UP & DOWN THE BOOKSTACKS Thurs., November 4th, 1976 Moffatt wants extra ministry Oro iu Weekly Times, Wednesday, "^«vember 3rd, 1976-9 My Life by Goldâ Meir • (autobiography) Kidnapped by Karl and Debbie Debbie Dortzback (true story of a young hiissionary's ordeal) ordeal) Estate Planning for Canadians Canadians by Jean Monet 133 Skiing Lessons by J'ean- Claude Killy (get a head start on winter) Murphy's Trail by Kelly Cast (Western) A Rose for Ana Maria by Frank Yerby Ash by David Walker Plague Ship by Frank Slaughter Slaughter (what happens when a plague is released in modern modern times, exciting read- VOOR W/R/HG- mOUGH.S ' COVofANMSM/CB, BomeR/m you. ^vnXVZ / \ O. Chatterton Electrical Contracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario JUNIOR • Chopper Cycle by E. & R.S. Radlauer (some wild machines) machines) Canadians All by Terry Angus (portraits of our people) Health and Disease by Time Life Inc. Lots of new.Snoopy, Peants and Dennis the Menace paperbacks. paperbacks. EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS 32 Feet of Insides by Ronni Solbert Look What Tracy Found by Charlotte Steiner Thunderhoof by Sid Hoff (easy reading) The Little Black Pony Races by Walter Farley Madeleine Hadley. An Ontario ministry dealing dealing exclusively with the credit union movement was called for Tuesday in the provincial legislature by Doug Moffat (NDP-Durham East). Mr. Moffatt, supporting a new Credit Unions Act introduced introduced for second reading, said he hoped such a ministry could come about "to give the kind : of support the credit union movement must have to compete with major lending and financial institutions." The bill, introduced by Consumer and Commercial Relations Minister Sidney Handleman, passed second reading and will now go to the justice committee for further study. Mr. Moffatt also asked the ministry to provide a time- Queen's park report First of all, I would like to say that the House is back in session. It should, prove to be an interesting session ; issues such as the farm income stabilization, employees' health and safety, and a host of other ones will be discussed. discussed. One of the most important bills is Bill 97, the Credit Unions Act. I would like to discuss this further, since the NDP critic for the Ministry of. Consumer and Commercial Relations, this falls under my jurisdiction. This new bill is long overdue. Changes were suggested as far back as 1969 in the Select Committee Report on Company law. What we have before us is a comprehensive bill covering areas such as direct access to a new clearing system for cheques, changes in membership, membership, and the inclusion of the Ontario share and Deposit Insurance Corporation. This last has sparked the most contoversy, in particular, the administration of this program. program. Suggestions and recommendations recommendations have come table of public meetings before third reading so interested interested groups could put together together their input for more discussions. The bill introduces more than 100 amendments to from all the credit unions, and caisses populaires in Ontario, both affiliated and non-affilia- ted. I think it is important to consider that there are well over two million people in Ontario who belong to the credit union movement and that it is precisely that, a movement. In many cases, in rural areas, credit unions have been the only source of money for most people. There is an astonishing amount of money in the credit unions and one of the intentions of this act is to provide 1 a viable agency to be a kind of competition to the major lending and financial institutions institutions that we have at present. I would like to add, that it might be possible to consider low-cost co-operative housing', under the provisions of the new bill. This is an area which- will have to be looked into thoroughly before such steps can be taken. On the whole, I think, Bill 9J is a piece of legislation that we can be proud of and one that the NDP will be glad to support. Doug Mofatt, M.P.P., Durham East credit union legislation prov-. iding "New .powers for credit unions while improving security security for depositors," Mr. Handleman said. Some of the amendments include the power to invest in real estate for income pur- - poses, to allow credit unions to invest in the bonds or debentures of any municipal ity or school corporation and to build, purchase or lease property in excess of current needs. "The bill allows the credit unions to improve their competitive competitive situation with regard to other financial institutions such as banks and trust companies, said. the minister % To express our appreciation of your continued patronage of our SAFE Milk Products during the past 64 years we. offer you this special on our Chocolate Dairy Drink. ONE QUART OF CHOCOLATE DAIRY DRINK 39 c SAVE 28c AT YOUR DAIRY STORE ONLY X Monday, Nov. 1st - Saturday, Nov. 6th IF ITS Sien (Ran J IT'S GOOD