Board votes french classes for schools Orbne Weekly Times, Wednesday,.December 15th, 1976 According to a decision of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Education on Thursday evening, French will be offered in Public Schools throughout the system in two grades commencing commencing with September 1st, 1977. Instructions in French are to be twenty minutes a day in each of the grades. It has yet to be decided at what grade levels french will be introduced. ' The introduction of French is dependent on the availability availability of French teachers for the proposal. IMMERSION KINDERGARTEN KINDERGARTEN FRENCH A further proposal was also approved by the Board which in fact establishes French Immersion Kindergarten Classes Classes on a permanent basis in Bowmanville and Cobourg. To this point the classes were instituted on an annual basis and considered a trial program. program. V , It is how the intention of the Board to conduct two new classes in Bowmanville and Cobourg for those wishing to attend at the Kindergarten level as of September 1st. Again the program is dependent dependent on the availability of teachers and students. The action on the two french issues was taken by the board as a recommendation recommendation from the Curriculum Committee and passed with a slim majority, 8 to 7. • In the voting board members, members, W.H. Carman, George Cameron, Maurice Prout, Sid Wordan and A1 Werry from this area voted in opposition to the program. Others voting against the proposal were Howard Sheppard of Rose- neath and George Blythe of Colborne. ijappentngsL. I PRESENTING THE NATIVITY Members of St. Saviour's church in Orono are -esenting the Nativity on Sunday evening, December 19th vmmencing at 7:00 o'clock. The evenings entertainment is being held at the church on Mill Street, Orono. A SUCCESSFUL EVENING The Orono Chamber of Commerce held a most successful banquet bn Monday evening at the Forum Restaurant when members entertained their wives and husbands at this annual event. The outing was well attended. BOARD TO BE REPRESENTED The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education is to be represented at a meeting in Toronto early in 1977 concerning incrfeased rates being sought by Community Telephone Company of Ontario in the Orono area. Two members of the board along with members of the administrative staff is to attend,., V^ LEBRATES 9JST BIRTHDÂY Mr. Ernie Nicholson celebrated his 91st birthday on December 7th along with his sister, Mrs. Zelma Skuce (Richardson) whose birthday falls on the same date. Both Ernie and his sister were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gord Burnham àlong with his sen, Floyd, grandchildren and a few neighbours and friends. STILL NEGOTIATING The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education and the Elementary teachers have yet to settle on a ç -act for 1977-78. The dispute, we understand, is being coV, jred for a third time by a mediator. . SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE The Pontypool CPR station which has beén a landmark for years will be changing its mode sometime in the future. Plans are underway for some modernization along the route and the station falls within the plans. Thje station at Burketon is also to be demolished and some form of modern facility such as for GO trains may be provided. The train arrives daily at 7:19 a m. from Havelock to proceed to Toronto arriving at 8:50 a.m. It leaves Toronto at 5:30 and arrives at Pontypool at 6:48 p.m. OFFER GOOD UNTIL JANUARY 31, 1977 While the Town of Newcastle Council passed a resolution on Monday asking for a meeting with the Board of Education concerning a possible lease of the old Kirby School at a reasonable annual rate for the Clarke Museum the Board in turn last Thursday passed a resolution in which the Town of Newcastle is to be notified that the school is for sale and that the offer as previously made would be open until January 31st, 1977. IN HOSPITAL Mr. O.W, Rolph is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. We wish him a speedy recovery. f STRUCTION TWO WEEKS BEHIND X The Northumberland ÿnd Newcastle Board of Education was advised last Thursday that due to current weather conditions construction at the Clarke High School is ■ now behind schedule by some two weeks. ' Eleven Brownies last week 'Flew-up' to Guides in a brief ceremony held at the regular weekly meeting of the Guides. Those being part of the ceremony and flying up to guides are: (back row left to right) Nancy Cdwan, Sonya Brachvogel, Ria Harare, Kim Sherwin, Michelle Hartwig, Christine Bruton,, (front row) Janet Irwin, Michelle Janes, Janet Stephenson, Wanda and Wendy Hutton. Two charged with robbery Newman may enter ra ce for chairman It just may he that former Mayor of Whitby Des Newman Newman may have an interest in seeking election by regional council members as chairman chairman for the Region come this January. Newman's name had recent ly been tossed around as a possible for the position also being sought by a possible other four politicians. Walter Beath, present holder holder of the position is a definite contestant as is Alan Dewar of'Oshawa and former Coune. Alton McPhail of Brock Incorrect Township. Pickering's Mayor George Ashe has also been suggested as a possible contender. , Two Oshawa youths have been charged with robbery with violence and are in custody custody following an attempted robbery early Saturday morning, morning, Newcastle OPP report that about 3.25 a.m. Ron Heffernan, Heffernan, a driver with Mercury- United Taxi *of Ohawa was driving two youths to a location on'the third line of Clârkè Township when he was struck on. the back of the head with a carpenter's hammer. Heffernan was able to ward off the attack with the two youths fleeing. Two suspects were arrested about 6 a.m. at a service station on Highway 35, two miles from the scene of the crime. Heffernan was treated for minor head injuries at Memorial Memorial Hospital Bowmanville and released. Charged with robbery with violence are Guy Edward Prince, 19, of Oshawa and Terry William Denis, 18, also _of Oshaiva. figures JNT Official election figures released last week show that Keith Barr, a Ward 3 regional council candidate in Newcastle, Newcastle, has dropped from second to third place because of an overcount. Newcastle clerk Joe Mcll- iroy said that a mixup in reporting one poll .had Mr. Barr, receiving 119 votes instead of 19. The revised figures means he has 899 votes instead of 999 votes. He finished third behind Edward Woodyard (1,101) and Bill Clarke (912). Rural hydro rates increase Power rates will increase 25.6 per cent Jan. 1 for the 750,000 residents served directly directly by Ontario Hydro, the utility announced Friday. The new rates will increase the annual cost of) electricity in the average electrically heated, home using 30,000 ( Continued to page 3 ) Three and a, half year old Kevin Roberts of Orono was but one of over four hundred who visited Santa on Sunday at the Orono arena. The chamber had packed four hundred candy bags and had • to replenish this number during the . course of the • afternoon.. It was a, great 1 afternoon for everybne.