An environmental think-tank ORONO Nursery School 1/2 Day Enrichment' Program for 3-5 Year Old Children Places available for September Call 987-4012 St* Saviours ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:0(1 a.rrt. HolyXpm munion ' • First and'.Third Sundays Morning Prayer - • Secoiiei and Fourth Sundays ,. Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, h A L.Th. .UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B.E. Long B. Th ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Mr Douglas Dewell - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th Orono United Church Sunday school at 10:00 a.m. For all departments Morning Worship 11:45 a.m. Kirby United Church Morning Worship 9:45 a.m.' Sunday Church School 11 À.m, Oh Day 20 everything in the world appeared dead. Scum coated the water but couldn'thide the stench. And a 12 year old David Eijsenck was ready to give up. ' Then on day 26 things started to happen : the coating of scum disappeared disappeared from the water and ther stench gave way to a smell as clean and fresh as a pond in the forest. And David was rea'dy to try again. - David's world Is called an ecosystem, what you might call an aquarium ■ with an ' important difference difference :. . it's self-supporting The whole idea behind the ecosystem is to bottle a slice of life from a living stream or pond and then sit back and watch what happens. And there will be plenty to see. Ores® Building Csiilriscfer .Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work * Floors-Tile 983-54') I Orono Living species, will rise and then die-off making Way for other species. New balances of life come in waves of- change like the dynamic history of civilizations, civilizations, on earth. And like earth, the ecosystem's ecosystem's survival will depend depend on no outside sustenance sustenance except for the energy .. from the sun. "1 David's mother likes the ecosystem because it's a welcome addition to the household ... an attractive aquarium full of plants and animals with exoctic-spun ding names such as cyclops , daphnip, fairy shrimps and hydra that is constantly évolving a new appearance To say nothing of its maintenance -free operation. operation. David likes ihbecause it's •a project he took on himself and finished by himself.. - To say .nothing of the prize he won at a science fair. If the ecosystem sounds like a good idea for you, here's how you might go about it : Find the biggest bottle you can, preferably one with a lid, and clean it thoroughly but without using using soap. Visit a slow-flowing slow-flowing stream or pond, places where the growth of aquatic aquatic plants indicates a variety variety of plant and animal life. Fireplaces Chimney Repairs All types of House Remodelling Flagstone Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs Phone 983-5606 CAMS PORT TRAILER SALES See our line of". -CHEVRON TRAILERS -TRUCK CAPS -FIBREGLASCANOES Stock some parts for above items OPEN WEEKDAYS & WEEK-ENDS , 9:00 8:00 p.m. Closed Mondays at Noon HIGHWAY 1V5& 35 NEWCASTLE PHONE 987-5174' 'HOSIERY SALE September 8th to 18th Mow is the time to stock up on -your hose for the next few months ■ ■ Reg, Parity Hose Sheer Panty Hose $1,35 pr, $1.35 pr. Queen Size Panty Hose , $1.43 pry One Size Panty Hose .84 pr. Knee High Pant.Hose - .67 pr. Stockings . 3 pr. $3.95 3 pr. $3.95 3 pr. $4.15 3 pr.$2.40 3 pr. $1.98 .84 pr... - - ,3 pr„$2.40 Tender Tootsie Shoes Tender Tootsie Shoes for,fall, are now in stock. A#i elegant sling back in navÿ also chestnut. ' $13.00 ' ■- • . . A<dmfoi table T-strap in brown for , • 'sis-.oo ». pressy Patent sjyle in both black and brown. ' ,$9.00 ' , Long Sleeve Tops . Smart long-sleeve. Tbps for girls, sizes 10 -14, Priced at. 759 And Washed Jeans, sizes 10 -T4 for... tis .ARMSTRONG^! ' " ' 14--Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 8th, 1976 Mr. S. B. Rutherford and Mrs. Helen Schmid were a busy pair on Sunday afternoon afternoon and evening when they signed an estimated four hundred copies of the recently published book outlining the history of Clarke Township, "Out of the Mists". Purchasers of the book arrived at the opening of the signing and a steady line-up . continued, for at ' least two hours. Then in "the evening the co-authors were again kept busy with another signing session. The signing was held in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall where ladies of the Rebek- ah Lodge served a light lunch which was provided for the occasion by the United Church Women of Orono United Church and Kendal United Church as well as the Kendal Women's Women's Institute. The signing -party not only attracted people from this community but from Newcastle and distant areas such as ; Guelph, Peterborough and many others. . The local Clarke Museum Museum also took part in the BUILD YOUR OWN ECOSYSTEM IT CAN BE FUN. activities and many attending attending the session took «-the opportunity to visit the museum and to view the many items of interest 1 contained in the building. For the afternoon and evening the museum did" away with its regular small charge. Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS Scoop three inches " of the bottom sediment into the bottle and take a sample of the aquatic plants. Use a kitchen sieve as a net to catch tiny aquatic organisms that live among the plants. Fill the bottle three-quarters full with water from' the site and allow the contents to sit in sunlight for a day before letting it settle overnight. You'll likely have a variety of animal life in your sample but you can add guppies purchased in male-female pairs or snails if you wish. . After a few weeks/ when the system is finçtioning the bottle can be sealed by IF FAULTY WIRING- ISGIY/m YOU TROUBLE... JUST DIAL 60WWMBER WEIL BE THERE OH THE DOUBLE! O. Chatterton Eléctrical Contracting Phone "« 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario melting paraffin wax and applying it around the lid or stopper so that no aiV_ can enter or leave. Then sit back and watch what happens. If you find live organisms in' your ecosystem you can't identify even with the help of a well-stocked public library, write to Hans Eijsenck at the Ontario Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Environment, 135 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto M4V IPS. Between Hans and his son, David you can get your answer. Clarke Public LIBRARY PHONE 983-5507 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday .( 2 :00 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 A.m. Orono, Ontario F. /"STALL Pumping Out Septic Tanks Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 Dial f A-Thought 983-9151