>-Oronn Wepkly Times, Wednesday, January 31st, 1979 Oroiio Weekly Times IN TIME OF DISTRESS The Canadian Red Cross Society has been an organization that down through the years has always been on call in time of distress. ■■ The local branch of the Town of Newcastle has now put out its own distress call for help and assistance. There is a great need locally for local support and this can only come from residents within this community. Councillor Keith Barr after attending a recent meeting of the local branch has been endeavouring to stir up interest in Ward 3 to assist with the organization and its program. It is now time to give and a few hours a month will likely make the difference. If you are. interested in this community service in the Town give Councillor Keith Barr a call either at his home or office in Newcastle Village. HOW MUCH DEVELOPMENT CAN WE AFFORD The availability of hard services such as water and sewers generally determine the extent of any development in a designated area. In the Town of Newcastle (Bowmanville, Courtice and Newcastle Village) such services are nearly on tap which would well mean accommodation for another 40,000 to 50,000 people. Consideration is also being asked for a municipal water supply for Hampton and an extension to the Orono water system. These may be limited but if construction of mains from Skinner's Creek is the logical source it could only be prohibitive as to costs. It would appear the time has arrived to consolidate those services we have in the Town of Newcastle (the three centres) and forget about extending development into the Hamlet areas to the point that hard services are required, There is no Santa Claus and these services can only be paid for by the user or the taxpayer. A water source comes on tap in Newcastle Village this year that could well handle a population almost three times the present figures and the Town has no fylly approved development as yet to make use of the new water supply. This is nothing less than poor business and costly to the Region and Town. Additional water and sewers are coming tc Bowmanville and hard services to CoUrtice are in the works. It would seem logical to make use of these services or a good portion of these services before the Town embarks on other • hard services throughout the hamlets of the Town. The backlog of useable services may well take 15 to 20 years at this point to be fully used by new residents. In Orono the single well was not capable of meeting the demand especially through the summer months when much of the water went to keep lawns green. This was overcome with the construction of a second well and last year the problem did not exist. Further Orono water customers have no meters at the present time and with their installation in 1981 it is more than likely there will be a cutback in the discriminate use-of water. , It may be that there will be a surplus Of water even in Orono that could allow for some limited development. Lets have the Region or Town complete one phase of services and development before they jump to other expensive proposals. - * Orono will certainly survive with its present water supply and we are not impressed because someone wants to dig a ditch for a mammoth water main. SAM AT QU E EN'S PARK Report from Queen's Park Sam Cureatz, M.P.P., Durham East 1 happenings.. It REAPPOINTED TO BOARD OF GOVERNORS » Mr. S.B. Rutherfôrd, RR N Orono and Mrs. Katherine Guselle of Oshawa, have been reappointed to the Board of Govenors for Durham College. Nigel Schilling, Whitby, is a new appointment to the Board. Dr. Keith Slemon, Bowmanville will continue as chairman with John Larmond to continue as vice-chairman. OSHAWA FAIR HAS PERMANENT HOME Agreement has been . reached with objecting landowners in North Whitby which will now allow plans to proceed for a new home for the Oshawa Fair. The proposed plan for the grounds has been scaled# down and prior to an < OMB hearing to be held last Thursday agreement was reached with the neighbouring land owners. BLOOD DONORS CLINIC, FEBRUARY 7th The Durham East Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society are holding their first blood donor clinic of the year on Wednesday, February 7th. The clinic is being held, as usual, at the Lions Centre in Bowmanville and will go from 1:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Plan now to support this venture in the community. Fitness is a national issue. We call jt Body Politics» International Year of the Child Last Fall, Premier William Davis pledged the support of the Government of Ontario for the International Year of the Child, proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations to begin January 1,1979, as a means of focusing attention on the well beihg of children. Due to provincial restraints on . spending, extra funds cannot be allocated for IYC activities. However, all. Ministries Ministries and Secretariats of the Ontario Government are participating participating by building special projects into existing programs programs within regularly allocated allocated budgets. Many projects dealing with children's services or dedicated dedicated to the Year of the Child are already wéll advanced. The Ministry of Health announced announced additional screening tests for diseases causing