ÏO-Orono Weekly Time Wednesday, December 8th, 1976 Students object to fee hike Kendal News Durham College students are mobilizing to protest the recent provincial government announcement that post secondary secondary education fees will go up next year. Petey Gruneberg, president of the Student Administrative Council (SAC) told the Times he will join counterparts from, schools across Ontario in issuing a personal protest to the government move. Mr. Gruneberg plans to take part in a Dec. 10 meeting with Colleges and Universities Universities Minister Marry Parrot, when student organizers mil present a petition opposing the fee hike. Dr. Parrott announced last week university tuition will jump $100 next fall, while community college students will pay an extra $75. Mr. Gruneberg explained that student body presidents from about 30 institutions will attend the Toronto meeting, which has been set up by the Ontario Federation of Students Students (OFS). The OFS - following a conference last Saturday - has remained undecided on how far it will go to oppose the fee raise. The petition is being circulated circulated on provincial campuses to sample student reaction to the government move.' Pending the results of the opinion survey, the OFS will step up into it's Queen's Park lobbying to have the hike ' retracted. Mr. Gruneberg said the SAC has just received the format of the OFS petition and it will be some time before all Durham College students will have had chance to indicate their views. Churches protest loans to Chile, S.Â. A loan of $125 million to the Government of Chile will be protested by major Canadian churches at the annual shareholders' shareholders' meeting of the Bank of Nova Scofia in Halifax on December 8th. Representatives of the Anglican, Anglican, Roman Catholic and United Churces, all members Q)ru VUall Taping-Spray Ceilings Plaster Repair , Painting Wally Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO Don't Leave It to Chance Be sure your home is,truly protected by a good policy Call us now Millspn Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Church and Cohbledick Street 983-5032 Call your licensed Plumbing and Mechanical Contractor who sells, Installs and guarantees CARMAN Plumbing and Heating Phone 983-5207 Orono of the Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility, Responsibility, will exercise their rights as personal and institutional institutional shareholders to tell the meeting that these loans appear "to rescue a brutal dictatorship from international international embarrassment," according according to a spokesman for the group. The loans the churches object to were agreed upon in May, this year when an international banking syndicate syndicate decided to assist the Chilean junta to ' pay up outstanding loan commitments commitments to European banks which "for reasons of economic economic insecurity and moral outrhge" refused to reschedule reschedule .the Chilean debt. Partners to this major loan agreement are the Bank of Nova Scofia, the Royal Bank of Canada and the Toronto- Dominion Bank together with 5 U.S. banks, the Bank of America, Citibank, Chemical Bank, Manufacturers Hannover Hannover Trust and Morgan Guaranty Guaranty Trust Co. the Rev. Laurie Scyner, Anglican priest from P.E.I., expresses the fear that the leaps to the Central Bank of , Chile will mortgate North Arnerican Banks to the regime. regime. "the banks will now have an interest in the staying power of the junta" he said, "and cannot be expected to favor a change from the status quo. The loans will go a lqng way to neturalize efforts within the international community, community, to bring to a halt the Continued violations of fundamental fundamental human rights in Chile", in his opinion. . Later this month and in January, the Taskforce will protest loans to the Government Government of South Africa and its agencies at shareholders' meetings. Representatives will appear appear at the meeting of the Toronto Dominion Bank on December 7th ; the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce on December 14th ; the Royal Bank of Canada on Janaury 13th and the Bank of Montreal We'll weather the weather Whatever the weather Whether we like it or not. One thing the sports' world has given the ladies is ski pants so their knees won't be frozen, while wearing skirts. In 1943 this writer knew several girls on a R.C.A.F. station in Saskatchewan who had frost bitten knees. They might be painting aeroplanes in a heated hanger but have to run a quarter of a mile to the mess hall in 40 degrees F. below zero weather. Ladies travelling anywhere in cars in the winter should carry a woolen blanket with them. Then if the car gets stuck they can wrap the blanket around themselves and walk to the nearest farm house. . Kendal folks will be very busy this week. On Wednesday Wednesday the U-C-W. have their Pot-luck dinner at the home of Mrs. K- Wood. On Friday the Kendal Women's Institute hold their pot-luck dinner at the home of Mrs. W.H. Foster. Then on Saturday night at seven thirty the Sunday School will put on their annual Christmas Concert Concert in the Kendal church. There will be a Christmas tree and it is hoped all the parents will be there. Sunday morning was the second Sunday of Advent so Rev. A. Tizzard read St. Matthew 2:1-15. In St. Matthew 2, verse one we are told a historical fact "Jesus was born." Then history became his story. We continue to make his story. Because he was born he makes a great difference in y.u»i- life and mine. "Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown. When thou earnest to earth for me." The cowboys love to sing. "I'm heading for the last round up." Farmers around here who have cattle on open pasture have difficulty rounding rounding them up when winter comes. One farmer final!' managed to round up his hefv_ and truck them home last Sunday morning Dec. 5, The Couples' Club report a fipe evening was spent at their banquet last Saturday night. January 17 th. ' The church group will appeal to the banks to make a policy of no new loans to the South African Government or its agencies Make her Happy this Christmas with a Westinghouse Continental Dishwasher Orono ORONO ELECTRIC 983-5108 Santa's family Christmas Sponsored by ORONO & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE •••I --*• • - ORONOARENA SUNDAY December 12th FROM Z.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. PRIZES GALORE CANDY BAGS FOR THE YOUNG , FREE ADMISSION EVERYONE WELCOME J