-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 1st, 1976 LETTER TO EDITOR MEMORIES OF ORONO "" FAST CAN INCREASES BE JUSTIFIED This week motorists and home owners are faced with increased costs related to transportation and home heating through increased costs of gasoline and heating oils. Early in the year they will again be hit with increased hydro costs which again will affect everyone directly and indirectly thr ough increased costs of products used. The federal government lays claim for the increase as a source of revenue for exploration for further oil supplies to augment a dwindling source. Thé oil companies on the other hand can give no assurance that supply can be increased dramatically and even voice the opinion that imports will play a greater part of the supply. Ontario Hydro comes' up with à similar pitch. ■ increases are necessary to increase supply and future needs. If the increase is not forthcoming then we can look for grey-outs or black-outs in thé future. The genral public, caught in the middle, has no way to pass along a qualified judgement of the increases and can only hope that these increases will bring us to a better day. It should be a warning however that we in Canada do not sit upon all the required resources needed to maintain our standard of living. We are only now beginning to pay for the waste of the past. APPROVAL IN WRITING In speaking with Mayor Rickard on Tuesday he informed us that a letter had b' n received by the Durham Central Agricultural Society avowing them to use the Orono arena building for the annual fair. Certain minor modification will have to be made to allow the use of the building. fjappenings... r THIRD PRIZE WINNER AT C.N.E. Congratulations are extended to Bethany Phillips who placed third in the Accordian competition for girls 12 years and under at the C.N.E. on August 26th. Keep up the good work. Bill Jackson run a Stage Coach from Newcastle. The Town Hall was built by local men. The brick was delivered by horse and wagon by neighboring farmers to have this municipal building. This Hall was used for political meeting's for the County of Durham. Dances were held, with orchestras from Toronto and people attended from as far east as Colbourne and Whitby on the west. Bowman- ville and Newcastle hadn't any dance hall. Many plays were staged and conducted by Bill Jack- son and his daughter Via, who I believe is still living in ■ Peterborough. Many more people of talent, and singers were Annie Thompson, Vera McDonald, Mrs. Drummond, Orm Gambsy, Charlie Armstrong, Armstrong, Rennie Foster and more who gave their services free. The families consisted mostly mostly of Scotch and decendants. Stalker, Waddell, McConech- ie, Stewart, Smith, Galbraith and Colville, Robert Colville, Reeve for many years and Warden of United County. No pull in those days and large families were born. Charlie Armstrong said all he needed was to hang his pants on the bed post. Robert Colville raised eight daughters. daughters. Isaic Winter, who clerked ■ at Coopers Store, had a large family. No wonder his wife told me "life starts at forty." Industry included. John Waddell's furniture factory, Tanning factory (where some remains of it may be found behind Klaas Shoenmakers garage) owned by Wm. Thompson, Thompson, Albert Leigh Found- erv, where park is. Art Allin saw mill, grist mill by lockart, at mill pond, another pond behind the present old I lax factory and a not forgotten one was Tuckers where no bathing suits were/ worn. Mayor Rickard fights back over Counc. Lyall's letter * In your newspaper of August August 25,1976,1 see that my good friend, Councillor Lyall. is qqoting attendance records at meetings of Council and claims that I have missed 28 mem 'gs in the last three years. Having had difficulty I* Canada Farm Labour Pools Service de,Main-d'œuvre 1 agricole du Canada Manpower Main-d'cëuvre and Immigration ' et Immigration Robert Andras Robert Andras Minister Ministre . ATTENTION! i FARMWORKERS Apple Picking starting approxi- amately September 10th, 1976. Register with us NOW Northumberland and Durham Farm Labour Pool 7A Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario ** > Telephone 623-3880 Creamery by Henry arid Lew Junker. Canadian Can ners. Copper shop owned by Levi Edwards and skating rink, where Ed Millson now resides. Carriage shop where Mercer's Mercer's garage is. You could hear Wes Ogden with his wooden leg going to work every morning at 7 a.m. to paint. There were three Blacksmiths, Blacksmiths, four grocery and dry goods. Lockarts', later Armstrongs, Armstrongs, Coopers, Charlie Awde, and Fred Williamson. I 'ardware - Joe Henry, McDo- • ,-H and Hninh Wm. Beac- kom, later Robert Foster. Campbell Tinshop. Sam Cuttle, "Orono News", Halliday fuels, flax factory, Cornish Bakery and Ice Cream parlour, John Gillfil- lan, Drugist, Frank Fairfield ' "Fish", school supplies. Humpy Davey made pumps, underneath this store at the V north on main street. Two barber shops; Jim Richards later Bill Riddle and Ollie Cooper. Tailor Shops - Robert Knocks and Mel Travel!. Furniture Frank Peat. Harness Harness shop and weigh sclaes Wm. Armstrong, Boot repair Harry Hooper, Jewellry store, where law office is now. ■ Livery barn in connection with hotel