One of the 1 first to inspect the new lights being installed at the Orono Park was Mr. Bud Rolph who soearheaded ; the initial stage of the project : through the Chamber of Commerce. Bud had the operation explained by two members of the crew with the Fenelon Falls firms erecting the lights. There are eight standards for the ball diamond diamond with six to eight lights on each standard. The tennis court will also be relighted with two standards on each side of the court all carrying a bank of lights. Bud recalls the purchase of the property some years ago for the park as well as his ball playing days in Orono. PROTECTION OF FARMLAND Development costs in Hamlets high Protection of farmland and cost of services such as water and sewers is being cited by regional planners as just use to restrict hamlet owth in the town of Newcastle Newcastle and throughout this Region Region of Durham. A servicing report compiled by the UMA group in February February for the Regional Works Department generally recommended recommended that many of Newcastle's Newcastle's hamlets could not satisfactorily accommodate further development other than some minor infilling. The report also stated limited sewage drainage for septic tanks and availability- of ground water made the areas suitable for development. ■--Mr. O'Donoghue, of the Regional Planning staff said in Hampton ' recently "the preservation of prime agri cultural land is a major project for regional and provincial planners and extended extended growth outside some of the hamlet areas would cut seriously into such land use". In commenting on Hampton he said, with its population of about 600, ' Hampton can't afford to grow much larger. To extend growth outside Hampton, he said, would create a great expense to the region and ultimately to the taxpayer. Mayor Rickard at a meet- -, ing in Tyrone said the future trend as he perceives it would force sewage system to be installed if the water supply is èxtended to Tyrone. Some at the Tyrone meeting meeting were pushing for further * development to ensure the continued existance of the hamlet. Marsh Defence Representatives of the following following organizations met on Thursday evening, June 3, 1976 to discuss the formation of a coalition for the defense of the Oshawa Second Marsh: Oshawa and District Sportsmen's Sportsmen's Association, durham Regional Field Naturalists, Committee approves park lights but nu financial help On Monday the Finance Committee of the Town of Newcastle gave their approval approval for the installation of lights at the Orono Park by the Orono Chamber of Commerce. Commerce. This recommendation will now go to council for their approval. Although the committee did give their approval they did not provide any funding for the project but did in their resolution recommend to the incoming council in 1977 that they consider favourably the project. The committee recommended recommended that council pick-up the tab for electricity. $22/512. Wintario Grant for Lions Mayor Garnet Rickard of the Town of Newcastle announced announced that the Newcastle ns Club had received a grant of $22,512.67 from Wintario. The grant is in support of the Newcastle Lions Swimming pool. The pool was completed last year by the Newcastle Club and opened in August. The Newcastle Club had raised all the money for the , pool other «than a provincial grant. They will now receive the $22,512.67 and will have Oshawa Outdoor Club,. Dup- late Rod and Gun Club, Oshawa Garden Club, Oshawa Oshawa Rock and Mineral Club, Lamb's Lake Hunt club. An Oshawa Second Marsh Defense Fund was established established to help defray costs of preparing and presenting a case at forthcoming Ontario Municipal Board hearings. concerning the zoning of the Second Marsh area. Some of the organizations pledged donations from their club treasuries. All agreed to inform their members of the fund-raising campaign in order order to solicit individual donations. donations. It was also decided to seek financial support from the public since so many citizens have expressed their support for preservation of the marsh. Cheques made payable to the Federation of Ontario Naturalists Second Marsh Denfense Fund will receive receipts for income tax purposes. purposes. Donations may also be channelled through the Oshawa Oshawa and District Sportsmen's Association, Oshawa, the Durham Region Field Naturals! Naturals! ts, Box . 354, Oshawa, or through any of the organiza- , tions present at the June 3 meeting. 100 per cent of all money collected will go toward Second Marsh preservation. preservation. Inquiries for further information may be directed to Susan Laird at 728-0518, or Margaret Bain, Fund-raising organizer, at 668-6452. Orono Weekly Times, June 16, 1976 - 9 JAN'S FLOWER & GIFT SHOPPE SERVING ORONO, NEWCASTLE BOWMANVlLLE a«d OSHAWA WE DELIVER MAIN STREET, ORONO' PH. 983-9500 Aquarian House Antiques & Things Highway 115 South of Orono Durham Lodge Divine Service Members of Newcastle's Durham Lodge No. 66, A.F. & A.M. and their ladies held their annua! Masonic Divine Service on Sunday attending Newcastle's St. George's Anglican Anglican Church for the Evensong Evensong service. The brethren met in the church hall and marched into the Church where Rev. Robert Hayne preached a sermon "A Parable Parable on Evangelism." Wor. Master Charles Crow- ther read the first lesson from Isaih 40:12 which was followed followed by The Magnificat. The second lesson, 1 Peter 1:1 was read by Bro. Rev Tom Smith and following the Nunc Ôimitis arid 'the Apostles' Creed, Rev. Hayne gave his sermon. The hymns "Rise Up O Men of God", "Where Cross the. Crowded Ways" and "The Day Thou Gavest" were sung during the evening/ Following the service, the congregation and their guests and Masons met injhe Parish hall for fellowship and refreshments. refreshments. It was announced that the Parish picnic for the congre- such funds for other projects. In speaking with Mayor Rickard he stated that various various organization in the Town had received around $100,000. ' in Wintario grants to date. The latest application to be made was by the Orono Chamber of Commerce for assistance to help finance ball lights .in the Orono Park. gation and their families and friends would be held in Orono Park, Sunday, June 27th. It was announced that the provisional date for. the Bond Head Ceriietery Decoration Decoration Day would be July- 18th at 2.00 p.m. C. Hall, B. Comm. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY- WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY WE ..satisfy.. YOU Come See C US.„! We specialize in Auto Mrmwttmninff WIL MANOR MOTORS Taunton Road and Liberty St. R.R. 5 BOWMANVlLLE 263-8373 Pitts burg Peacock P la te Glass Mirrors POLISHED EDGES 24 x 36....:.. 11.95 30 X 48...... . 19.25 16 x 60 13.75 DECORATIVE MIRROR 36 x 24. 35.95 Orono fuel & Lumber Ltd. Lumber & Building Supplies - Fuel Oil - Oil Furhaces . 983-9167 Station Street & Hwy. 115, Orono