Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 1st, 1976-5 The above scene was repeated repeated a number of times on Saturday when Mr. Ë, G. Witherspoon presented the honour graduates with their diplomas. As in all cases, Linda DeJonge outlines what she has been doing since leaving Clarke High School. Lockhart School Reporter - Sherry Stere This year Grade 5 pupils from Lockart School studied Mexico. We mostly studied . about the people and the country of Mexico. Our class studied from September to November. It was a long •oject. We had pictures, .naps, notes and tests about it,. Mrs. Greenwood picked Mexico for Environmental Studies and the class agreed on it. We do Environmental Studies on Wednesdays and Fridays, although we do not do it on the rest of the week-days because we are having rotary periods. We had two movies and a couple of film strips op Mexico. Mrs. Pedwell had visited Mexico and she brought some things to show us like a poncho, maracas, memade soap, pure silver 1 «nd some jewellery. She also showed us some excellent * 3 slides on Mexico. Christina Hollinger had Visited Mexico and brought some things that she got there: She brought things like a Mexican hat game, & candle holder; a somebrero and picture postcards. postcards. Denise Pedwelll brought some Mexican, mon- ej, also some postcards on México to show the class. I liked doing Mexico and I'm looking forward t,o our next studies. LOCKHART SCHOOL NEWS Reporter - Alice Devos This year as usual Lockhart school took part in the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade. This parade started ■' at Central Public School. It went along Ring Street and ended up at Memorial Park grounds. Our float was called "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary." Mary was represented by Tammy Stratchan and the flowers were pupils from Grades 1,2 and 3. Some of the pupils from grades 5 and 6 dressed in costumes and walked beside the flbat. In art classes the Grades 6 pupils helped make the v .xle shells for the float and parents from Lockhart made the costumes and built the float. « Although we didn't win a prize we enjoyed being in the went I liked this section best becase you get to do everything everything yourself. Here are some things that you will see at the Science " Centre: 1, Communications: Here you will see lots of different inventions. For example, example, One person stands at one end of a very large room and speaks through a ring into a very large phone. This makes sound effects so that the other person across the room can hear him. 2. Life: Here you will see everything everything on life. For instance there was a place where you can see the stages a baby chicken goes through in the egg before it hatches. These are two of the many things you will see at the Ontario Science Centre. You should be able to cover tne place in one. day. Last Wednesday on Professional Professional Activity Day, Denise Pedwell and I went to the Ontario Science Centre. I hope you can go sometime because it is fun. LOCKHARTSCHOOL NEWS Reporter - Jill Jensen \ This year Lockhart School started to have rotary where . we change classes for certain subjects. Te grades 4, 5 & 6 take part. We have rotary every Mon., Tues - and Thurs. afternoons. In the rotary time we either get gym, art of music. We have two subjects one afternoon afternoon an,d two of each subject . every week. Each period is 45 minii tes long, so each week we get 90 minutes of each subject. parade. LOCKHART SCHOOL NEWS Reporter - Jill Jensen Some people who live in Orono and Newcastle may not have heard of the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto. It is a big building full of different sources of science such as Communications, and Space, etc. They also give different lectures. The Science Centre is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days a week and is one of the many attractions in Toronto. In the summer you can sit outside and eat if you want to. You can either buy or take your lunch. From Newcastle it is about a 45 minutes to 60 minute drive. It's a good place to go on a school trip. The Ontario Science Centre was built for people to go to learn about different sources of science which they had not even heard about before. If you are one of those master minds you would like the Science Centre, especially the communications part. When I • COMMENCEMENT ' ( From page,I ) sful in one or two cases. Mr. Witherspoon spoke of the importance of parent involvement with the school and the students and that this .could not be under-estimated. * He said that the recent parent night at the school had shown the largest turnout of all former years. Greetings were also extended extended from the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education by Mr. J.D. Gow- ing, area superintendent. He congratulated the graduates and said that he hoped' that the system, perhaps somewhat somewhat imperfect in some areas, had prepared them for their future endeavours. He also said that the success of a student was often attributed to the love and care at home. The Clarke School chbir and band provided a number of pleasing musical numbers during the program. following the presentation of awards and certificates Miss Cheryl Savery gave the valedictorian address which was rather light and humor-. pus. A New Mayor is urgently required for Regional Reform in Public works, Water and Sewage services and Planning Support of Taxpayer's demands for economy in the spending of tax dollars. Move towards allowing bona fide farmers more land use control over their holdings. Concentrated effort to increase Town's Industrial base to provide relief for residentia l taxpayers. and A Searching Review of the Water and Sewage costing process in our area. " I have a few political promises that I m'ake concerning my efforts to be Mayor of Newcastle:" 1. I will strive with all my 'might to convince the new Council to hold the line on Town*costs that have risen from $6.5 million in 1974 to $7.8 milfion in 1975 and $9.4 million in 1976, ' 2. I promise to lead a drive to cut political red tape that prevents young people from building their homes. 3. I promise to lead Council to temper our ridiculous x > Town Planning process that has post the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars uselessly. For instance the Town Planning deficit amounted to $142,179 in 1975. 4. I promise to put all my energies to thé completion of pr jects to supply needed housing for Senior Citizens projects that have been spoken of for years, projects that the Government want to see completed but are no nearer completion now than they were in 1971." 5. I am totally opposed to studies now underway that might create the Durham Regional garbage dump for all Regional garbage in the northwest corner of Darlington. "The Town of Newcastle must not become the garbage bowl for all of the Durham Region." For Alert and Efficient Administration On December 6th VOTE KENNETH É. LYALL MAYOR A Vote for LYALL is a vote for Common Sense and NEEDEDCHANGE Telephone 623-6744 Telephone 987-5020