Kendal News October has been below average in temperatures, and continues' to give us very '"'Un-October like" weather. Sunday was a rainy day but in spite of the weather we.had a tine crowd at Kendal Anniversary Anniversary ..The men's choir gave us, Sonie excellent choruses with Mrs. K. Wood at the ham- mond organ. Their special anthem was "How Great Thou Art." Rev. David Spivey spoke on "The Kindled Flame" and left us with a lot of food for thought. We were pleased to have Rev. and Mrs. G. Montgomery with us at our anniversary. Mrs. A. Foster played for the hymns at the service. After the service a social cup of tea was enjoyed with al our friends frpm a distance in the Sunday School room. Next Sunday morning at 9:45 a m, the male choir willsing at Newtonville Anniversary. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. Minne Wyb- enga of this village whose sister was killed instantly in a car accident in Holland and his mother passed away later. Minne and his brother who lives in Ottawa went to the funeral. Another brother Sid Wybenga lives north of New- tonville, a fourth brother, who usèd to live at Kendal Rev. Vigor Wybenga returned the past year to "The Netherlands'" Netherlands'" to minister to a church there. Queen's park report , This week I would like to. focus on some of the problems in connection with the proposed proposed Darlington Nuclear Generating Station and possibly possibly offer some suggestions which would benefit the people of the Region of Durham. I would like to know, for instance, if Ontario Hydro has considered alternative methods methods of transporting the con- - struction work force to the site? As a suggestion, rather than build additional roadways roadways and parking lots perhaps perhaps Ontario Hydro could consider allotting to Newcastle Newcastle or the Region of Durham the equivalent number of dollars for public transit services. Energy would be saved as well as the extremely extremely high cost of construction. Residents in Durham would benefit by some form of transit with greater long run, energy savings. For example, Knoxville, Tennessee, is inv- _^>lved in this kind of project âïf a site 20 miles from the city. Funds earmarked for a 4 lane road and massive parking facilites are being channelled into buses, riding pools, and transit.. . v ' What information is available available regarding the use of garbage in production of p'-ctric power? Therè ap- X s to be a drastic problem shaping up on the eastern edge of Metro and throughout the Region of Durham regarding regarding sanitary landfill'sites. I gather from items in the press that various jurisdictions jurisdictions in the U.S. have completed completed some facilites to combine waste disposal and generation generation of electric power. If these are successful maybe if is feasible to combine waste disposal and generation .of electric power. If these are successful maybe it is feasible feasible to alter the Darlington Station now from nuclear to some other combination. It seems to me that there are some multiple advantages to this scheme. There is a hydro liaison committee for the proposed Darlington Station and I am -ure that they would welcome iy ideas or suggestions. I "think that it is possible to f come up with a plan that in terms of long-range planning would benefit us all. Doug Moffatt, MPP, Durham East HALLOWEEN SAFETY TIP Parents! Be sure your children children have a safe Halloween. Put something white or reflective on their costumes. Give the drivers a chance to see them. On Wednesday evening, Oct. 20th, the Kendal Women's Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Art Low with twenty- one ladies present. The guest speaker was Mrs. R. Fraser of Solina, President of the Durham West Institutes. She had gone as a delegate to the Convention in Prince Edward Island. It had taken them four days to drive down. She was impressed with the size of the houses in Quebec so large to accommodate the large families. families. New Brunswick was very picturesque. They travelled travelled around the Cabot trail with its rocks and trees and little bays. P.E.I. with its red soil and green potatoes was very pretty. The Convention in three years time will be 1 held in Saskatchewan. Our president thanked Mrs. Fraser Fraser for her fine description of the events of interest. The fun fair on October 26 was planned. A delicious lunch was provided by our Hostess, Mrs. A. Low and Mrs. R. Elliott. The United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Art Low on Wednesday evening, October 6 with eleven members members present and one visitor. The president Mrs. J. Staple- ton opened the meeting with the hymn, "Sing to the Lord of harvest" followed by a prayer of thanksgiving. Mrs, M. Stevens read the 23 psalm. The roll call was, "I am thankful for --: This was well answered, one lady said she was thankful for a land of freedom like Canada where we could say what we thought and worship where we wished without fear of arrest. Moved by Mrs. H. Foster, sec. by Mrs. R. Elliott that two bills for Country and Gospel Hymnals Hymnals and for psalm books purchased be paid. Carried. It was decided to order 30 United Church Calendars. Moved by Mrs. K. Wood, sec. by Mrs. M. Wybenga that we send six Observers to the Rhama Reserve. Carried. Oct. 19 the Regional Meeting is at Ebenezer church. Rev. A. Tizzard gave us the story of the church in Newfoundland. In 1610 people Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 27th, 1976--7 Lunch was provided by Miss C. Stewart. made homes in Newfoundland. Newfoundland. There was no missionary missionary sent there till 1683. Then an Anglican missionary came. In 1785, John Geary was sent out to Newfoundland by John Wesley. Bishop Black composed their National Anthem. Anthem. It is 524 in .the blue. • hymn book. We listened to" the recording. Then we sang it. The anglicans had their schools and the Methodists theirs. The one building was used'for church and school. If there was no missionary the elders carried on the service. This was very interesting. OSHAWA FAIR MAY GO TO WHITBY , If . certain lands in whitby can be rezoned from Open Space in Whitby it would gppear that the Oshawa Fair will have a new home. The Oshawa Fair Board wants to purchase 90 acres of land west of Garrod Road lying betwqeen Taunton and Winchester Roads and create what would be known as Durham Region Place. - LUNCHEON SPECIALS ierved Monday to Friday inclusive U:00A.M. to 3:00 P.M. | TUESDAY -- Welsh Rarebit on Toast WEDNESDAY-- Cabbage Rolls FRIDAY -- Deep Fried Shrimp Luncheon Special Complete Meals Meals include soup of the day, or juice, french I fries, roasted or mashed potatoes, vegetables of I the day, roll and butter, a choice of deSseris, a tea or coffee 8 THE NEW DUTCH OVEN Ontario has prepared for parents about The Spamphjets are interesting, easy to read, and filled with important information for parents: 1. "Reading and Writing: Helping Your Child Improve" offers practical and imaginative suggestions for parents to use at home. 2. "Parents and Teachers Working Together" tells how and why you should establish contact with the prinçipal and teacher. 3. "The New Core Curriculum in Secondary Schools" explains the new expanded core of mandatory subjects to, guide parents of studénts entering secondary school. 4. "How Ydur Child Learns" describes the factors that influence the learning process. 5. "The Community and Its School"' explains how to make ydur neighbourhood school à centre of community activities. Fill out and mail this coupon for the pamphlets you want: 1111 Please send me the following free pamphlets: 111! .□ "Reading and Writing: Helping YourChiid Improve" fl "Parents and Teachers Working Together" | | "The New Core Curricufum in Secondary Schools" PT] "How YourChiid Kearns" I | "The Community and Its School" III Ministry of Education William Davis, ! r 1 Premier jjfcg* », h AfidrA5tq > , Thomas Wells, |p< Minister 1 tTi City or Town--r- < ■ « Postal Code * Province of Ontario P~[ Check he're if French language pamphlets âre preferred. 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