6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday.OetoberJOth^ 1976 Rebekah Lodge install new officers tidckey on its way . .With or without an arena the winter activities-for.hotkeyare now underway for local boys". Some 135 boys have registered to play under the Oijono Amature Athletic ' banner in both the United Counties league andinthe O.M.H.A. Ice time hak been obtained in Hampton for the prono teams and a schedule of these times with the teams is published elsewhere in this issue of the Times. It is expected will be in operation some repairs which that the Orono arena this year following to the Athletic through a special committee nave committed them selves. Plans for the drafted and approval for such repairs are being sought from the Ministry of Labour. Awaiting Snow Fail tie :St i It may well weeks before those down hill and cross to take part in tho Even so the intere and a large crowd Ski Club hill on Sun to be outdone the c wère looking ove Ganaraska in prep hope, is an early while writing this a is predicting snow next few days. mid The Or<ii Committee woi on the new Community Cehi the present an torn-down in Ap: Please ai add your comm or leave at the Cl] Would you Arena, and Com Would ^oi Comments repairs are now being a goodly number of enjoying skiing, both Country, may be able se outdoor activities. is beginning to show was out at the Oshawa lay for a meeting! Not pss-country ski group r the trails in the ^ration, for what they, snowfall. Incidently rticle the weatherman for this area over the At the Kawartha On Thursday at the Rawartha Junior West took the opening race driving the Robinson horse from Newtonville, F. D. Parson with a winning time of 2.10. In the following race Olde Soft Shoe driven by Gord Robinson of Newtonville took another win at the track. In the same race Harwil Pete, owned by Chas. Peake, Orono finished in third spot. Joe Drew of Hampton drove his own horse, Don's Daub, to a win in the seventh with a time, of 2.06.3. In the next race Hilltop Class, owned by the Stewart Bros, in Bowmanvillé placed in the top spot and paid a handsome $49.00, $10,20 and $3.20. Gerald Robinson drove to a second place finish in the tenth race with Gander Song. The tenth was won by Robbie Robbie. On Saturday the opening race went to Victoria Danny in 2.11.4 with Gord Robinson finishin third with a drivé with Jaco Chief. Derek Newman was third with the Cliff Francis horse, Wil Lor Amy. In the fourth race the win went to Joister Mimbar with Glenn Tennant finishing second with Mini Valley, a horse owned by. Rus. Merrill of Orono. Keith West wag sixth in the same event with Worthy Rapido. In the sixth race William Hannah was fifth with his own horse, Ro Ann Valley. Junior West was fourth in the tenth driving the Don Lycett horse, Chuckle Lind. The regular meeting of Heather Rebekah Lodge No. 334 was held Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1976. The highlight of the evening was the introduction of Sjster Doreen Swan, District District Deputy President of District No. 8, Oshawa Eas.t. Sister Swan was escorted and introduced by Sister Hazel Stapleton, P.N.G. The meeting was presided over by Sister Evelyn Glan- ville, Noble Grand assisted by Sister Jean Lewis, P.N.G. as acting Vice Grand. Sister Gloria Todd, Convenor Convenor of the Bazaar Committee reported that plans are well under way for the Annual Bazaar and Tea to be held Saturday, December 4th, in the I.O.O.F. Community Hall. A School of Instruction is to be conducted in Orono, Monday, Monday, Nov, 1st, 7:30 p.'ffi. Officers of all lodges in Dist. 8, Oshawa East will be taking part. Sister Grace Love, Port Perry, Past President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario will be in charge of this meeting. The purpose of the Official visit of Sister Swan, District t Deputy President was to install the new officers for the ensuing year. The Installation ceremonies were performed with dignity and decorum. Officers installed for 1976-77 were : Your Comments- Please >no Community Centre Project be interested in your comments proposed Orono Arena, and-or tre to be built on the existing site of ena. The present arena must be rilof 1977. nswer the follwoing questions and ents. Mail to Box 103 Orono, Ontario rono Post Office, OTTAWA and Small Business like to see a combined munity Centre ? YES NO o o like to see just an Arena y Eg NO O Will run for region?! Mr. Bill Clarke is an industrial arts teacher in Oshawa and he has taught there for 24 years. * He recently retired from the Ontario Regiment with the rank of Major and second in command. His seven years of activé: service took him overseas to the African theatre for three and a half years. He is a graduate of the Canadian Army Staff College, Kingston and a member of the Royal Canadian Legion. Always Always interested in community community work he is presently chairman of St. John's Amb- ulance^or Oshawa and district. district. He resides in Newtonville at Victoria Park Farm with his daughter Victoria and son Alan. The other sons Michael and Stewart reside away from home. seat, Ward 3 If elected, Mr. Clarke is prepared" to represent Ward three in a full time capacity. He