w ■ ■; V.V» * , ! : >x-<::-::.::;: : x ; Vf#** <&■ <*»*>»*< Ar<»y« A / ' »" 'Vri iBSSS ■H gf§§H 4 - Orpno Weekly Times, June 9, 1976 ■ ■ the Bible must be the centre Kendal News Of theft faith. The Kendal United Church Women served ljunch to the Orangemen and their friends after the rhorn- ing service. We plough the fields and scatter Th'e good seed on the land Blit it is fed and watered By God's almighty hand : He sends the snow in winter, The warmth to swell the grain, On Sunday evening the people of Kendal and of Newtonville churches met in the Newtonville church school to give a retirement party Jo Thp breezes and the sunshine Rev. Gordon Montgomery ■ And spft refreshing rain. and Mrs, Montgomery. À fine program was put together by the two groups. There were three instrumentals and one accordian number by the young folks. This was followed followed by a couple of duets by Robin Ibbotson and Donald Fonk. Mrs. A. Foster & Mrs. J. Fonk sang a duet. Mrs. Vinkle and Mrs. Stacey of. Newtonville gave us "In the Garden and "Whispering Hope". Then the Honoured guests Were asked to take seats at the front. An address of appreciation that had been composed by Mrs., Agnes 'Burley was read by Miss Sunday was a very busy day for the Kendal congrégation. congrégation. The Kendal Orange Lodge held their annual church parade. They were led by the fife and drum band and made a colourful showing as they paraded on main street. The church music was led by our two organists Mrs. A, Foster and Mrs. K. Wood they played in unison on the hammond organ and piano. Later Mrs. A. Foster sang as a solo, "Only a touch of the Master's hand". The scripture scripture reading Hebrews 12 v. 1 - 12 was read by the Master of Catherine Stewart. Then they Kendal Lodge Mr. Wayne - were presetted with a purse ion entitled "We wish you a happy retirement. They were sung by the couples club and orchestra. A social time was enjoyed by all. The next important event is the Kendal salad supper on June 30th. Get your tickets from any of the U.C.W. ladies. We would also like to remind you of the bake sale at Elva Reid's Craft Shop on Saturday Saturday morning of this week. Proceeds for the U.C.W. The United Church Women met in the Church Kitchen on Wed. evening June 2nd at 8 p.m. . with eight, members present. The meeting opened with the hymn "Rise up Oh men of God and psalm 42. Then Mrs. M. Stevens told us of the work carried on by Rev. Eric Snider'of Nicaragua Nicaragua where we sent our $50.00 gift. He works in adult educatin and edits the Alfalit inagaine. She also told us about the Hospital Chaplin and his work in Oshawa Hospital, Plans were made for the salad supper June 30th and the bake sale June 12th. We sang Happy Birthday to Mrs. Minne Wybenga and she provided us with a very special lunch. The July event will be a bus trip to Peterborough to . a museum arid a shopping tour. Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Department of Parks & Recreation SWIMMING EMPLOYMENT Persons interested in applying for employment as INSTRUCTOR at Newcastle Lions Pool are asked to fill our. an application at the Bowmanville Town Hall, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, this week. Lowery. Rev. G. Montgomery . gave the message, "Our Protest Heritage". He told of the abuses thaï had crept into the Roman Catholic church down the centuries as it became rich and powerful. For the paying of large sums of money wicked men could have their sins forgiven. forgiven. Martin Luther one of their priests believed that only God could forgive sins as recorded in the Bible. "The just shall live by faith". So he led a break away group who believed believed as all Protestants do that of money from the Newtonville Newtonville congregation and a beautiful painting from the Kendal church. It was a painting by '"Maureen Remington" Remington" of Orono. She had painted the church from the seventh line and included the Kendal hills and a very pretty sky for background, a work of Art indeed. Rev. G. Montgomery Montgomery thanked them most fittingly. Then followed some lively music and songs like "The green green grass of home" "There goes my everything" and etc. And a very special song composed for the occas- THIS WEEKS FORD MENU at MACDONALDS. NOT THE BURGER CHAIN, THE FORD CHAIN. TORONTO, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE. A Confident Offer will be made by. MacDonald Ford Bowmanville, JUNE 10 11 CKLB 1350 radio will be on the spot broadcasting the days events. 623 4481 219 King St. E. Bowmanville ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Mr. Douglas Dewell f Sunday, June 13,1976 , » Orono United Church Sunday School Anniversary 10:00 a.m. in the Church Sanctuary - from Nursery to Kindergarten & Primary Departments Speaker - Mrs. Carl Kimmett 11:15 a.m. Junior, Interined- iate & Senior Departments Speaker - Rev. Olav Kitchen Reception and light lunch in the Main Hall immediately following the Service. Everyone Welcome. Kirby United Church Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. Church School 11:00 a.m. Dial-A-thought 983-9151 Ittidaslfoudi 4. St. Saviours ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service-10:00 a.m. Holy Communion First and Third Sundays * Morning Prayer - Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, , B.A., L.Th. We guarantee H. One of Midas' most famous touches. ■ , We guarantee your MidaS Muffler, in \yriting, for as long as you own ÿour car. If anything goes •wrong with it, a new guaranteed Midas Muffler , wijl'be installed onyour carter , only a service charge. Why settle for less? Get the MidasTouch. 227 Simcoe Street South. Oshawa. Phone 576-8111. ' 841 Lansdowne Street West. Peterborough. Phone 742-3408.