Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 3rd. 1976-5 Orono Horticultural Fall Show Another successful show held by the Orono Horticultural Horticultural Society on Thursday evening, October 28, featured vase and container arrangements arrangements in seasonal fall colours, colours, potted geraniums, favourite favourite house plants, coleus and chrysanthemums. One of the most interesting entries was an excellent specimen of Hypocyrta, one of the fibrous rooted gesner- iads. If you would like to add .some variety to your collect; ion of house plants, you should try this one. Other Gesneriads, including Aesch- ynanthus, Columnea, Episcia and Streptocarpus are all excellent flowering subjects. President Joan Couvier THE HUSBANDS' JOBTO MAKE EY RIGHT AND LEFT, AND THE WIFE'S JOB TO SEE, r IT'S SPENT RIGHT !!! " ; 'Vono Towing t GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono I ALWAYS FEEL LIKE A - DARN FOOL WHEN IGrET . DOWN TO THE LAST ONE! WATSON'S Marine and Cycle ', Orono Phone 983-5343 BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNERSERVOCE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates ' Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 Bob Yeomans Plumbing and Heating 24 Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs Speeializingjn Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating * Septic Tank Work * R.R.l, Orono 983-5624 William C. Hall, B - Comm - Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY CLASS 9 - Container of Mums - Mixed Varieties. 1. Minnie Zegers 2/ Wes Wood 3. Jennie Bowins A special prize for the best arrangement in the show was awarded to Isabelle Challice. A hearty vote of thanks was given to all who had helped in setting up, the show and providing the refreshments. A bus trip has been arranged arranged to visit the Royal Winter Fairin Toronto on November 1.2. See seperate announcement. announcement. conducted the meeting and gave a special welcome to Mr! and Mrs. Harry Jose of Newcastle, who judged the entries. Following the business business meeting, Charlie Taylor provided entertainment with several rousing numbers on the fiddle, accompanied by Doreen Lowery on the piano. Bertha Touchburn and Ad- ele McGill announced the winning entries and presented presented the prizes. Results ■ CLASS 1 - One Potted Geranium in Bloom 1. Myrtle Wood 2. Wes Wood CLASS 2 - One Coleus (Or Foliage) 1. Myrtle Wood 2. Isabelle Challice CLASS 3 - Favourite House- plant 1. Myrtle Wood ' 2. Jennie Bowins 3. ' Madeleihe Buckley 4. Wes Wood CLASS 4 - Arrangement Using Houseplant Material 1. Minnie Zegers 2. Myrtle Wood 3. Isabelle Challice CLASS 5 - "Harvest Home" - Arangement using fruit, flowers, flowers, leaves and seeds 1. Isabelle .Challice 2. Minnie Zegers CLASS 6 - "Geisha" - a design in Japanese style 1. Minnie Zegers 2. Isabelle Challice 3. Madeleine Buckley CLASS 7 - "Tis Halloween" 1. Isabelle Challice , 2. Minnie Zegers CLASS 8 - Container of Mums - 1 Variety 1. Myrtle Wooçi . 2. Wes Wood 3. Madeleine Buckley NOTICE A Civic Service of Remembrance will be held at the Bowman ville Cenotaph Saturday, November 13th, 1976 at 10:45 a.m. All veterans, service clubs and organizations and general public are invited to attend. We respectively request that merchants will co-operate in closing their places of business during this special Remembrance Service. In the event of rain 1 this Remembrance Service will be held in the Town Hall Auditorium Services will also be held as follows: 1 Newtonville - Thursday, November ltth,'1976. Service at 10 a.m. in the Public School, Newtonville. ' , Newcastle Service at cenotaph, Thursday,.November 11,*1976 at 11:00 a.m. ; Orono Service at Cenotaph, J Sunday, November 7th, 1976 at , 10:45 a.m. 1 I ■ ■ I I ■ I 1 I I Ï I 1 I I I MAKE IT FESTIVE! Beautiful New Prints Have Arrived The Printshop Boutique Print Poly Patchwork $1.89 per yard $2.10a yard $2.25 a yard Pretty new colours , in Ferma Press Broadcloth, two green, a yellow, a blue and a soft pink. Priced at $1.60 i Carhartt Jeans. We have al! sizes. Sizes 8 -16 priced at $1.95 Larger sizes $11.95 A repeat shipment of Tender Tootsies in two favourite stylés have arrived. AIsq one hew style which looks good to'i/se. I r 1 Fluffy, white Polyester Stuffing for Pillows, Toys etc. Comes in 1 lb. bags- at $2.95. Snow Queen Guilt Bats at $3.50 and a special cotton for linings etc. at.98c. a yard. i A RMST RON G > Si