(Irene weekly limes, Wednesday, September Clarke Museum Corner Broadfoent says currant prices fair While making Federal Ade this weekend, Ed Broadbent and Doug Moffatt discussed inflation. The federal leader remarked, "at 79 cents per lb., the price of dried currants is certainly fair". The following following recipe was prepared for the First Big One. FEDERAL ADE Take equal quantities of apples, peaches, oranges, ORONO Nursery School % Day Enrichment Program for 3-5 > Year Old Children Places available for September Call 987-4012 St. Saviours ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Service -10:00 a.m. Holy Communion First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer - Second and Fourth - Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745 Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. grapes; plums and core, pit, peel and chop. Mash ripe bananas with frozen concentrated concentrated • orange juice. Boil raisins and currants in syrup. Mix all ingredients and freeze HIGHLIGHTS OF ORONO FAIR < Continued from page 1) due to rain and cloud on Saturday. Gate receipts on Thursday were down by some $400.00 which was offset on Friday by an increase in gate receipts of $400.00. The crowd for the •harness racing on Friday was a noted Increase over former years. The weatherman fail- ed # to co-operate in any way for Saturday never giving a glimpse for blue sky and encouragement for attend- ance.»The gate receipts tSok a dip of Only $900.00 under these adverse conditions, when both exhibitors and spectators spectators were at times forced to plow through mud in certain areas of the grounds. It would certainly appear that conditions had been set for new gate records at the local fair if weather conditions conditions had been on Saturday .what they were on Sunday. The fair had many interesting interesting features this year with the inside of the exhibit building and the fine art show leading off with setting a fine atmosphere atmosphere for the annual exhibition. exhibition. As usual some exhibits in ice cube trays. On the evening of the Sept. 18th celebration for Doug Moffatt, beverages of choice will be poured over the frozen cubes to make Federal Ade. NITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B.E. Long B.Th. ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR * Mr Douglas Dewell ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Morning Worship 9:45 a ,m. Sunday CVhurch School 11 am Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 'Oran® Builflieig Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet WVrk .Floors Tile ' 983-5441 Orono In our last 2 articles, we have shown that similar items are sometimes donated within a short period of time, by pure coincidence. The donations we received this June, however, by no means fall into the same category. Mrs. Patricia Irwin donated an "Orono Creamery" container, container, a welcome addition to our "History in Many Ways" display; the Orono Masonic Lodge very kindly gave us a collection box that had been used in the Presbyterian Church; and Mr. John De Witt brought in 2 double school desks of an interesting simple ând perhaps early design. We would also like- to use this article to thank everyone who helped to • make the book-signing of "Out of the Mists" and the Museum, open house on September 5th such a pleasant and successful day. In particular, we extend^ our thanks to the Heather Rebekah Lodge for providing , the Orono Odd Fellows' Community Hall and for organizing the refreshments; the Orono-Leskard U.C.W., the Kendal U.C.W. and the Kendal W.I., for their delicious delicious cookies and squares ; * Mrs. Olive Millson for the flowers on the signing table at were down somewhat while other took up the slack with an increase. There was a good showing of cattle from the Black and White show to other dairy and beef classes. The horse show also went ahead irregardless of the rain -as did other shows as sheep and goats. The poulty display was equal to other y pars with some decline in the annual rabbit show which is a fine feature at the exhibition. The return of the Miss Durham Central pageant was a great lift for the fair and for well over an hour contained the interest of the hundreds who were able to jam into the exhibition building for the pageant. The pageant had to be moved from outside into the building due to the threat of rain. It was a tremendous success and a credit to the . girls entered in the contest as well as those organizing the show. Another feature to attract considerable interest was the local participation of various teams in the Tug-of-War contest with the Kendal Juniors coming out the champions champions in the big pull. The team horse pull, saw the heavy team'winner draw a total of -10,300 pounds of dead weight along the track for a distance of twenty feet. MacDonalds Farm had some new features for this edition of the farm and added its part to the success of the annual exhibition. Gordie Tapp concluded the fair in a fine manner at the annual fair dance on Saturday Saturday flight where oVer four hundred were in attendance. In all and irregardless of the weather conditions ,it must be said that the fair was- a great success and. could have broken all records with a sunshiny Saturday. Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS Fireplaces Chimney Repairs All types of House Remodelling , Flagstone Patio Slabs Concrete Jobs Phone 983-5606 the Hall; and Miss Catherine Stewart and Mrs.. Eleanor Foster for the flowers and plants at the Museum. And above all, we join with the many people who have read or are reading "Out of the- Mists" to thank Mrs. .Helen Schmid and Mr. Sid Rutherford for their excellent history of the area, a history both informative and enter- : joining. Hi Everyone ! We are startling startling our new Kinsmeri-Ki nette year with Presidents Bill Reid and Jan Hyland respectively. respectively. Although we don't hold meetings during the summer, we went to Kin Kamp and had picnics for our children. Both IF FAULTY mm& /SGIurn YOU TROUBLE... just dial OUR NUMBER WEIL BE THERE ON THE DOUBLE 1 . our clubs played Lobb Ball this summer, it was the first year for Kinettes and managed managed to place fourth in the standings, don't ask where the Kinsmen ended up. They then tried Tug-of-War at the Fair, guess they have brains, . not brawn. All the same they really are a nice bunch of guys. : As oür clubs dontinue to grow, we hope to be able to serve our communities better and offer you social activities as well. The first event of the Kinette year will be their Third Annual House Tour on Oct. 30th. By reading this column we will keep you informed of future projects and happenings in your area. O. Chafferfon Electrical Contracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 ' Orono, Ontario Pumping Out Septic Tanks Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2553 CAMSPORT TRAILER SALES -CHEVRON TRAILERS --TRUCK CAPS , --FIBREGLAS CANOES Stock some parts for above items OPEN WEEKDAYS & WEEK-ENDS 9:00a.m. to8:00p.m. Closed Mondays at Noon HIGHWAY i 15 & 35 NEWCASTLE PHONE 987-5174 Making your gwn Slacks or Suit for Winter? A very suitable material in three colours, black, navy and camel areon our shelves in 45"'width and sells at $4.00 a yard. . Three attractive new patterns, in \, small prints are selling at $1.75 a yard t W A new shipment of Infants to 6x sizes in clothing is ready .to be unpacked, Ladies"Summer Clothing is gradually gradually being replaced by new Fail and Winter goods. Visit us soon. iARMSTRONG'Si