was taken care of by Joe Robinson, a negro. Another hotel was owned by a Mr. Hallett, now owned by Dr. McKenzie. M.D.'s were Renwick Rutherford, Tucker and Colville. Dentist were Devitt, later Patterson, Veterinary Veterinary McElroy. There were three churches, and the Salvation Army Saturday Night. Butchers, Miller and Ralph- Figgett came later, (this was when you got meat). The old Band Stand north of the harness shop, and a Band that played all over at fairs and other engagements. A hase ball team second to none. John Cornish catcher, pitchers Nibbs McComb, Ross Lang, Andy Somerville, Bud Rolph first base. S. Morse short, stop, Bill Armstrong, Orfne Gerry and many others. - The first telephone system, was built, and arranged by Will Colville a cripple, lying in bed. The office was operated by John Norris in his home on Church Street. Wm. Riddle worked hard to have hydro in Orono and owned by the village (with much opposition opposition from residents), but it sure paid off in later years. The C.N.R. was built in 1910-1911. George Price was station agent, and this was a real boost to Orono. A very moral resident ordered a case of whiskey sent, up from Montreal in Pete McConach- ie's name. George reported the arrival to Pete. He got his case through in time. In Sept. 1910, fair time, a fever broke out at the Hotel operated by the Parker family. Some deaths occured, but no fault on Uk ■ part. A lot of horses wore kept at the stables by the C.N.R. east or back of the Hotel / The Stores and churches had sheds then for horses, and accomodation for /its customers customers and'.congregations. There whs no unemployment. Lots of real- entertainment. No welfare. Everybody was happy Land we had a sociable community. W.C. Evans Give yourself a. break. Take a walk. vau ton W*. PüHTiciPiicrian» Walk a Mock.Today. VENEZIA Restaurant ' HWY 115 and 35 Va Mile South of Orono • Phone 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK We Specialize in: Pizza - Meals ALSO Weekend Specials " IT IS. BETTER to be silent AMD BE CONSIDERED A OUNCE, THAN TO SPEAK AND REMOVE : ALL DOUBT I! * Orono Towing GENERAL ,REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono Orono Electric Herb and Gerry Duvall 983 5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V.-COLOUR T.V. RADIO-HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service on other occasions in understanding understanding Councillor Lyall'# mathematics, I thought I Would have the records checked. checked. 1 As well as being a member of Regional and Local Councils Councils I serve on three Commit tees .at Region and seven Committees of Local Council, together with the Hydro Liaision Committee, the Library Library Board, and three Public Utilities Commissions. I am also a member of the Executive Executive of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Provincial Munipal Com- the Provincial Municipal Committee on Culture and Recreation. . • The ' Records* at Region show that I, Garnet Rickard, am the only Councillor who has not missed a Council meeting in 1975 or 1976. 1 missed one in January, 1974, when I was on one week's holiday. Local Council records records show that I have not missed any Council meetings in 1976. In, 1975, 1 missed part of one, a meeting which was not completed , on Monday night, was adjourned until the next day- when I had already been committed to a Works Meeting at Region where we were dealing with Newcastle matters. 1 also missed a Special Meeting called to hear Eldorado people, as 1 had been committed to another another meeting. That Special meeting was very short and was adjourned just as I arrived brick. I have attended various other meetings such as those- held to try to clear up the problems concerning the Arenas Arenas in the Municipality, meetings with Community Centre Boards and the construction construction of Fire Halls. I also chaired most of the meetings on budget matters, because the Chairman of Finance could not find the time. I am prepared to stand on my attendance record: I have been told it is one of the highest in the Region of Durham. It certainly has involved several hundred meetins in the last three years. If Councillor Lyall is embarrassed about his, he should have accpeted my invitation to partiepate in more of the Council matters. He resigned from the Planning Planning Committee. He resigned, from the Community Services Committee; then; after a period of time, he said he wanted back in. He refused to act on the Hydro Liaison Committee and others. I ' still extend the same invitation to Councillor-Lya 1 ! to join Council, ' attend the whole meeting, and Work out the problems rather thaiji continually'.saying "do nothing". nothing". Garnet B. Rickard, * Mayor. 'Flowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion ^ Tel. 623-3377 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY J$ev 3 3lotal a4tt 133 Church Street bowmanville Fresh Flower and Dried Flower Arrangements for - FUNERALS -- WEDDINGS HOSPITAL and HOMÉ Be sure and take a look at our Bridal Showcase in our window. Attention Farmers!! WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON . * Diesel Fuel * Motor Oil * Gasoline Rhone 668-3381 - Collect DX FUEL OIL For Prompt Courteous Service * CALL US TODAY