OMB will make de cision on 2nd marsh ROD RUN AND LAWN SHOW Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 21st, 1976 The Motor City Car Club held their sixth annual Rod Run and Lawn Show on Saturday of last week in conjunction with Bowmanvil- le Week. Headquarters for the outing and lawn show was at the Flying Dutchman in Bowmanville but local citiz ens were given the opportunity opportunity to view the 70 cars as they checked into one of five check points at the Durham buildings buildings north of Orono on the Taunton Road. The variety and design left little to the imagination as there were cars of all vintages and descriptions passing through the Orono check point. Shine and polich was the order of the day and it was quite evident that much loving care are given these cars by their owners. Many of the cars have, redesigned bodies as well as engines which operate only with a "purr." The above auto, owned by Mike 01 vos of Oshawa (right). is a prime example, of' condition and care given these cars. This particular car is insured for $35,000.00. Engineer's report received by Town Orono arena declared unsafe for public A report from the engineering engineering firm of Leighton.and Kirjd concerning the three arenas in the Town of Newcastle was received by council on Monday. Monday. The report concerning the existing 6rono arena-fair building concludes with the . following paragraph : "It is not. economically or technically technically practical to reinforce or add additional ribs to this structure (Orono), and it would be imprudent to use the building for future public ipancy. V -ie Newcastle Village are na passed the tests better than any of the three and minor repairs in this building are estimated by the engineering engineering would amount to about $8,000.00. The report points out that some overstress does exists at the upper part Of the joists, « in the Newcastle arena. There were three areas of v concern with the Bowmanville Bowmanville arena requiring remedial remedial work. These included roof joists between the ' main -trusses as well as «the flat roof on the end bays at the arena and the- end trusses. It is considered that it will cost frorp $45,000.00 to; $60,000 to make the repairs as outlined by the engineers. The reports must now go to the Ministry of Labour who will pass judgement on the reports and decide just what action is to be taken. From all indications the Orono building would have to be closed while repairs at the other centres could be suffice. Mr, Fanping, director- of recreation is to take the reports with the exception of the Orono report to the Ministry this week to.get a ruling. Council decided at their meeting on Monday that as they were not the owners of (Continued page 4) Would close out Athletic activities Mr. Gordon Lowery, president president of the Orono Amateur Athletic Association, stated Monday evening following the report on the Orono Arena building that it was possible the Association would- turn loose all piayers and not operate a program this coming coming winter. "We (the Athletic), could not afford to operate any program, 1 ' stated Mr. Lowery He said there woùld be no way the Association could afford to buy ice time for thirteen hockey teams. He did state that no definite 'ecision had been made by «ie Athletic but it appeared the general feeling of ( a meeting held a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Lowèry said that the Athletic provided winter sports for some 200 hockey players and that the Orono Figure Skating Club had an average enrolment of some 150. He felt the Skating Club would have a more difficult time than would the Athletic Association if they had to rent ice time outside of the Village. Last year, he said, ice rentals were running at $26.00 an hour. Local teams under the Athletic had an average of three hours of ice time per week,-It would be impossible to dupicate this, he said. • ' He said the closing of the Arena would also affect some six or seven men's teams plus (Continuêd page 4) It was pointed out to delegates last Wednesday, both 'for' and 'against' industrial industrial designated of the second Marsh in Oshàwa that their opinions did not really matter at this time as the matter will be decided by the Ontario Municipal Board. The Ontario Municipal Board has tentatively tentatively set a date in October for the hearing. The special meeting last Wednesday attended by regional regional councillors did not change their former decision to have the Second Marsh designated 'industrial'. Three- weeks ago regional council lifted the area out of a special study area and placed the Marsh in an industrial desig nation. Their planning staff had the area a special study area during the course of all public meetings and this was -changed by council upon a motion bv Counc. Pottieary, Mayor of Oshawa, who contends contends Oshawa needs the area for an expanded harbour and industrial land. The vote last Wednesday to return the land to a special study area was lost 17-11 while two weeks prior council mefpbers with- the exception of three vote favoured the industrial designation, , Doug Moffal!. M.P.P. for Durham East spoke in favour of the special study area designation as did Dennis Barry-president of the Second Marsh Defence Association, John Goodwin, chairman of : the Central Lake Ontario ■ Conservation Authority and • " Heather Mitchell of the Canadian Canadian Environmentalists Law j : Association. Delegations ; from the Oshawa Harbour : Commission and the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce supported supported council's action for the ; industrial designation. .j Leslie Jane Benson Announcement was recently recently made of a further Ontario Scholar from the Clarke High School. Miss Leslie Jane Benson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Benson of R. R. 2 Newcastle has received a percentage of 82.3 percent. ijappentngs... MUST HAVE READ LYALL'S LETTER It seemed apparent at the recent meeting of Town council that Mayor Rickard had read Counc. Lyalf's letter to the editor. Counc. Lyall found himself on the mat for leaving the meeting without permission. "Would you like to know where I went and what I did," retorted Counc. Lyall. HYDRO PLANT WOULD DOUBLE ASSESSMENT . Mayor Rickard in speaking of the proposed Hydro generating plant jn Darlington stated that the assessed value of, the project would be greater than the total of all others in the Town. L NEW FIREFIGJBTER FOR ORONO DEPARTMENT Mr. Terry Hardy has been accepted by council as a new fireman for the Orono Station, He replaces .the resignation handed in by John Forrester. Ihe Orono Arena appears, sometime in the near future, the Ministry of Labour who' engineering firm of Leightdn to be destined to be padlocked The decision, will come from will rule on the findings,of the and Kidd. 1 *