Hydro i mpact study shows Oshawa inflow Last week copies of the -nnpact Study and Environ- 1 mental Study were distributed distributed as prepared by James F. MacLaren Limited for Ontario Ontario Hydro regarding what effect the construction of the Darlington Generating Station Station would have on neighbouring neighbouring communities. . It was pointed out that it was very difficult to forecast the impacts at this time as the. height of the construction activity for the project was not scheduled to take place until 1984. A multitude of actions over the next eight years could significantly modify the predicted results. The impact study gave both figures fora "best-bet" result and an exaggerated negative result. The study encompasses on area 25 miles in radius from the generating plant. The report slates that construction is scheduled to start in 1978, peak in 1984 and be completed in 1989. At peak construction there will 'be some 3,400 workers on the job. The operating staff will peak ' in 1986 at 702 employees but fall to around 500 by 1992. It was pointed out in the report that since both the Region of Durham and Northumberland Northumberland County are preparing preparing to receive a total population inflow of 150,000, under present plans, that the Darlington project would e a relatively small imp- WAn the study area. It does state however that various communities could be affected affected on a different view. In relation to the town of Newcastle the report states that with proposed development development in the town that the Darlington development. would create only a minor protion of the demand for housing. At the 1984 peak of construction Newcastle is estimated to have a population population inflow of 365 persons (workers, spouse and children) children) while Oshawa at the same time could expect a greater number, 604. Population Population inflow due to operation peaks in 1986 and the reports estimates 164 persons to the town of Newcastle and 283 to Oshawa. Using the exaggerated exaggerated estimates in this later report it estimates 207 to Newcastle and 289 to Oshawa. Of the 365 population inflow to the town of Newcastle as a résuit of the construction 147 ' are estimated to locate in Bpwmanville, 67 in Qourtice, 34 in the Village of Newcastle and 117 in the rural area of the town using the "best-bet" figures. The report Outlines the restraints through the proposed proposed official plan for the rural areas of Newcastle with the intent of saving agricultural resources. It does point out that from construction and operation 158 people (workers and families) will be seeking accommodation in the rural areas which could rise to 319 if exaggerated figures were used. The report does show a greater inflow to Oshawa in numbers than to the Town of newcastle due both from population inflow for construction construction and operation. The report however states that there will be no adverse impact to oshawa. It is also estimated that.of the 3,400 construction jobs 600 to 200 may be created for people now within the 25 mile radius while 800 to 1,500 may wish to move ;into some areas of the study area. In a total of $260 million in wages and salaries, up to $145 could remain within the study area. Goods and supplies supplies may contribute in excess excess of $10 million in the area with the major portion of the cost of supplies going out of the area. The construction and operation operation oil the plant in Darlington Darlington will necessitate an expenditure expenditure of some $666,000 for road ' improvements in the area as well as reconstruction of the interchange at Courtice road. It is expected, that in general, the educational system system can handle the peak load in 1984 but based on official plan projections some capacity capacity shortages could occur in the town of Newcastle. In hospital services the impact will be marginal, states the repor.t, as such facilities are now in a surplus situation. Present recreational services services are expected to be adequate as are other services services with the exception of police protection which is even now below the provincial average, : states the report. The report states the project project will cause some negative impacts on the operating expenditures of all municipalities municipalities in the study area with the exception of the Town of Newcastle. The town of Newcastle Newcastle will receive a net positive impact in some of the eleven years of the construct-, ion process. The town of Newcastle is estimated to receive .33 per cent more ' income than that in 1974 due to the construction. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 15th. 1976-7 Best wishes fora safe and happy Holiday Season to to all from the '. CLARKE MUSEUM Give a Child the Breath of Life! Only adequate research can conquer conquer Cystic Fibrosis, the nation's number two killer of children. Your contributions helped us find better techniques for giving these youngsters additional years of life. . INSMEN CLUBS ARE FIGHTING CYSTIC FIBROSIS the Kinsmen of your community in a massive effort to expand the research program so that a control or a .cure for Cystic Fibrosis may soon be found. WILL YOU HELP? Join in the fun at the Kinsmen 2nd Annual Skate-A-Thon DECEMBER 26th 12:00Noon until 4:00 p.m. NEWCASTLE ARENA Participate, be a Sponsor or a Skater. Trophies and Refreshments. All proceeds for Cystic Fibrosis and Community Service. Q\ad voices sing out . . and glad wishes ring out as we extend our sincere greetings greetings for a very merry Christmas to all. % Orono Hydro Electric commission Lighted The Famous Mr. Coffee Table Top Garden 4-Step Automatic Approx. Size 24V2X 13x23 (Adjustable) CSA Approved Brewing system 10 cups in 5 Minutes 4--way 1 Toaster# $39.95 $46.88 V Oven ' i Works as a Broiler, ( Light Not Included) Toaster, Baker, . Top Browner- Fold Away Black & Decker Work Mate Router Kit $75.98 Giant Vice and Saw Horse in One. 44 H.R. Router 2 Wrenches - Straight and Circular Guide. Plastic Carrying Carrying case. Folds up into Suit Case size $59.99 $64.95 ROLPH (Dominion) HARDWARE Orono, Ontario , » . ■ Phone