4-vdrtino Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 30th; 1976 Would restore death penalty for 1st degree murder ■Allan Lawrence, M.P. (P.C. - ' ■ Northumberland-Durham) ' - , v An ex-at torney-General for Ontario, announced right after the vote result in the Commons Which sustained the Government's position on second reading of the so-called "Capital Punishment Punishment Bill", that he has immediately filed a comprehensive comprehensive set of amendments with the Clerk of the Commons Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, which would drastically alter the provisions of the Allmpnd Bill. Mr. Lawrence's amendments amendments are designed to: 1. Restore the death penalty for "high treason". specific recommendation for mercy by the Jury, or Court, were uncovered after the court imposed the death penalty on a convicted murderer. 6. Change the death penalty from execution by hanging, to death by Euthanasia; i.e., by the administration of a painless, efficient drug of gas. Mr. Lawrence was one of the few M.P's in 1973 who proposed amendments, some along similar lines to the 1973 Bill respecting Capital Punishment, Punishment, and at that time, in a speech in the House of Commons (on Thursday, Oct. 18th, 1973 - Hansard pages 6977 to 6981) indicated that - some of h'is experiences as murderous tendencies". "Under these conditions, it must be the duty of the state to protect the lives of its .citizens, policemen, prison guards and other prisoners, all of whom are potential victims of these killers. If they are already in prison for other serious crimes, or if they kill in prison, or if they have already killed in a way in which the Crime was obviously of a planned, premeditated premeditated or heinous typé, or some type of mass murder or terrorist activity, then obviously the only way to protect its citizens, is for the state to execute, by as humane a method as possible, those for whom there is no other remedy". Wantstiffer control of reading material The Peterborough-Victoria- Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle Separate School Board have endorsed a resolution from the Wellington County Board of Education calling for more control over the distribution distribution of what they consider to be harmful magazines. The Separate School Board is the second such board of education in the area having this resolution approval. The Northumberland and Newca stle Board of Education have requested the establishment of a licensing system for the distribution of pornography. Building a House? or remodelling your presentone? Then contact: Floyd Nicholson Orono 983-5049 son' 2. Make the death penalty an Ontario's Attorney-General alternative, along with life changed him from an "abol- imprisonment, for "trea- itionist" to a "retentionist". In making his announcement announcement today, Mr. Lawrence Said "the purposes of these amendments are to retain a more humane form of capital punishment for those who commit the worst type of murder and human destruction, destruction, and for those who have proved by their past actions that they are unrehabilitable and that, they have continuing CAMSPORT TRAILER SALES 3. Restore the death penalty for "first degree murder". 4. Include in the definition of "first degree murder" a death caused by anyone who previously had committed committed murder, (this would have the effect of restoring the death penalty for second or third time killers). 5. Prevent the abuse, by the Cabinet, of the "commutation" "commutation" provisions by restricting restricting the use of the so-called "Royal Prerogative Prerogative of Mercy" only to those cases where there was a UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge ., Minister , >Rev. B.E. Long B.Th. Organist & choir DIRECTOR Mr, Douglas Dewell ' . 'i SCHEDULE OF SUMMER SERVICES ORONO, KIRBY AND NEWCASTLE 10:00 A.M. '• July 4th Kirby .Centennial School July llthOrono United Church July 18th Kirby Centennial School July 25thOrono United Church August 1st Kirby Centennial School. Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 See. >ur line of . , -CHEVRON TRAILERS -TRUCK CAPS -FIBREGLAS CANOES Stock some parts for above items OPEN WEEKDAYS & WEEK-ENDS 9:00 a.m. to8:00 p.m. Closed Mondays at Noon HIGHWAY 115 & 35 NEWCASTLE PHONE 987-5174 Luxury Motorcooch Tours otters 0 you*- - Blue Grass Country & Georgia 9 Days departing: May 16 • July 25 August 19 • Octobers New England & Cape Cod 7 Days departing: July 24 • Sept. 11 Sept. 18 & 25 • Oct. 2 Williamsburg & Penn. Dutch 9 Days departing: July 10 * August 14 Sept. 11 • Sep't. 25 Frankenmuth, Mackinac Island & Agawa Canyon 6 Days departing: July 25 • Sept. 12 Sept. 19 & 26 • Oct. 3 As wpll as many departure dates to Eastern & . Western Canada, California, Fall Florida Tours and Long Weekend Specials. m §§ ■ The Blind Persons' 8# Ü SB * IÜS on says and how Ontario St. Saviours ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service -10:00 a.m. Holy Communion «First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer - Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 , Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. This new Act provides that a blind person accompanied by a dog guide has the same rights, privileges and obligations--with respect to pùblic placés --as anyone else. He or she cannot be discriminated against or denied any accommodation, services or facilities available in any place to which the public is customarily admitted. It is important that dog guide owners know their rights under the Act and that the public, especially' employers and their employees, be made aware of the provisions of the Act and their responsibilities ; under it. * The Attorney General of Ontario will issue identification identification cards to dog guide owners. The card w,ill carry a photograph of the owner and dog, as well as their names, and will also carry a summary of the main- features of the Act. For further information, application for an Identification Identification Card or a copy of the Act itself, contact: Office of the General Manager- Ministry of the Attorney General 18 King Street East Toronto, Ontario M5C1C5 Ministry of the « Attorney General , 'R. Roy McMurtry,, Attorney General William Davis, premier Province of Ontario "i lilllillll - v'..mg m PiliillSI!! Hill flllllll ; Hf | Ip! | ; f 111 IÉSIIIIIëI