which gives the Federal Government (lie authority to take over the property and further to evict occupants in A poster created by Julie Reed and Vickie Clarke ; topped off the evening, reading reading "From the Mill Pond of Orono to the Lily Pad of Ste. Foy, Quebec. 90 days for any cause. In effect this is a document which stops any further resistance to the airport at peril of being evicted. This step is only one more in a series of harassments and frustrations. Surveillance cars patrol the area. Ominous signs note the railway crossing crossing are private and drivers cross at their own risk. The Federal Government land negotiators have no authority authority to deal with lawyers in a definitive manner. To stop this harassment and demonstrate good faith the /-' f r r /°ral Govt, should immeoj^'V give clear notification notification to all owners of their' rights. In order to obtain a warrant of possession the Federal Government agent and the owners must appear before a magistrate who will then decide whether a warrant warrant of possession is reasonable. reasonable. Following such a decis- , ion there are many more steps which can be taken before physical possession can be taken. Spurious documents and harassment by press release must cease immediately and those who have been involved in this practice should be fairly reprimanded. The people, people, of Pickering have suffered enough from bungling and bullying. . Orono Weekly Times, June 9, 1976 shoulder. Vehicles stopped on delicate flavour. It is the travelled portion of a Highway have cuased many serious collisions. When pulling pulling back on the road again after a stop, make sure the road is clear and signal your, intentions. These are simple, precautions, but they can help prevent serious collisions. . G.W. Brun ton Community Services Officer 3 a refreshing change from the overly tangy or strong-flavoured strong-flavoured regular dressings, and particularly delicious with the Apple - Nut Salad. SUMMER IS SALAD TIME , A combination including Gouda cheese from Holland, sugar and curry may sound (Off beat, but this, creamy' dressing has a unique and Building a House? or remodelling your present one? Then contact: Floyd Nicholson Orono 983-5049 Orono Towing j GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Oronol "Flowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 '(f$ev A 5total cAtt 133 Church Street Bowmanville FRESH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS for WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL and HOME FREE DAILY DELIVERY TO ORONO Attention Farmers!! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON * Diesel Fuel * Motor Oil * Gasoline Phone 668-3381 - Collect DX FUEL OIL For Prompt Courteous Service , CALL US TODAY For Roasting 3 to 31/2 lb. avg. LOIN "O" PORK lb. $1.19 Family Pak 9 to 11 Chops (Centrés and Ends Mixed) PORK CHOPS lb. $1.39 By-The-Piece "Ranch Style" v BOLOGNA lb. $ .48 Maple Leaf 6 oz. Pkg.' COOKED HAM ea. $1.09 Province of, Ontario BOUND THESE FOOD SPEC/Al£ ) Û Natural for the Barbecue PORK RIBS . > , LB. $1.29 (Country Style) ■ (Perfect for the Barbecue) , SKINLESS WIENERS - , LB. $.88 ■ ; Maple Leaf or All Beef 16 oz, Pkg. CORNISH'Si