S-- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WED., DECEMBER 22nd, 1976 Kendal News The Miracle of Christmas . Christmas skies, The wonderment in a small The untold jojr that fills the child's eÿes;, ' a ' r - the ageless awe of the The throngs who kneel in OLD-FASHIONED '>4^7' Christmas Q^e wish you the happiest of holidays, ■ filled with all the friendly warmth of a good old-fashioned Christmas. BECKER'S STORE ORONO BRANCH CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY ONLY praise and prayer Are evidence that God above Sent Jesus as His gift of Love. Helen Steiner Rive Christmas is a family day. This Christmas is on Saturday Saturday so some family celebrated celebrated the Sunday before and some will celebrate the Sunday Sunday after. Sunday the nineteenth nineteenth was a perfect day. We noticed several cars at some homes. Mrs. H. Foster had her daughtèr Judy, Mrs. J. Fonk and family from Wood- stock on Sunday. Some families families have grown too large for the homes so one of our church families will use the Sunday School room for to serve their Christmas dinner another will use the Odd Fellows Hall in Orono. Rev. Norman Mackenzie said they would have their family gathering at their cottage on the twenty-ninth. One rule followed in the services was, "Each one who goes home for Christmas invite a guest to accompany you." Thus many a service man from B.C. had Christmas dinner in perhaps a French .Canadian home in New Brunswick and vise versa. Mrs. Tom Gosson said that NDP members meet with The three NDP members of the legislature, Douglas Mof- fatt, Durham East; Mike Breaugh, Oshawa and Dr. . Charles Godfrey, Durham West and NDP federal leader, Ed. Broadbent met with representatives of General Motors on Friday of last • • • •••••••••• her husband was one of the many airmen her brother invited to their home from the air force base at Gagetown, N.B. Mrs. N. Mackenzie is having a girl from Scotland for Christmas. There are many lonely people at Christ- mast perhaps you could invite one to your home or call them on the telephone. Dr. and Mrs. John Stevens and son stayed overnight with his mother on thèir way from Ottawa to Cincinnati, Ohio to spend Christmas with her parents. Sunday was White Gift Sunday at Kendal Church. It was fine to see so many children out with their gift envelopes of money for the work of the church in other lands. Tlie junior choir sang a carol. The scripture was, St. Luke 2:1-20. Rev. A. Tizzard said that the wreath on our Christmas Tree reminded us of thé crown of thorns placed on the head of Jesus at his trial before Pontius Pilate. The candle reminds us of the light in the stable. In recognition recognition of God's gift to the world of his son Jesus we give gifts. The wise men gave perfect gifts of gold, myrrh, a resinous substance of a bitter taste and spicy fragrance; and frankincense, a wonderful wonderful perfume. Tlie life of Christ would have bitter places when he was on the cross he was offered myrrh, but his* life also would have a wonderful love that, would reach Out like frankincense. "Love so amazing so divine demands my soul, my life, my all." week. The meeting had beep asked for by the NDP members to discuss', future plans of General Motors as they would relate to the/ Police seize $350,000 in Twenty-two persons, including including 20 from the Oshawa- Whitby area, have been charged with drug offences following one of the largest drug hauls ever found in Durham Region. In a series of raids Satur/ day by nearly 40 officers from . the Durham regional police, the RCMP, and the Metro . Toronto drug squad, about $350,000 in drugs were seized both here and in Toronto. Police said the largest Oshaw e a area. Neither party disclosed contents of the discussions as .held but it was felt by Mr. Broadbent that a commur ation link had been developer and that in the future they could expect to receive information information faster and more complete than in the past. individual haul came in Toronto when LSD valued at $65,000 was seized. Drugs seized in Durham included marijuana, cocaine, speed and PCP (horse tranquilizer) tranquilizer) Supt. Ken Young of the Durham regional police said the raids came after more than two months of investigation, investigation, first by the Metro department, then with the co-operation of the RCMP and the Durham department. IF $ | i i it Hear Ye, Hear Ye! We're announcing our best wishes for .a bright and happy New Year, and extending grateful thanks for the friendly goodwill of our valued patrons. "The Storsbergens" ROAST BEE F FAMILY RESTAURANT CATCH ALL THE CHRISTMAS COLOURS with a R.C.A, crmistm/Ts éneerines | . o ORONO ELECTRIC N Orono 983-5108 s e e • e e • e • e e e e e e e • s e e e • f t 1