nrono Weekly Times, Wednesday. «December 15th, 1976-5 Eleven join 1st Orono Guides On Wednesday evening, Dec. 8th, eleven girls were enroled as Guides in the' 1st, Orono Company; by Pine Ridge District Commissioner Jean Tate : Wendy Hutton, Michelle Jane/s, Rim Sherwin, Christine Christine Bruton, Wanda Hutton, Michele Hartwig, Sonya Bra- chvogel, Janet Irwin, Janet Stephenson, Ria Harare, Nancy Nancy Cowan, The same evening a special ceremony took place in which Lisa Harare, Eleanor McRni- ght and Ruth Tate were presented with their Canada Cords. As the three girls lit' the candles along the pathway pathway from their own enrolment enrolment to their Canada Cords, Captain Benedict told of some of their accomplishments in • Guiding. Presenting the cords were Mr. Harare to daughter Lisa' Mrs, McRnight to daughter daughter Eleanor, and Mr. Tate to daughter Ruth. Presentations were made to the three girls on behalf of the Guide Company by Captain Benedict; for > Pine Ridge District by Commissioner Jean Tate; for the Mothers Committee by Mrs. Hartwig; for the Rebeccahs by Mrs. Majors and for the Rinette Club by Mrs. Hyland. Following Following this everyone congratulated congratulated the three girls and lunch was served by the newest Guides and Parents committee. committee. Santa arrived at the Orono Arena Sunday afternoon to play his part in the annual Christmas family party. Prior Prior to arriving at the Arena Santa had toured the Village from the south to the north. On arriving at the Arena he was pulled onto the ice surface in a cutter by members of the Orono Figure Skating Club. It is estimated that Well over 600 were in attendances the affair which was sponsored by the Orono and Area Chamber of Com merce. Lucky- door prizes were also presented to the young skaters holding winning winning tickets. On Santa's Report favours region retaining water a nd sewers Don't Leave It to Chance Be sure your home is truly protected by a good policy Call us now Millson Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 A report tabled with the Region of Durham council recently and prepared by senior officials stated that costs of water and sewers would increase more than now being charged by the region if returned to local municipalities. The only exception exception to the rule would be the City of Oshawa where costs would tend to decrease. The report and another move by Mayor Potticary to have water and sewers returned returned to the local municipalities will be discussed by the BUY ONE... GET ONE FREE Fish & Chips, 1 Buy One Order $1.85 Goi second order FREE I BUYONE. ..GET ONE FREE Buy One order , $2.50 »«««••««« Wednesday Night 5 4 Course Mea l Top Sirloin Steak Thursday Night 5 - c i A! i y't*65* AAaa I 8 All you can eat $2. Every Day - Noon ;:^ 4 Course' Luncheon Specials Clarke Public LIBRARY PHONE 983-5507 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday : to 8:36 p.m. Saturday 10:00 to .12:00 a.m, Omm, Ontario arrival hundreds of balloons showered to those skating below. distribution can be handled better at the regional level. Planning at the regional level Would be more difficult , if the region did riot have jurisdiction over the two fields, the report says. CAMSPORT TRAILER SALES see our line of - .. -CHEVRON TRAILERS -TRUCKCAPS -FIBREGLAS CANOES Stock some parts for above item* OPEN WFEKDAYS&WEEK-ENDS 9:00 a.m. to 8:60 p.m. ' Closed Mondays at Noon IIH.ilWAY 115 & 35 NEWCASTLE PHONE 987-5174 Region on February 9 th. Council asked for the report in November and received the fifteen page report last week. The report estimates that the average bill in 1977 for water and sewer services in Oshawa would be $201 under a regional rate, compared to $17 if the responsibility over the two fields was returned. The figures are based on the assumption that plants and trunk mains would remain remain at the regional level. The rates for all other municipalities would be higher higher if the system was changed, the report predicts. . * The average in Ajax would • be $259 under local control, vrather than $193 under the regional rate; the Bowman- ville average would be $201, rather than $139; Pickering, $222, instead of $172; Uxbridge, Uxbridge, $221, instead of $132, and Whitby $270 rather than $210. But the report also points out that even though Oshawa loses in this one area, it benefits in other areas under the region's jurisdiction. • It says Oshawa benefits by $770,000 in the social service field, $187,000 in police protection protection and $117,000 in conservation. conservation. The report also lists numerous numerous technical reasons why sewage collection and water F R. Tennant Fuels Ltd. Phone 983-5693 Thank You for your confidence and I take this opportunity to wish. you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Alf Gray FLAVOUR GIANT This is an all-purpose Ças Grill on which you,can cook anything from ham burgs on the grill to your Christmas turkey on the Rôtisserie. „ -40,000 BTU Input - Available for Natural or LP Gas - 518 Sq. Inch Cooking Area $249.00 SY C Reg. $300.00 Big Burner Fire Place Ldgs For hours of enjoyable, , safe burning try one of these Logs - 99C Ea. (Or 1,ctn. of 6)$5 «00 Orono Fuel & Lumber u d . Lumber & Building Supplies - Fuel Oil - Oil Furnaces 983-9167 Station St. & Hwy. 115, Orono