14--Orono Weekly Tirties, Wednesday, Decmber 1st. 1976 On Nov. 23rd, the President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario made her official visit to Orono Lodge. Pictured above from |eft to right are Doreen Swan, District Deputy President from Oshawa East District; Sister Francis Gruber, Gruber, Vice Grand of Port Hope Lodge; Sister Hazel Galbraith, Galbraith, President of the Rebekah Rebekah Assembly of Ontario; • • < • Heather LodgeNews; The regular meeting of Heather Lodge No. 334 was held Tuesday, November 23rd with Sister Betty Major, Noble Grand, presiding ^nd Sister Caroline Farrow, Vice Grand, assisting. The highlight of the evening was a visit from the President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. The President had been in this district for three days staying with Sister Doreen Swan, District Deputy President. The President, Sister Hazel Galbraith, from Kingston, was introduced by Sifter Marie Dickinson, from Ganaraska Lodge, Port Hope. Sister Margaret Duckworth, Past President of the Rebekah Rebekah Assembly of Ontario was •escorted and introduced ; by Sister Olive Millson. Sister Doreen Swan, District Deputy President was escorted and introduced by Sister Jean Rutter, from Ganaraska Lodge. Lodge. Brother Harry Wade, Past Grand Master was introduced by Sister Lois Kelly, from Ganaraska Lodge. These vis- itiers were warmly welcomed by the Noble Grand, Sister Betty Major. A guard of honour had been formed by six sisters making an arch of pink carnations. Pink carnations carnations being the special flower chosen by the President for. her year. » The minutes of Heather Lodge were read and approved, approved, also as this was a joint meeting with Ganaraska Lodge, Lodge, Sister Lois Kelly read the minutes of the last meeting of Ganaraska Lodge, in the absence of their secretary. Sister Isabelle Trimm, reported reported as District Representative, Representative, on a 'meeting held Nov. 1st while planning for the visit of the.President. Sister Swan has offered a gift to the lodge in District No. 8 who initiates the greatest number of Sisters or Brothers in this year, also a gift to the individual Sister who introduces introduces the greatest number of new Rebekahs. Sister Gloria Todd, convenor convenor of the Bazaar and Tea to be held Saturday, Dec, 4, reported reported that plans were 1 well under way and she hoped that everyone was working toward another successful event. A motion was made that a cheque be forwarded to "Foster Parents Plan" to pay for a year to keep our Foster child Ayale Chelo, aged seven years, in far off Ethiopia. The Christmas party is to be Ijéld at the I.O.p.F. Hall»at the first regular meeting, Dec,. 14th. The Sisters decided to do thmr own catering this year, there will be a short meeting following supper, then Santa will arrive. The president in her talk reminded us that Rebekah Oddfellowship is the oldest fraternal organization, founded founded by men, always be proud that ÿou are a Rebekah. Où? work and teachings are from the Bible and our principal is Friendship, Love and Truth. Sister Gladys Brown led in a snappy sing-song and did her act with her little, dancing figure than played, very beautifully, "Amazing Grace" which pleased the President very much as that is her chosen song for her year. Sister Brown's entertainment entertainment was enjoyed and appreciated py all. Monday night Sister Galbraith Galbraith with Sister Swan and ^ few followers were at Bow- delivered pink carnations to each one. Following these visitations the three Sisters picked up Sister Caroline Farrow, Vice Grand and proceeded; to the Bo-Peép Restaurant where they met the officers of No. 3 Oshawa Lodge and enjoyed a quiet dinner. At eight o'clock the meeting was called to order in the new Lodge Hall in Columbus when Port Perry Lodge opened the meeting with Oshawa No. 3 officers taking the business part of the meeting then Port Perry Lodge again taking over and doing the closing ceremonies. This has been a very busy and exciting three days in District No. 8 East, this visit had been arranged by the District Deputy President, Sister Doreen Swan. Now we can settle down and get ready for the Annual Bazaar. MARG1BBOTSON CANDIDATE FOR NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION WARDS STRESSES THE FOLLOWING ISSUES: TRANSPORTATION COSTS AOMINISTRATIOK COSTS QUALITY OF ÉDUCATION Caroline Farrow, Vice Grand of Heather Rebekah Lodge, Orono; and Sister Betty Major, Noble Grand of the Heather Rebekah Lodge, Orono. .manville Beehive Lodge. This meeting was preceeded by a pot luck supper and after the meeting, birthday cake and ice cream was served. Tuesday evening twenty- four sisters accompanied Sister Sister Galbraith and Sister Swan and enjoyed a delicious dinner dinner at "Mr. Roast Beef". After the regular meeting a delicious lunch was served by Sister Violet Dunlop and her committee. Wednesday at noon a luncheon luncheon was enjoyed by twelve sistqrs at the home of Sister Gladys Gamsby to honour Sister Galbraith. In the early evening Sister Swan and Sister Betty Major accompanied accompanied the President and visited the ill members in the hospital also Sister Eva Why te in the Rest Home and BILL Full Time Representative C L AR K E For a full time job "We live in a beautiful and historic part of Ontario. Let's keep it this way. My main objective is to make sure we maintain our ability to decide our own future." ' Bill Clarke Regional Council - Ward 3 Vote for Bill Clarke and you Vote for: Keep taxes down by the' sensible ànd prudent administration , of Public Affairs. The close examination df applications for industrial industrial investment and to protect our To bring equity to the Regional tax base. End duplication in costly services. To protect out history and tradition against urban urban encroachment. Full time representation for all the people. environment. For the Government you deserve On December 6, 1976, vote for CLARKE, Wm. (x) For information call 786-2240 As Mayor, Garnet Rickard Shall: • Continue to work for industrial development to give balance to urban community. • • Continue with re-vitalization of downtown core in Bowmanville and improve the accessibility with the Waverley Gardens area. , .• Encourage commercial and residential revitalization in all other villages and hamlets. , < GARNET RICKARD • Continue to develop a policy of agricultural, industrial and residental land usage,. • Work for a municipal tax reform hosed on re-assessment. • Strive for a continual review of all Regipnal policies as they relate to this municipality - such as : sewer and water, policing and social services. He has responded to your concerns. THIS-IS LEADERSHIP. RE-ELECT GARNET RICKARD FOR MAYOR ON DECEMBER *th FOR ASSISTANCE AND INFORMATION, TELEPHONE: Bowmanville 623-3198; Courtice and Area 725-8728; Hampton and Area 263-2249; Orono and Area 983-5605; Newcastle - Newtomville Area 9874221 I Rickard, Garnet Xl