GORDON WERRY Gordon F. Werry, Orono, uate of Ryerson Polytechnieal son of Mrs. Werry and the late Percy Werry, a recent grad- Institute in Physics Technology. Technology. Draft official plan ready for June 29th Planners fop the Region of Durham are putting the final uehes to the draft official plan to have it ready for the region's planning board and ultimately council on June 29 th. Meetings have been held throughout the various municipalities municipalities in the region and only last week such a meeting was held in Orono concerning the designation of Orono as a hamlet. The goal of the official plan ' Luxury Motorcooeh Tours ! Blue Grass Country & Georgia 9 Days departing: May 16 • July 25 August 19 16 Octobers ■------w -- »»isa Williamsburg & Penn, Dutch' 9 Days' . departing: July 10 1 August 14 Sept. 11 » Sept. 25 Report of 70th annual Horticultural convention, Waterloo Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 23rd, 1976--7 official plan to regional counc- have sufficient time to discuss il for at least thirty days. the final draft with the The request is being made planning and development in order that councils could committee. is to establish a pattern for future growth in Durham Region and to provide a guideline in preparing future planning for each municipality. municipality. . When completed the plan will be flexible and open to change, accommodating various various options for growth in each municipality. All that is needed is an amendment to this plan endorsed by the members of regional council. Council will meet June 29 New England & Cape Cod ' ■ 7 Days departing: July 24 * Sept. 11 Sept. 18 & 25 • Oct. 2 Frankenmuth; Mackinac Island & Agawa Canyon S Days departing: July 25 * Sept. 12 Sept 19 & 26 » Oct. 3 As well as many departure dates to Eastern S Western Canada, California, . Fall Florida , . Tours and Long Weekend Specials. Held this year at Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, June 17 -19. Those in attendance from Orono Society, Society, the president, Mrs. Convier, Mrs. Minnie Zegers, as Jr. Gardeners Leader, Orville & Isabelle Challice, all, as delegates, and Mr. & Mrs. George Buckley, and Mrs. Jean Dykstra, Bowman- ville. A large crowd of approximately approximately 800 people attended, representing 180 societies from across the province. As there are 248 total societies in Ontario, this was an excellent representation.! The theme for this years Convention "Horticultural Outreach for Everyone", was followed closely, by all speakers speakers and panels. Thursday afternoons special speaker was Mr. Joseph Connell, general secretary of the Y.M.C.A., Kitchener, his topic "What's the Difference"? His message to everyone present, was to show enthusiasm in our own local groups and involve more people in the various departments, Followed with the humorous suggestion to all "undertakers", to bury those unalive people, who "do not want to become involved"! involved"! Thursday evenings special entertainment was provided by a group of Grade seven girls, playing the hand bells. Excellent weather both Thursday and Friday added to the enjoyment of the convention, and the rose gardens were at their very best ! Fridays programes were varied, panels on "Therapeutic "Therapeutic Gardening", was a tended by Mrs. Couvier, and stressed the many healthful aspects of gardening. So many handicapped handicapped people, both old and young, are finding excellent and if necessary June 30 as a planning board in the regional chambers at 605 Rossland Road, Whitby. A meeting of regional council will be held immediately immediately following a recommendation recommendation from the planning board to adopt the plan and to send it on to the minister of housing. Council will consider the recommendation from the planning board and pass a by-law for the adoption of the official plan. Copies of the final draft of the plan will be available to the public after June 24. The document can be obtained from the clerjVs department at the regional building, the planning and development department at Consumérs Drive or from the clerks office of each local municipality. The draft plan has come under sortie criticism already with the Oshawa planner, noting it as a "rotten plan". Mayor Potticary has also been reported to haLe said there is no way it will be passed on June 29th and expects at least four months before any real decision wiij be made by (he Regional council concerning the plan. rewards in working with nature. The seminar on "Youth programmes was attended by Mrs. Zegers, and Mr. and Mrs. Challice, and interesting note here, Mr. Clarence Tink, Hampton well know horticulturist horticulturist locally, served as a panel member on this seminar. seminar. Mr. Tink emphasized the importance of involving our young people in gardening, and shared his views, from the 4H club work. Friday evênings special guests were the famous "Schneider Male Chorus", along with the guest speaker - "Dr. Frank Peters", the president of the university. Dr. Peter's is an outstanding speaker, and shared many interesting ideas on the subject subject of education today! Saturdays weather wasn't quite up to par, nevertheless, the bus tours to Rockway Gardens, through the famous Kitchener Markets, and the, beautiful University of Waterloo Waterloo grounds proved to be a _ very rewarding expérience for all! We, as your local delegates were very happy to witness the installation of the new exectuive for the 1976-77. Our new district 4 representatives are Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Tink, and the assistant directors Mr. and Mrs. Harry., Jose, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stephens, Harwood, 1 have held this position for many years, and served faithfully, our thanks to them and congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tink. , ' To close this report, we will not leave you with the impression,, all Convention happenings are dull and humorless,'one guest speaker gave this bit of advice.. So many people waste their time worrying about the unknown, this story applies to us all, - a man worried about the- prospects prospects of going to heaven, and approached his local priest to find if he qualified, he was told to come back a few days later, and returned to have the priest tell him, there was some "good" news and also some "bad" news for him. First the good news - "yes, he would be going to Heaven", and then the bad news - "He would be going next Wednesday Wednesday morning"! With this report, we hope you have a very rewarding summer of healthful, happy gardening, and be sure to bring your biggest! and best flowers and vegetables to the Annual Show in August. ' Mrs. Isabelle Challice TOWN WANTS REGION TO HOLD OVER OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THIRTY'DAYS The Town of Newcastle council wants thé Regional "Planning and Development committee, to delay the presentation presentation of the proposed ATTENTION Orono Residents Due to the July 1st holiday your garbage will be picked-up on Wednesday, dune 30th. Thank You SECURITY RECYCLING Ontario Hydro All offices of Ontario Hydro will remain open for business on July 1st and will be closed on Friday, July 2nd. W. R. Walters Manager Bowmanville Area - Progressive Conservative Association Public Meeting Residents of Orono, Newcastle and surrounding area are cordially invited to come arid informally meet the new members of the .executive of the Progressive Conservative Association, Provincial Riding of East Durham at the Oddfellows Hall, Orono on Thursday, June 24,1976 "at 8.15 p.m.»- * Each member of the executive, along with Alex Carr.uthers and Charles Mcllveen, will be available to discuss provincial matters of concern to the area as well as individual problems, and will relay your concerns directly to the appropriate Ministry at Queen's Park. Refreshments and donuts will beserved. RAY LUNN President MARION MANDERS Secretary CAMSPORT.TRAILER SALES Sc- -Hir line of. .. --CHEVRON TRAILERS --TRUCK CAPS -- FIBREGLAS CANOES Stock some parts for above items OPEN WEEKDAYS & WEEK-ENDS ■ 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Closed Mondays at Noon HIGHWAY 115 & 35 NEWCASTLE PHONE 987-5174