believes the region representation is so important important that it demands full time participation. By KENNETH McDONALD Canada is in political turmoil. turmoil. There's alack of public confidence in political institutions institutions and political, leaders. Citizens feel isolated from the political process as governments governments implement legislation legislation which is often contrary to public opinion. , Both here and in the U.S., there is profound distrust of central governments. Too much power has passed from elected representatives to non-elected officials. Too often local Members of Parliament Parliament are nothing more than ombudsmen! How are we going to strengthen the role of MPs and increase public confidence confidence in the political system? system? The Canadian Federation Federation of Independent Business sees the following two mea- I sures as being 'potentially influential. The first, already passed into law, will take election financing out of the hands of central party organizations organizations and their sources in big business' and big unions. m • • By permitting 75 percent of the first $ 100 contributed to a federal political party to be deducted from income tax, and reducing the relief on larger contributions up to a maximum deduction of $500, the new rules put the money power into the hands of the individual riding' , associations. Democracy gains by a shift of .power from big centralized institutions institutions to individuals and local communities. • e • If an MP ignores the wishes of his or her constituents, it could be relatively easy for a group of angry citizens to take over a riding association association and finance its own candidate. « • • The second measure, awaiting formal legislation, deals with freedom of public public access to information on which the federal government government bases its decisions. Withholding that information information is the chief source of bureaucratic power. How can the Official Opposition, or members of parliamentary committees, offer constructive constructive criticism when deprived of the relevant facts? • e • For example, Mirabel, the $1.5 billion airport which airlines and passengers are trying to avoid, probably would never have been built if the fanciful traffic projections projections used to justify it had been made public. ' Changing election financ- « ing was a commendable step toward electoral reform. Freedom of information, is essential to reforming Parliament Parliament itsejf. Both represent a potential shift of power from Big Government, Big Business, Big Labour and Big Cities to individuals, small business and local t communities. Noble Grand - Sister Betty Major Vice Grand - Carolyn Farrpw Jr. Past Noble Grand - Evelyn Glanville Recording Secretary - Mae Allen Financial Secretary - Carole Boyd Treasurer - Irene Murray, Musician - Mildred Rainey Chaplain - Gloria Todd Warden - Marilyn Major Conductor : Violet Sutcliffe Flag Bearer - Mary Thompson Thompson Right Support of N.G. - Olive Millson Left Support of N.G. - Ida Martin Right Support of V.G. .- Doreen Svfran Left Support of V.G. - ' Lâverne Barraball R.S. Jr. Past N.G. - Maude Cooper L.S. Jr. Past N.G. - Edith Gordon R.S. Chaplain - Grace Dues- bery L.S. Chaplain - Velma Watson In a few well chosen words Sister Swan brought greetings greetings from the President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario and Urged the Sisters to practice the motto Friendship, Friendship, Love and Truth. The meeting closed after which a delicious lunch was enjoyed in the banquet hall where tables were decorated with bowls of beautiful shiny red apples. i • • • i or- are e • •• THE .'STEERING COMMITTEE ' OF '■ The Durham Region ' District Health Council Invites Nominations From individuals, groups and ganizations of persons • who willing to serve in a voluntary capacity on ' the Durham Region District Health Council. The Health Council is an advisory body responsible to the Ministry of Health on all matters related to health care planning within the Region of Durham. - Please submit nominations, along with curriculum curriculum vitae, tor Kenneth N. Matheson Chairman, Steering Committee ' Durham Region District Health Council Box 478 Pickering, Ontario L1V 2R7 . •m m m m m m m m m m m m'm m <m m m • m m e • • I I I 8 I I I 1 I a ■ a a a § a a i a a a a a a i, a a a a • a a a a i Orono Amateur Athletic Hockey Schedule •AT THE; Darlington Sports Centre AH Orono Amateur Athletic Hockey has started and being held in the Darlington Sports Centre. The schedule is as follows: Monday nights: 6-7 - Tykes * , 7-8- O.M.H:A. PeeWees . 8-9- O.M.H.A. Bantams 9- 10-O.M.H.A. Midgets 10- 11- U.C. Midgets Saturday 3-4 - U.C. PeeWees , 4-5 - O.M/H.A. Atoms 5-6 - U.C. Bantams Sunday - 10tU a.m. - Novice, 8 yr. olds 11- 12 a.m. - U.C, Atoms As soon as the Orono Arena opens the above schedule will apply at the Orono Arena. Savè this schedule. There still is 'a, need for coaches for the United Counties PeeWees and Bantams as well as help with otfiqr Orono teams.' ' NOTE: * . • Final hockey registration will bp held open until ' November 1st. Players may be registered by phoning 983-5858. Sr a i 8 I @ @