Skicade is a program of the Ontario Ski Council. Skicade will introduce both alpine and cross-country skiing to' over 50,000 students in Ontario this winter. Last year 400 schools and over 40,000 students were exposed to skiing. There are four vans placed regionally in the province, each operated by two qualified qualified technicians. The vans are equipped with 60 sets of Alpine and Cross-Country skiis and polysnow carpets for fall sessions. Each van will visit two schools daily with both an in class oral presentation and an outdoor or in the gym ski experience. Students will be given a beginners lesson' in either alpine or cross-country. Skicade is offered free of charge to senior elementary and high schools in the province through the financial financial co-operation of PepsiCola PepsiCola Canada Limited, Sears, FMH (Canada) Limited, a Memorial Seeks Public Comment The above photo shows Slyvia Slosel explaining the fundamentals of waxing cross country skiis to a group of Kirby Public School students. Memorial Hospital in Bow- manville will be sending out 1000 questionnaires to residents residents in the Town of Newcastle Newcastle this week. The questionnaires questionnaires are part of a survey to obtain information for the hospital so that effective long-range plans can be made, in the. near future. At a press conference Monday afternoon it was pointed out that although the community had grown in population in the past few years there was not a comparable growth in the use of the hospital services. Those to receive the questionnaire questionnaire were picked at random from the voters list. The questionnaires will be accompanied with a self- addressed envelope. The hospital is asking for comments both positive and negative as to the service now being offered and to what may be.' expected in the futurp. It is felt that the information obtained through the questionnaire will help as one guide in the direction of future hospital activities. Mr. Elston, Hospital Administrator, Administrator, pointed out that over the gàst few years there has been great change in the technology for service and , treatment. He paid the origi- distributor of ski equipment and General Motors. The Ontario Ski Council is a ndn-profit organization whose objective is to serve the needs of all ski organizations in the province and is responsible for the development and extension of the sport, to all residents. The Ontario Ski Council is a member of Sport Ontario and is supported by the Sport and Fitness Division of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation. nal building opened in 1950 and was not suited to accept this change and that consideration consideration had been given for the construction of a new wing to the hospital more suited to serve the public under today's conditions. He was hopeful that planning for such, a new wing could be started in 1980 with possible construction completion in the early 1990s. Mr. Elston said the board had to look ahead and was being asked for a five-year forecast of the operation. Mr. Elston said they would find some alternate use for the original section of the hospital building. He also pointed out that the Board 1 would have to ge( approval for any proposed addition from the proper government agency. The hospital administrator also «aid that within the next two months they would have (Continued page 2) The French Fry May Graduate? The french fry may graduate graduate from the diet of high school students if a proposal by the Nutrition committee of the- Northumberland and Newcastle Board of ^Education ^Education get their way. The committee has proposed proposed to the board that, a pilot project be undertaken at the" Clarke High School and the Port Hope High School which would see french fries leave the menu on three of the five ,, days in the week. The matter has yet tube approved by the board and as a resulj: the two schools have yet to be informed of any such proposal. proposal. It was pointed out to the' committee that just ten fries have 200 calories and contain thirteen percent fat. It was also pointed out that a potato is good food but the more it is cut and cooked the more it looses its natural nutrients. In speaking with Mr. A. ' Witherspoon at Clarke High School he said he knew very little about the proposal at this time. He said it would have to first go before the board for their consideration. Mr. Witherspoon said, he was certainly willing to discuss the proposal and in fact the cafeteria was end- avouring to push the mqre - nutritious foods and especial ly yogurt. He said he had been contacted by the principal of the Port Hope High School who was protesting the proposal. proposal. The Clarke Principal did ' say that Port Hope was in a somewhat different position than Clarke in that Port Hope students could go downtown if they so wished. In Clarke the students have nowhere else to . go and he said, we don't'want* them going out to the highway at noon for french fries. Mr. Witherspoon also said Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 17th, 1979 • Gravel Truck that the Clarke cafeteria was more than paying its way and the cutting out of french fries should make no difference to ♦any great degree in the financial operation of the service in the school. •Mr. Witherspoon expects to hear more about the proposal in the near future. The committee proposed the elimination elimination of french fries for Report to Come Council on Monday was' faced with two notice of motions as well as a recommendation recommendation from the Public Works committee referring to the use of municipal and regional roads by gravel trucks. A notice of motion on three days to take effect in. the matter was presented by February and be reviewed in May. If the proposal is acceptable it would be then considered on a permanent basis. Board Hears Seven Briefs Last week at a special meeting of the Board ' of Education briefs were submitted submitted by principals, and individual! school oriented organizations and individuals on the subject of principal transfers. At the beginning of this school term in September a number of transfers were initiated throughout the public public school system under the Board's jurisdiction. In one area in the eastern sector of the jurisdiction considerable. objection was lodged as to* the transfer of a principal. The Northumberland and Newcastle' Board of Education Education is now considering setting a policy for the transfer of principals throughout the jur-" isdiction. The meeting called last week was to receive briefs in this matter from the public and teachers. In general those briefs from the teaching profession and principals seemed to favour an orderly policy on principal (Continued on page 5) » Counc. Cowman and Counc. Holliday as well as another notice of motion by Counc. Barr and Counc. Clarke. The • recommendation from the Works committee and the two Did you do it??? Last Thursday evening at the Clarke Public Library Mrs. Jean Moffat, librarian on duty,, received a phone call from anonimous caller stating stating that a .bomb had been planted in tbe junior room of the library. i After getting oVer the initial shock of the call Mrs. Moffat* aske^, "Did you do it?" Needlèss to say the building was évacua fed , at the time until police investigated the building. Finding no bomb the operation of the library continued continued as usual. notices of motions were quite similar in nature. •All motions asked for an immediate meeting to discuss the issye of gravel trucks on municipal roads with most of the involved provincial ministries ministries as well as having municipal and regional representations representations present for the meeting, The recommendation also request financial assistance to compensate the Town for the burden caused by the impact of the transport of aggregate. , ' As a result of the similarity of the three motions the Town Manager was given authority to prepare a report incorporating, incorporating, all aspects of the motions. This report is to be prepared as soon as possible and presented to the Public Works committee for their recommendation to council. fjappemngsL. MAY ONLY BE A RUMOR . There has been some speculation that the Wesleyville Rydro generating station may be further cut back. It has been reported that this speculation may only be a rumor. It does appear however that Ontario Hydro'is again taking another look at hydro production and will make some announcement later this year. ■ BASSETT HOUNDS AND TEACHERS TO PLAY The CFTO Bassett Hounds have again this year ' accepted the challenge from the local teachers to play hockey. The game has been arranged for April 1st and will be A LENGHTY COUNCIL SESSION The Town of Newcastle" council started their Monday session of cobncil at 9:30 Monday morning and continued into the afternoon and evfening* to almost the hour of midnight. TO .KEEP BUDGET INCREASE WITHIN SEVEN PERCENT It is the intention of the Finance Committee for the Region of Purham to keep the overall budget increase for the . Region within a seven percent increase. With assessment growth in the Region this' will be a lesser amount when it reaches the tax bill. ■