Ontario's school bus This is what you can do tomakesure they're observed Dp NOT PASS WHEN SIGNALS flashing- emergency door Your Ontario Government needs your help in protecting our province's school children. So we urge you as a motorist to drive with extra care whenever you see a school bus in front of you or coming towards you. You will recognize the school bus by its chrome-yellow colour. And'whenever it flashes its alternating red signal lights front and rear, you must stop. In fact, all traffic from both directions must stop. This is true everywhere in Ontario.. .on highways, country roads, and city, town or village streets, and regardless of the speed limit". The penalty for disobeying this law is a fine of up to $100 and 4 demerit points. . The only exception is for motorists going in the opposite direction from the school bus on the other sidd of a multi-lane highway divided by a physical barrier. There is something else you can do, as vyell. Instruct your children to follow the school bus safety rules learned at school-to help the bus driver by behaving quietly and by keeping seated until it is time to leave the bus; For more information on school bus safety and the School Bus Stopping Law, write to: Public and Safety Information Branch , Ministry of Transportâtion and Communications 1201 Wilson Avenue ' Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 - Ministry of Transportation and Communicatidns James Snow, --- Minister • "rlT William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 1st, 1976--5 Autographing session a " ,rKsiime - this Sunday afternoon Ingenuity was displayed throughout the Orono Horticultural Horticultural Fall Flower Show and the above arrangement is but one that was eye-catching. eye-catching. It was made from produce from the vegetable On Sunday afternoon, Sept-, ember 5th an autographing session -will be held on the lawns of Clarke Museum at the Clarke Library in Orono when co-authors Mr! Helen Schmid and Mr. S. B. Rutherford of "Out of the Mists" will be present. "Out of the Mists" has been available for the past week and has been receiving good reports from all those who have read the book. Both authors have noted this response response and as stated by Mr. Rutherford readers are acclaiming acclaiming the book for a numerous number of reasons. The 340 page book has already been well pursued with the history of Clarke and the village of Orono well reperesented for all walks of life during the past 150 years. Near one hundred photos have added to the interest of the book which are well interspered throughout the reading material. The autographing session on Sunday will commence at two p.m: and continue until five p.m. as well as from, seven to nine p.m. - Books will also be available to purchase on this partcular afternoon and will continue to be on sale at the Clarke garden using lettuce seed and other produce. Minnie Museum and from Mrs., pods, hollowed-out green and Zeger was the winner with the Schmid on Church Street red pepers, small tomatoes above arrangement. south in Orono, as well as at the Orono Weekly Times. During Sunday the Clarke Museum will be open to . the: public for visitation at ' no charge. In speaking with Miss Dyana Layng at the Museum she stated that she hoped that the Ontario Regimental. Band would be present on. the occasion to present a musical program during the afternoon. afternoon. Final word. on this request had not been received Y RI.LOW DIRECTORY WOULD HAVE EMERGENCY CALLS DIRECTED THROUGH ' OSHAWA-WHITBY A'new yellow directory just distributed throughout the area has one major failing for residents in the Town of Newcastle area. The emergency emergency calls for fire, Ontario Police and ambulance are all directed through to either Oshawa or Whitby. These emergency numbers do not relate to those required in this area for such emergencies. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1976 Municipal Elections Vacancies for Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks There will be an election on Monday, December 6, 1976, to elect Members to the Municipal Council of the Town of Newcastle and to the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham, and also to the Public and Separate School Boards. Residents of the Town of Newcastle who wish to act as Deputy Returning Officers or Poll Clerks' in the election kin,dly apply in writing to the undersigned, giving particulars of experience, if any. ' " J. M, Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk and Returning Officer for •• the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Arena to be operative 1 ■ l*^SpOIlSlbillty. Although final reports have not been received from the engirfeering firm of Totten, Sims and hubicki Associates, confirmation has been received received last Friday that the Bowmanville arena .may be • used until October 15th and to S: end ice will be placed in arena. It is also understood that the Town rrmst ' have a program of work Outlined or undertaken by October 15th to keep the arena opening following following this date. It is expected expected that work of necessary repairs could be undertaken in the majority of cases while the arena is in use. Final reports on the Bowmanville Bowmanville and Newcastle Villagp arena are not expected until sometime in mid September from the engineering firm. Arrangements are now underway underway to provide ice time in the two arenas, Bowmanville and Darlington, for the various various skating clubs and hockey teams within the municipal- 1 . Numerous meetings ,are being held throughout the area to this end with such a meeting being held in Orono " on Tuesday night.