Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, September 8th, 1976 SPECIAL ORONO FAIR EDITION See inside pages , GRlC u^ L ^ 1RAL . -,t-sl^ eSSa9e o - reS \v- to „ ,\de" v XXoa rà °A 3i * e to A US *?f -VOTS , t 0 i'f' VlVe ' oVV.*^ L,N7 \)iv e '. y-apàV» acC0 »P \n$&. vupxc'n" 1a \y „fee tiu6 . w Vv» s a t a r» _ P uV» c votit * a V oreett^ , ei v * aS £ iaI tn - etvV * w^ig^ d *** ^=5 a C> ^ t»« »5«t t.-»'-' 0 " *t W *f1ï»»o"* s 166 MÏ «.^T**'** .«■"SU*** Ls eXixS Orono arena could remain open The Orono Arena may well be in operation this winter according to Mr. Jim Riçkard presidênt of the Durham Central Agricultural Society. Mr. Rickard has pointed out that the engineering firm of. 17 n, Sims and Hubiqki will bw-.taking a further study of the arena following the completion completion of their work with the Bowmanville and Newcastle " Village arenas. It is considered considered to be quite possible that the Orono Arena could be used this winter on a temporary 1 basis. Its use would be depencf ' on no snow load and winds under forty miles and hour and Mr. Rickard states that a forty mile an hour wind is a stiff wind. Mr. Rickard safd that snow would have to be kept off the building and the wind -moni-*' tored. If the Wind reached over the forty mile an hour (Continued on page 22) Within the past ten years three bodies have been discovered in an area north of the intersection of High ways 35 and 115 along Highway 115. The third discovery was made on (Continued on page 2) • happenings. PANCAKE BREAKFAST SATURDAY The Orono Firemen are prepared to start your day right on Saturday morning with a Pancake and Sausage breakfast at the fire hall. Serving starts at seven p.m. and continues until all served. A good way to start off fair day in Orono. Orono fair pageant Saturday afternoon Mutilated body found off Highway 115 Beauty will abound this year at the Fair in Orono not only with the return of the Miss Durham Central pageant pageant but also through the holding of the Dairy Princess contest and the appearance of the Shorthorn Lassie. After a lapse of one year the Miss Durham Central pag- enat returns with the pageant befng stag'ed Saturday afternoon afternoon sometime around three o'clock. Last week-end there ■were-, eight contestants who ' will enter the pageant and it is expected that this number could rise to ten. Most of the contestants are sponsored by an organization within the community of the Town of Newcastle. - Three contestants will compete compete from Orono being Miss Marcia Lowery sponsored by the Orono Chamber of Commerce; Commerce; Miss Maureen Shetler sponsored by the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club and Miss Annetta Schefield, sponsored by - the Orono Chamber of Commerce. Miss Jackie Canfield of Bowmanville and- her sister Jill have also been sponsored for the competition by both the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce and the Bowman- ville Kinsmen Club. The names of the other entrants were not available at the time of going to press. In 1974, the last year for the pageant, Miss Lorna Lowery, was choosen Miss Durham Central. DAIRY PRINCESS Friday afternoon the Dairy Princess will be chosen at the fair. Last week two entrants, Miss Louise Van Camp and Miss Mary-Lou Malcolm both of Blackstock, were known to be,in the contest. In 1975 Miss Ruth Chater (riee) was the Dairy Princess. Also making their appearance appearance at the fair will be the Shorthorn Lassie to add her charm of beauty and as the Dairy Princess will assist with the promotion of the industry: In 1975 Jocelyn Pimmett held the title of Shorthorn Lassie. The pageants are but another another feature of the Orono Fair making it a must to attend this coming week-end. DESTROYING MAIL BOXES The Newcastle OPP detachment have had a number of complaints from both Clarke Township and Darlington over the destruction of rural mail boxes last Saturday night. It has been pointed out that it is someone local destroying the boxes. FIRE DESTROYS CAR « A 69 Volkswagen was destroyed by fire Saturday at Tower Hill in the Ganaraska. The auto was owned by an Ajax man and fire started from faulty wiring. ASSISTANT JUDGE APPOINTED Judge John D. Bark has been appointed assistant Judge for the area and will preside in an area from Cobourg to Oshawa. Judge Bark was a former Peterborough lawyer being appointed to the bench on August 16th. Well over two hundred attended the Out of the Mist signing, on Sûnday afternoon and evening. The signing was held in the Oronq Oddfellows Hall, above Mrs. Ann Cow man, a member of the Newcastle Town Council, presents presents her book for signing by Mrs. Helen Schmid ana Mrs. S. B, Rutherford. Sale of the. book now numbers close tp six hundrèd. , 1