Jack Mercer and Max Lycett were kept busy once the long line-up started to advance toward the serving table last Wednesday at the Orono Park for the annual happenings... I LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENT RECEIVES TWO CALLS The local fire department during the past week has received two calls. The first last Thursday was, to the Orono park when a young ball player lost his breath after colliding at home plate. The department did not use their resuscita$or as it was felt unadvisable. They awaited the arrival of the Bowmanville ambulance. Monday afternoon the Department was called to the Orono Tree Nursery where.it was reported a .'barn was on fire. After scouting the premises the department finally found the fire which had destroyed an old abandoned building south of the fifth line which at one time had been used as a chicken coup. Region $77,660 get beef barbecue. Around 550 people were served at the annual event. NO-BOARD REPORT RECOMMENDED BY CONCILIATOR An Ontario ministry of labour conciliator was to rgcornmend today to Bette Stephenson, minister of labor, that the United Auto Workers be issued a no-board report, giving it the right to strike. Finance Commis 1 sioner Jack Gartley has forecasted the 1976 operating surplus should be about $77,660 or .04 per cent below budget. The figures released in a report to the finance committee committee Thursday "are preliminary preliminary and may change substantially substantially in the last half df the year," Mr. Gartley stressed. In the surplus column, the social services department presently on a campaign to roll, bpck the number of welfare recipients, showed the highest saving of $16,538, according • to the, finance 'report. A foot note in the report states however, "we have reduced this surplus by $100;000 to $26,538 to provide a contigency for the 1976 revenues revenues which are outstanding and are still being reviewed by the ministry of social and community services. Continued Page 3 lights in the park. During the serving of the outdoor barbecue Country and Western music was provided for entertainment by Fay Adams and the Country Hits with a host of special guests from the district district in'vocals and instrumentals, instrumentals, ' Sporting activities af the Newcastle Day in Orono included an exhibition Junior Girls Lobb Ball gaine and a game of softball between council of the Town of Newcastle and staff and on the opposing side all the Village of Orono. It was a great night in the Orono Park. v EXCITED TO LOOK It took a great deal of courage on the part of Mrs. Helen Schmid last Thursday to open the history book on Clarke Township, "Out of the Mists". She continued to hestitate and delay the exercise even though the bfloks were placed before her. It is understandable with years of work contained between the covers of the book now in print form. It was the realization of a long-time dream. From early reports, and there have been quite a number, the book is being well received by those who for the past few days have been reading its content. It is a tribute to Mrs. Schmid and to Mr. Rutherford who assisted in the final drafting of the book. Books are now available from Mrs. Schmid, Church Street South, the Clarke Museum, Church Street North, the Orçno Times and at the Kendal Hills shop on the seventh line of Clarke east of Kirby. WOULD LIKE THEIR FLAGS BACK For the second time someone has stolen the Canadian and Ontario flags which fly above Nesting Furniture Limited, east of Ortino. The last disappearance of the flags was over the week-end and Mr. Klasner would like to have these flags returned. He is of the opinion that it is a federal offence to steal flags. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 25tn, 1976 Miss Durhand Central a feature of Fair Clerical workers optimistic A negotiator representing clerical workers in Durham Region's 101 public schools is optimistic a settlement may be reached in the near future. Bill Dingman, president of Local 218 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, said talks started in May are "going well.*" The CUPE negotiators will meet for the sixth time Thursday with Ross Backus, superintendent of business for the Durham board of education. education. A meeting , was held Tuesday. Under the two-year agreement which expired June 30, board secretaries earned from $8,048 to $10,707 a .year. The, union is seeking higher wages, better vacations and upgradings of categories in a new one-year agreement, Mr. Dingman said. As a new addition to the Durham Central Fair held in Orono this September 9th to 11th a contest to choose Miss Durham Central has been planned. At the present time plans are somewhat sketchy with a meeting being held last night, Tuesday. , The Miss Durham Central contest is being sponsored by Mayor Garnet Rickard of the Town of Newcastle and applicants applicants may enter thecontest if a resident of the Region of Durham. In speaking with Mrs. M. Sawyer it was pointed out that various organizations within the Region have been contacted contacted and that these organizations organizations will be promoting contestants contestants in the pageant. Such organizations as Service Clubs and Chamber of Commerce Commerce are to enter their contestants. According to Mrs. Sawyer the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club and the Orono Chamber of Commerce will be have co testants in the Miss Durham Central contest. contest. The Queen of the Fair will be decided on Saturday afternoon, afternoon, September 11th in front of the grandstand. 550 attend Orono beef barbecue The traditional Beef Barbecue Barbecue held annually in the ■Orono Park under the auspic- ies of the .Orono and Area Chamber of Commerce and the Newcastle Department of Parks and Recreation was once again a success as has continued to be since its inception in 1967, a féature of Orono's centennial. Again as in the past over 550 paid admission for the mouthwatering mouthwatering barbecued beef, roast potatoes, salad etc. and enjoyed the evening in the park with their friends and relatives. It was a community outing with good food and good entertainment. It checking with Mr. C. Gunter, treasurer for the Orono Chamber it was learned learned that the gross this year amounted to a little over $1600.00 which was equal to that of last year. Profits from the endeavour will be used to assist with the cost of the new LYALL OPENS BOWMANVILLE OFFICE ^ . Counc. Lyall last week informed the news media that je'was opening an office in Bowmanville where he could be Two hundred and fifty Orono Park in preparation for after seven o'clock. It was he tests one of the roast just contacted regarding municipal affairs. "You will now realize pounds of prime beef sizzled the annual beef barbecue with seconds for * most everyone, abolit ready to come off the that I, am serious in making a bid fpr Mayor," he said, in this giant barbecue last " serving commenting at 5 As in the past Mr. S. Mather s pit Further details appear elsewhere in this issu,e of the Times. Wednesday afternoon at the p m. and continuing until well .continues as the head cook as