$4)rono Weekly Times,. Wednesday, January 24th, 1979 FRESH! PICNIC Pork Shouldèr Roasts FRESH! WHOLE, HOCK REMOVED Pork Leg £d Roasts lb FRESH!SHOULDER Pork Butt Roasts FRESH! SHOULDER BUTT Pork Chops X FRESH! Pork Liver IGA,CHOICE Pure Apple Juice SHANK PORTION SHORSY'S, REGULAR OR DINNER SIZE FRESH I, HOCK REMOVED Pork Leg Roasts BUTT PORTION SHOPSY'S, VACUUM PACKED Corned Beef 3-lb. avg. lb FRESH Pork Leg Roasts FLAVORED RISE'N'SHINE, POLY BAG OF 4x31/4-07. PKGS. SHOPSY'S All Beef Salami PRIDE OF CAN ADÂ, SLICED Side Bacon 14-OZ. CHUB Orange Crystals SHOPSY'S,SLICED ASSORTED VARIETIES ' 4 0 Z Sandwich Meats pkg SHOPSY'S ,. LB Beef Wieners pkg ARDMONA, FANCY Fruit Cocktail 28-FL. OZ.-TIN IGA, CHOICE ig-FL Whole Tomatoes oz! ti n GAINES Gravy Train CRISCO I ■ a 3-LITRE Vegetable Oil btl. SHOPSY'S, ASSORTED VARIETI ES Parfav Desserts 13-oz. tub polonaise, polish Baby Dill Pickles 16-FL. OZ. JAR MOTHER PARKER'S Instant Coffee 6 Æ TWIN, ASSORTED FRAGRANCES Airwick Solid PK 2 G 30 ° g F2x Air Fresheners conts FRASERVALE, FANCY, FROZEN 2 Lg Mixed Vegetables poly bag RED LABEL McConnell's Tea Bags 0 B ?S HIGHLINER, FROZEN, FAMILY SIZE Fillet Portions 32 oz $ or Fish Sticks pkg PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., JAN. 24 TO SAT., JAN. 27,1979. WE RESERVE THE' RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ' HOLIDAY FARMS, FROZEN SALISBURY STEÀK AND BEEF GRAVY y LB gA Meat Entrée pkg! f v SANIFLUSH Toilet Bowl Cleaner 47-oz. TIN FROZEN, CHOCOLATE, GLAZED OR CINNAMON-RAISIN g-0Z McCain Donuts pkg: ASSORTED COLORS, SWAN'S DOWN Bathroom #>/>< Tissue , S& LL ' yy KRAFT, CRACKER BARREL OLD COLORED Cheddar Cheese 8-OZ. STICK 100% PURE FROM CONCENTRATE TROPICANA, UNSWEETENED g2 pl _ Orange Juice oz. btl KELLOGG'S Rice Krispies 100% PURE VEGETABLE OIL. IMPERIAL 1-LB Sof-Spread Margarine tub MFG. 84 OFF LABEL DEMPSTER'S English Muffins of 6 REGULAR OR DIP FLAVORED 225< Hostess Potato Chips pkg ONTARIO GROWN CONTROLLED ATMOSPH ERE CANADA FANCY GRADE McIntosh Apples DAYTIME 30's OR EXTRA ABSORBENT 24's Pampers $Q i Disposable Diapers pkg BONUS OF 125-ml MÔRE Listerine ' p [ Mouthwash REGULAR, OILY OR GENTLE, '350-mlV PLST. BTL. Agree Shampoo Are Foamy Suds Necessary Though it is commonly believed that deter- „ gents must produce lots of foam to be effective, effective, there is little relationship between foam and detergency. Admittedly, 9 sink-full of visible floating food particles among the dishes is not a desirable sight, hence it's no wonder homemakers prefer prefer foamy liquid detergents to help camouflage camouflage the reality of the dishwashing ritual. The same principle applies to laundry detergents. detergents. Their effectiveness is dependent on the ingredients, i.e. the type of surfactant (surface active agent), enzymes and other components, NOT the amount of foam produced. PRODUCEOF CENTRALAMERICA DOLE OR CHIQUITA Campbell's Tomato Soup ASSORTED VARIETIES f Duncan Hines^ Layer Cake Mixes Sliced White Bread DIGESTIVE, SHORTCAKE Peek Frean Biscuits VANGUARD OR CHALLENGER Sockeye Salmon ASSORTED COLORS Kleenex Facial Tissue Tea Flake Saltines ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE . # Onions , % 1 2-LB. 9 BAGS 99* PRODUCE OF U.S.A. f Bunch Carrots d ► bunches ■ FOR 1 PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE "SWEET" Green Peppers lb 59* SHOPSY'S, PASTRAMI, SMOKED MEAT OR 4 x 2 ; 0 Z Corned 1 Beef pkgs. BOILABLE BAG s 1.85 ASSORTED VARIETIES Shopsy's Salads 16-OZ. rim 79* There is a variety of detergents available to suit a variety of conditions, for example, the water hardness or softness, water temperature, temperature, fabric type, even the user's method of washing. I'll be happy to supply more details, bn request, if you have a specific question about detergents. Mrs. Green is available to talk to groups about shopping and other subjects of consumer interest. interest. Please write: Box 655, Toronto, M4Y ZN6. PRODUCE OF U.S.A. Florida ;SS Oranges, Armstrong's