.M , ■■ Ganaraska may assist private lands Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 3rd, 1976-7 i ini Ills 'MM It was an early beginning first Hallowe'en with her on Saturday night for Lisa mother. Lisa was all decked Jackson when under the age out as a big rat. of one she took part in her Montgomery seeks position on board Mr. W. A. (Bill) Montgomery Montgomery of Newcastle village announed this week that he will seek election for the gigp Board of Education in Ward 3. Mr. Montgomery's announcement announcement will force a contest in, Ward 3 since the two incumbents, incumbents, Bill Carman and Geor- • ge Cameron had previously stated they will be re-running. Mr. Montgomery has expressed expressed concern over the quality of education. It has been frequently k pointed out* that 60 per cent of our municipal tax dollar goes to education and he states that that is where it should be. The educatioif of our children, he says, is certainly more important important than sewers and sidewalks, sidewalks, He stresses that the va) skills and knowledge leav 1 by our young people from the school system .and their families have a significant significant impact upon the kind of citizen and the society we have tomorrow. It is' his desire to share in the responsibilities responsibilities inherent in this process process by serving on the board. Bill's formal educational qualifications include a diploma diploma in engineering technology technology and a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology, In, addition to a career in technology, he The Natural Resources committee of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Authority gave their stamp of approval for a conservation services program which if passed by the executive and the full authority later this year could be in effect in 1977. The program would provide technical advice and consultation consultation free of charge to private land owners as well as grants for certain approved works. The program is directed under three headings being , erosion control, fish and wildlife habitat improvement and reforestation. All are directed to the area of conservation within the confines confines of the Ganaraska watershed watershed area. R. Forrester, chairman of the Authority has stated he is given to Understand that the program is one of the most comprehensive in the province province and entails a wide range of works. Under erosion control the program will pertain to stream bank erosion and gully erosion while fish and wildlife habitat improvement pertains to wildlife feed and cover establishment, stream and pond improvements, nesting nesting construction and installation installation as well as water quality enhancement. The area of assistance to private lands under reforestation would pertain to planting to stabilize severe slopes, to protect headwater areas and to establish windbreaks. Under an approved program program for erosion control the Authority will grant funding at 75 percent of the cost up to a maximum of $750.00 with the property owner accepting 25 percent of the cost. For fish and wildlife habitat improvement 'the Authority will grant funding to a • maximum of $375.00 of an approved project. For tree planting the Authority under an approved project would pay $50.00 per thousand trees on slopes less than a 10 percent grade, $80.00 per thousand trees on grades greater than 10 percent and' $10.00 per hundred trees for windbreaks. The maximum grant per year would be $250.00. Mr. Brian Hancock, superintendent superintendent with the authority also, ât the meeting outlined conditions of the programs all of which he said were directed to the theme of conservation within the area. The program is so devised that work can either be undertaken by the land owner ôr by the authority upon agreement being reached by both parties. Applications forms have also been devised and it is hoped that the program, now under review for a number of months at the committee stage, will be operative in 1977. LUNCHEON SPECIALS Served Monday to Friday inclusive 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. # sauerkraut MONDAY- TUESDAY --Welsh Rarebit on Toast WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY--Deep Fried Shrimp c ~3Cial Complete Meals $1.95 fries, roasted or mashed potatoes, vegetables of the day, roll and butter, a choice of desserts, tea or coffee THE NEW DUTCH OVEN r. 115 at Taunton Orono This is Energy Conservation Week Here is what you can do to help Ontario conserve energy. has had wide experience in personnel. He is currently the Personnel Officer at Durham College Bill is a member of the Lions Club of Newcastle and immediate past president of the Ontario Association of \ tified Engineering Techni ogists. The Montgomerys have two daughters in Grades 1 and 2 at Newcastle Public School. Energy. It will cost us $7.5 billion province-wide this year. To help cut that cost, your Ontario Government established the Energy Management Program. The goal is to save $1 billion a year on energy bills throughout Ontario by 1980. , Ninety-five energy management research and demonstration projects are underway to help you Use less energy at home and.at work. You too can ctimserve energy and save money by: • Insulating and caulking your home • Lowering daytime temperatures to 68°F (20°C) and nighttime temperatures to 63°.F (17°C) • Closing drapes on all windows on winter nights • Replacing air filters on warm air heating systems • once a month • Using 40 watt instead of 60 or 100 watt bulbs where practical • Keeping the damper closed when the fireplace is r\ot in use 1 • Installing storm windows and doors • Turning off lights and TV when not being used • Warming up your car's engine gradually • Avoiding idling the engine while waiting, For more Ways to save energy and money, send for the free booklet "Energy Conservation. ..TheChoice is Yours' Write to: - , Ontario Energy Management Program Ministry of Energy 56 Wellesley Street West , 12th floor • Toronto, Ontario *, ' M7A2B7, Ministry of Energy Dennis R. Timbrell, Minister William G. Davis, Premier Province of Ontario