Orono Weekly'Times, June 9, 1976 Queen's Park Report Doug Moffatt. MPP Durham East ur • At last new ■ home buyers are going to get some kind Of protection. Horror. stories of incomplete electrical work, .holes in the plaster, ill-fitting doors and window frames, even such gross errors as a driveway on the opposite side ural defeats only. The length of time of the warranty is the most controversial aspect of this bill. In one architect's opinion, a house should be subjected to at least two winters and two summers to allow all latent defects to of the house to the garage, emerge. A house completed in will, I sincerely hope, become the fall would be subject to bad memories. Over the past few months I have done everything I could think of to help a couple of such new homeowner groups in Durham East, and I have been appalled at the lack of redress open to them. Legal processes have appeared- so long and complicated *as not to be worthwhile. The Ministry Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Commercial Relations has been reluctant and slow to demand real action from the builders. In this uncomfortable and bitterly bitterly disappointing situation new homeowners have either put their houses up for sale or fixed the defects with their own money, hoping to recoup it from the builder eventually. Last Monday, May 31, Mr. Handleman introduced a bill to establish the Ontario New Homes Warranty Plan. This bill will require builders and vendors to be registered with a new non-profit corporation corporation which will administer the Plan. The corporation will also set up a guarantee fund, to ensure that owners are compensated in the event of default by a vendor. The bill proposes a one-year warranty covering all aspects of the home for which the vendor is responsible, together together with a five-year indemnity against loss for major struct- "freezing then heating", but more defects would be likely to show up when it moved into "heating then freezing" in the second year. This latter phase would not be covered by a onè'-year warranty. Thè Ontario Ontario Law Commission suggests suggests a contractual liability between vendor and owner for as long as six years. These considerations will have to be thrashed out in the second reading debate on the bill. All in all, however, I entirely ' support the Minister's intentions. intentions. Several weeks ago in this column I objected strongly to the way in which the Treasurer Treasurer introduced a bill. There was no prior consultation with municipalities on Bill 55, some sections of which would have a major impact on the balance of power between municipalities and regional governmènts. The minority government situtation worked splendidly here. Mr. McKeough withdrew withdrew these ill-advised sections sections prior to debate on the bill. COST OF LIVING FOR GM Hourly-rated General Motors Motors of Canada employees received a four-cent-an-hour increase in their cost of living allowance, Tuesday. The increase, bringing total cost of living allowance payments to $1.13 an hour for 27,976 employees, is calculated calculated on quarterly adjustments based on a combined Canad- ian-U.S. index, based on 1967 index base. Another 6,629 salaried GM employees will be paid a cost of living allowance payment of $587.60 in the pay ending August for the quarter which began June 1. The increased cost of living allowance gives automotive assemblers in GM's plants a increase total rate of $6.56 an hour, excluding shift and overtime premiums. Ladle's Gay-town slacks in a beautiful, easy to wash white material sizes 7 - 8 to 13 - 14. Price $22.50. An especially good buy in men's T shirts with collar, in brown, beige, white and light and dark blue - Price $8.50. Also a figured T shirt with no collar - $5.00. Men's and boy's bathing . suits in a comfortable stretchy material: men's $4.50 boy's $3.75 Wonderful for camping trips are Ladie's wool plaid shirts at $12.95 and men's wool plaid joe shirts at $18,95 ARMSTRONG'S HELP SUPPORT LADIE'S LOBB BALL COME ROCK & ROLL TO THE GOOD TIME MUSIC OF THE 50's Dance will be put on by the Ladie's Lobb Ball League at the NEWCASTLE TOWN HALL SATURDAY, JUNE 12th from 8:00o'clock -1:00o'clock PRIZES!.... PRIZES!.... PRIZES! PRIZES! Donated by our LOCAL MERCHANTS, Too Numerous to Mention. Names will be on display at dance. Catering will be done by ACE SUBMARINE. Dress is casual. tickets $6.00 per couple. For information or tickets contact: MARY JANE TOMKINS 983-9540 * or SHARON HASTED, 623-4031