Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 24th, 1976--7 Kendal News November continues to be. extremely cold and very dry. In Manitoba they bad four inches of rain in June and nothing since. However that was enough to bring the crop along and give a bounteous harvest. The farmers are worried about next year unlèss they get a lot of snow. .. Will the dust bowl return and the crops blow away? In Ontario the old timers say, ' "It will not freeze up till thé swamps are full". That Would mean a" lot of rain soon. A bus load went from the Kendal, Starkville area to the Royal Winter Fair on Thursday. Thursday. It was a very interesting place. We met people from New Hampshire, Cleveland,. Windsor, Sault Ste. Marie, Uxbridge and etc. Hie musical musical ride of the Royal Mounted Police was wonderful. Fourteen women and men from Kendal took in the Newtonville bazaar on Saturday Saturday which was a success. Leskard bazaar is next Saturday. Saturday. Let us hope they have fine weather also. Bazaars , are like auction sales. One thinks there is nothing I need to buy. Then they see something something and they say, "1 always wanted one of those." Kendal Women's Institute îet at the home of Mrs. - Minne Wybecga on Wed. evening, Nov. 17th with twelve twelve members present and one visitor. The president Mrs. K. Dykeman opened the meeting with the "ode" and the Mary Stewart collect. The roll call was, "What do you remember most vividly about the second world war?" One remembered remembered as a girl watching all the planes flying over and hoping to be the first to spot ah enemy plane by its markings, but this was Canada and they were all Canadian planes, e remembered Pearl Har- x ~oour and the soldiers coming home. One remembered the burning of a big bomber and the events connected with it, etc. The treasurer's report was given. The next meeting is to be a pot luck dinner in the S.S. roofn at noon, Dec. 15th. BoxeS for the shut-in folks are to be packed. The quilt for next year's penny sale was jssed at length and event- itmiy left with Mrs. D. Gosson and Mrs. E. Couroux to buy the material in a green. background, the blocks to' be sewn on white, save all your print pieces for the blocks. Then Mrs. M. Wybenga gave as her topic her personal experiences of living in an occupied country, the Netherlands Netherlands during the Second World War. They were storekeepers storekeepers and her father had to hide lest the Germans decided decided to carry him off to work in an ammunition factory in Germany. One little Jewish boy who was often in their store was taken away. After tile war he returned and told them all his family had been wiped out. He was the only one left. She told of the black' outs etc, The meeting closed with "Oh Canada." Lunch vas provided by Mrs. M. Vybenga and Mrs. G. Cath- * cart, our hostesses. ■On Sunday morning the ■ Sunday school boys and girls . ' practiced for the concert. Rev. A. Tizzard ctiose as his subject, "Facing the Facts." The scripture reading was St. Mark 1:1-13. We all have our desert and wilderness experiences. experiences. We can be with a great crowd and yet not participate in the things they participate. Jesus was alone to make his decisions even as we are. The hymn sums it all up. "O Master let me walk with Thee." Visitors this past week end with Mrs. M. Stevens were her sister Mrs. F. Porteous of Winnipeg and her son Mr . and Mrs. John Stevens and son of Ottawa. It was pointed out that there were no signs on the tfack and that other cars were on the track at the time of the accident. Ian Lawrence Johnson of Toronto and Michael J. Barry of Stoufville had been charged charged separately in connection with the death of Christopher Mudge, 28 or Toronto. Johnson told the court that he and Mudge had decided to drive on the track and had not completed one lap when the accident took place. Johnson had driven in one of the meets during the day. It was said that Barry was in the wrong lane as far as race drivers were concerned ' but on the right side of the track as far as normal traffic would be concerned. No increase in license costs James Snow, Minister of Transportation and Communications Communications announced today that there