UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral; Charge Minister ftjev. B.E. Long B. Th. ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR Douglas Dewell FRIDAY, DEC. 24TH, 1976 CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES Leskard Chu *ch 7:00 p.tn. Orono United Church 9:30 p.m. Hi-C's Service and Song d: SUNDAY, ORONO UNI Sunday Chur ;1 Worship Sen|i Sacrament Supper EC. 26TH, 1976 TED CHURCH h School 10 a.m. ce 11:15a.m. of the Lord's KIRBY UNI Worship Ser\|i Sacrament Supper Sunday Churèl TED CHURCH ce 9:45a.m. of the Lord's Set St. AN ST. S. Decern ti Christmas Holy Com ni Decemtji Regular 10 Supply Rev. Gra Chaplain, On W h School lla-.m. Dial-A-Th<[mght 983-9151 viours 3LICAN A VIOURS er 24th, 1976 Eve Service, Énion, 8 p.m. er 26th, 1976 a.m. Service Minister nt Schwartz, itario Hospital, litby. Sunday evening at St. Saviours church members of the congregation presented the Nativity before a full audience which was in attendance. attendance. Following the present ation lunch was served in the Sunday school hall of the r (Dry Wall Taping-Spray Ceilings Plaster Repair Painting Wally Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO church. The evening was an enjoyable enjoyable one and the program a credit to the members taking part. The Nativity was presented presented in four scenes ; the annunciation of the Virgin Mary, Shepherds on the Hillside, Hillside, Mary and Joseph in the stable and the presentation of Baby Jesus to Simeon. Throughout Throughout the Nativity Christmas Christmas songs and carols were sung by the choir with organ accompaniment by Mrs. Golt- érman. The congregation also took part in the" program by supporting the choir, in a number of familiar carols. Those taking part were as follows : Mary - Mrs. Doreen Swan ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WED., DECEMBER 22nd, 1976-3 The new monthly total at the single rate for persons receiving both the basic Old Age Security pension and maximum Guaranteed Income Income Supplement will be $240.47. Fbr a married couple, both pensioners, the combination of the basic pension and maximum supplement will provide a payment of $458.74 for the couple monthly. The basic Old Age Security pension will rise in January to $141.34 from the present $139.39. The Guaranteed Income Supplement is paid to pensioners pensioners whose income, apart from the Old Age Security pension, is limited. The : amount of the supplement varies in relation to the amount of income. The maximum Guaranteed Income Supplement for à single person, or a married person whose spouse is not a pensioner and is not receiving a Spouse's Allowance, will go up in January to $99.13 from its current $97.76. The maximum maximum supplement for a married married couple, both pensioners, will increase to $88.03 each from $86.81. Added to the basic pension, this will give each married pensioner $229.37 monthly, or a total of $458.74 for the couple. The Spouse's Allowance is paid to persons between 60 and 65 years of age who are married to Old Age Security pensioners and meet residence residence requirements. Entitlement Entitlement to a Spouse's Allowance, Allowance, and amount paid, is based on yearly income. The maximum Spouse's. Allowance will increase to , $229.37 from $226.20. The maximum Spouse's Allowance Allowance is made up of an amount equivalent to the basic Old Age Security pension and the maximum Guaranteed Income Income Supplement at the married married rate. Shepherds - Mr. John Breen , Mr. Charlie Stapleton, Mr. Warren Tait, Roger Proctor. Proctor. Simeon - Mr. Charles Gray Choir - Gloria Gray, Hazel Stapleton, Lily Barnard, Irene Murray, Fern Proctor, Proctor, Betty Tansley. Joseph - Mr. Raymond Swan. Kings - Mr. Peter Chisomalis, Mr. Donald Tansley, Mr. Melge Golterman. Angels - Shelley Gray, Julie Gray, Paddy Breen, Janette Janette Tansley. Readers - Mr. Peter Chrisom- alis, Mr. Donald Tansley, • Mr: Michael Tansley. Organist - Mrs. Golterman, Pension payments to rise in January Increases in the Old Age Secrity pension, Guaranteed Dave's Plumbing Heating Electric Industrial-Commercial Residential 786r2471 R.R. 1 Orono Income Supplement and Spouse's Allowance, effective in January, 1977, were announced. announced. today * by Health and Welfare Minister Marc La- londe. Increases in Old Age Security Security pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement payments payments represent the thirteenth thirteenth quarterly escalation based on the cost of living, as provided for in the Old Age Security Act. With thanks for your many favdrs and friendship, we extend our heartfelt wishes that your holidays may be rich in the joys of a real old-fashioned Christmas. Maple Leaf or Burns , Smoked Ham Fully Cooked Ham Steaks lb. $1.39 (BUTT PORTION) lb. $1.15 Devon Brand Rind less Bacon "Pride of Canada" Smoked Boneless 1 - Pork Shoulder Polish, Chicken, Mac & Cheese P3nty Loaf 14 f °w ouncesize lb. $1.09 lb. $1.69 $1.39 kraft Singles Cheese Slices lb.$1.39 California Sunburst Navel Oranges doz. 79c CORNISH'S Nescafe instant Coffee 10 Ouhce Jar