Pk, 1 /; ' « « ' ' , ' ' ■ FOURTEEN BEAVERS INVESTED On Monday evening in the Orono United Church fourteen fourteen Beavers were enrolled in the local organization which has an over-all enrolment of almost thirty. Games and a general program program related to the Beaver Swine flu vaccination commences Dec. 7th Vaccination for Swine Flu will commence in the region of Durham on December 7th with a series of clinics planned for eight regional centres. In a release from the irham Regional Health Un- -a it is stated that if you are between the age of 20 - 65 uears of age and have chronic illness of the heart, lungs, kidney or diabetes or other metabolic disorders, you are advised to contact your family family physician to give the vaccination. If however you wish to have this vaccination at one of the Health Unit Clinics you are asked to bring a letter from your physician. ; Vaccinations are free of charge and done only on a voluntary basis. 'll the Town of Newcastle* ea a clinic is being held in first day of the clinic those ■with last names starting "with A to G will be admitted while II to 0 will be taken on the second day and P to Z on the third day of the clinic. A two day clinic is also being held in the Newcastle Public School on December 13 and 14th. A to K on December 13 and L to Z on December 14th. All clinics will be open from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. Level of police service to be good Members of Town council have been advised by letter from Ontario's Solicitor General, General, John Macbeth that there the Bowmanville High School ^ j s no | reason to believe that on Dcember 7, 8 and 9th. The ■ t ' he level of serv ice to .be Telephone 623-4473 Patrick G. Deegan, D.T. Denture Therapy Clinic . 36 King St. West BOWMANVILLE, ONT. k I Vote : , • ; ,/ ; ; . ■ - GEORGE CAMERON FOR Northumberland and Newcastle Board of education For Experience and dedicated service and in the interest of economy and a valued education for the students time to hold public meetings before a new Eldorado Nuclear Nuclear Ltd. waste disposal site is approved. He also said that Eldorado had' not as yet presented any proposal which named a site to replace the present dump site. He said it could be just north of the Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 24th, 1976--11 present dump site. ., , said that the company had not made any move up to this time in locating their $50 million plant in the Port Granby area. He said he could not guess when such a decision would be made by the company. It was pointed out that the Port Granby site was to be., decommissioned by January 31st which then is to be managed in perpetuity. The information officer also movement is conducted on a weekly basis at the church Where also the cubs meet on Monday evening in another protion of the church. provided by Regional police will be any less than that enjoyed in the community from the Ontario Provincial Police. It was also pointed out in a letter that the enriched provincial provincial grant from $12.00 per capita to $15.00,per capita will assist with the financing of the take over and patrols. He pointed out that Durham was but one of a number of municipalities where regional police will be taking. over duties as of March 1st, 1977. In Durham there are presently presently 540 square miles policed policed by theO.P.P. It was also pointed out that the O.P.P. will continue to patrol highways and give assistance at special events drawing major crowds from beyond the region. Port Granby site a mistake , Mr. Hugh Spence, an information information officer for the Atomic ■ Energy Control Board said last week at a meeting with Port Granby residents that allowing Eldorado to originally originally dump their low-level radioactive radioactive waste at Port Granby was a mistake which the board now recognizes. He also said that the AECB did not know if there would be NOTICE Ministry of Treasury Economics and Intergovernmental • Affairs October 29,1976 Mr. Joseph M\ Mcllroy, À.M.C.T., Town Clerk, " Corporation of the 1 Town of Newcastle, * 40 Temperance St., Bowmanvipe, Ont. • . LlC 3A6, ' • ■ ' ■ Dear Mr. Mcllroy: < The Treasurer has received a copy of the resolution of, Newcastle Town Council adopted on October 4,1976, that Regional police service not be extended to the Town of Newcastle and expressing satisfaction with the services currently provided by the Ontario Provincial Police. Durham is indeed one of several Regional Municipalities whose police forces will aséume .full operational responsibility throughout their region for local policing beginning March, 1977. The Solicitor General, the -Honourable John MacBeth, has been writing to each Regional Municipality notifying them that local police service currently being provided at no cost by the O.P.P. in some areas of these Regional Municipalities will be phased out at the same time. • ' ; This residual service by the O.P.P. was never intended to be anything other than a transitional operational arrangement, to assist Regional police forces in their first year or so. The Regional Acts in question make policing the responsibility of the Regional force throughout the Region. I should point out that since their year of inception all of these Regional Municipalities have been receiving the maximum per capita unconditional police grant to which only regions with Regional police forces are entitled for reason of having to provide more extensive coverage than other municipal forces. Moreover, this grant will be raised from $12 to $15 per capita in the coining fiscal year, and this will' assuredly ease the extension to full coverage by the .Regional police forces concerned. ' Having completed the operational transition to full Regional policing, Durham, like the other Regional Municipalities, will in the future have the responsibility for determining the level of local police service throughout the Region. There is no reason whatsoever to believe this service will be any less effective in Newcastle than it has been with O.P.P. service and the enriched unconditional police grant will provide the necessary level of Provincial financial support to ensure local policing in your area by the Regional force will be effective. ' • It is also our understanding 'that O.P.P. highway patrol and police assistance at special events drawing major crowds from beyond the Region will continue in the Durham Region as elsewhere. You might wish to write to the Solicitor General, for confirmation and further Clarification of this. I have in the meantime forwarded to him a copy of your letjer. , ' ' Yours very truly, ' • KeithC. Norton, „ ' Parliamentary Assistant - ' ' to the Treasurer. i „ > . c'c.: Honpurable John MacBeth, , < , E.D. Bell, Q*.G., dhairman ' , Ontario Police, Commission, ' 1 > ' , 1 C.W. Lundy, Regional Clerk < , • Regipnal Municipality of Durham Honourable William Newman, M.P.P. •