will be no increase in passenger car registration fees for the coming year. Licence renewal stickers go on sale at 299 licence issuing offices throughout the province province on December 1,1976 and should be attached to the multi-year licence plate by February 28, 1977. The fed sticker must be placed on the rear licence plate over thè blue 1976 validation. The annual, fees for automobiles automobiles will remain at $40 for eight cylinders; $32 for six cylinders and $23 for four cylinders or less. Trailer . licence fees will remain at $5. At the same time, the $10 historic vehicle renewal; the $15 motorcycle licence plates and $5 moped plates will go on sale. Uninsured motorists will be required to pay an extra $100 'into the Motor Véhicle Accident Accident Claims fund this year. Proof of insurance forms, required as part of the renewal procedure, will be available!'at,all MTC offices, licence renewal offices and liquor store outlets throughout throughout Ontario, i In making the announcement, announcement, Mr. Snow said, "If each car owners in the province would remember to purchase their vehicle renewal in December or January, we cOuld virtually eliminate the • lineups at issuing offices in late February." To 'complete the renewaf procedure, motorists are required required 'to present their Motor ' Vehicle Permit, proof of insurance and the appropriate appropriate fee. If all forms are filled oiit prior to purchase of the sticker, the process can be completed in a very short time. Judge dismisses charges Charges were dismissed of criminal negligance against •two , men involved in a collision at Mosport Park on June 20. The collision caused the death of another man. Judge Baxter ruled last Tuesday that while neither men belonged on the track following the day's,,race he felt neither had deliheratly disregarded the lives and safety of other drivers who were on- the* track at that time. i I ■ Founding Meeting ! I I | DURHAM NORTHUMBERLAND | I (LIBERAL) I | I l Federal riding ■ I Newcastle Community Hall J ■ I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I ■ 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I ■ For tickets contact Lynn Housley, Box 9, Newcastle 5 or phone 987-4735. Friday, Nov. 26 6:00 p.m. Dinner & Dance Speaker: The Hon. Hugh Faulkner Secretary of State All Welcome Northumberland and Newcastle Board of education Make One Vote for Wm. H. ( BILL CARMAN on Monday, December 6th. Polls open 11:00 a.m. to8:00p.m. Vote to re-elect CARMAN Your Senior Trustee Keep him working for you The difference is experience VOTE Its your money and your community Are Taxes Too High and Unfair? II Yes," says Mayor Rickard "But, on Town spending, we've held the Line!" LET'S EXAMINE the FACTS Money is spent at three levels: Local Council, Regional Council, Boards of Education. Total Local Expenditure $3,247,§90. Revenue other than taxes Local Tax Levy 1,024,675 Regional Tax Levy Educational Tax Levy 1974 $3,247,§90. 2,222,915. 1975 $3,530,217. 2,373,290. 1976 $3,974,810. 2,711,670. 2-Year 1ncrease $726,220. 488,755. 1,024,675. 1,156,927. 1,263,140. 238,465. 995,625. 1,350,798. 1,608,879. 613,254. 2,350,645. 3,007,212. 3,821,078. 1,470,433. .4,370,945. 5,514,937. 6,693,097. 2,322,152. Total Tax Levy • • 4,370,945. Mayor Rickard led council in special budget meetings and with new assessment has held local tax increases to 7 per cent. Other Revenue increased $488,755; while tax increase was held to $238,465. Mayor Rickard forwarded a request to school boards and Region to do the same. Mayor Rickard called first meeting of Provincial Regional and School Authorities, result - 1977 taxes will not be above rate of inflation. Mayor Rickard met with Municipal Officiais and Provincial Ministry of Treasury, -municipalities will now receive 13 per cent more in Grants in 1977. /. Policies established by Mayor Rickard will provide services and- hold tax line in 1977. Mayor Rickard is a man of action - He follows through- Taxes are still unfair. t Mayor Rickard is working for reassessment - a fair assessment. For positive action on Taxes - Vote Rickard. 1974 and 1975 years operated on balanced budget. 1976 appears to be within budget. 1977 need not have àriy increase.