mental retardation in un- , detected or untreated new born children. Also, an intensive intensive immunization and awareness campaign and a preventive dental care program program began last fall. A comprehensive public education program on mental retardation prevention is being mounted during 1979 by the Ministry of Community and Social Services with the assistance of the Ontario (Continued from page 1) HA,RVEY PARTNER CHAIRMAN ORONO HYDRO COMMISSION from other centres in the Region of Durham will be considered by a regional study team. It was considered that amalgamation in some form or other would take effect in the Newcastle area as of January 1,1980. Some close to the scene are now of the 'opinion that,the 1980 date is overly optimistic. WORK WANTED D. & R. Custom Fencing and custom chain-sawing 983-5005 ' or 983-9627 Orono', Ont. St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCH Orono, Ontario Regular Sunday Worship Seryice- 10:00 a.m. Rev. Allan Haldenby B.A. L.Th. Association for the Mentally Retarded and the Ministry of Health. The Ontario Educational Communications Authority is producing a series of programs programs called "A Different Understanding" to assist teachers teachers and specialists in understanding the problems and pain experienced by children with learning disabilities. disabilities. Ontario's theme for IYC, "Today is for Tomorrow", reflects the government's awareness that our future peace and prosperity will be determined by the care and attention we give our. children 1 today. However, the real spiritfor thé Year of the Child , has to start in the family and the community through personal personal commitments to our own children, grandchildren, nephews or nieces. Individuals may wish to join in the observance by becoming block parents or setting up a Block Parent Association; offering to baby-) sit for a single parent family ; or contacting the local Children's Children's Aid, WM-YWCA or Big Brother-Sister Association regarding volunteer work. Speaking about the Year of « the Child, I would like to comment on the two recreation recreation facilities that have been recently built in Jthe Village of ' Newcastle and Orono for, amongst others, children. There has been much discussion in the last few weeks about the financing of these two arenas, and some apparent delay from Wintario in getting money to the Town of Newcastle to alleviate the Town's interim financing for these projects. To help clarify the questions from the provincial provincial viewpoint, I have always made myself available available to both Arena Boards, and to the Town of Newcastle if any of those groups thought that my intervention in the Wintario applications would be beneficial. It was not until Saturday, January 6th, that Councillor Keith D. Barr called me and said that the Town was experiencing some , delays from Wintario. As a result of this call, I arranged to meet with Wintario representatives and with the Town of Newcastle Newcastle staff on Friday, January January l2th. The meeting was chaired by Mayor Garnet Rickard, and after an all morning deliberation, it appeared appeared that the difficulties Would be resolved with further further meetings amongst the staff. ,. ■ , I was not contacted by anyone from the Town of Newcastle about this matter until January 23rd when Mayor Garnet Rickard informed informed me that things were moving along, and if the Town needed my assistance again, they, would contact me. I know that the Town Council would not like interference into their management, and know 'that my role as coordinator coordinator at the provincial ' level , helped facilitate the problems that seemed to have arisen. , I think it is only fair to'say that if'ariyone has questions about the exact status of these two worthwhile projects, they should contact their local councillors to get more information information concerning progress at the Town level. Ill Three ma | or injuries The Orono Fire Department Department was called to a highway traffic accident north of the Dutch Oven Restaurant on Highway 115 on Wednesday evening at 10:30 p.m. Three persons received major injuries injuries due to the accident. One vehicle was driven by ; Robert Hayes, 34, of Stoney- creek, who received major injuries, F . Russell of Burlington, Burlington, a passenger ifi the Hayes vehicle, received minor injuries. Cyril C. Redcliffe, 50, R.R. 1 Havelock, driver of the second second vehicle and passenger, Carmel Brooks of Marmara both were taken to hospital with major injuries. According to Provincial Police at Newcastle this was thé last accident they investigated investigated as to Monday morning. There were no highway accidents in the area over , the weekend. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B.E. Long B.Th. Organist and Choir Director David Gray Sunday, February 5,1979 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a.mi Morning Worship 11:15 am." KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 9:45 Morning Worship 9:45 Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 More Items on Sa le at Armstrongs Dresses for little girls sizes 4, 5, 6 and 6X. Regular price $14.50 now selling for........... .... $11.50 i ; _ Jump suits for little girls sizes 4,5, and 6X. Regular price $17.50 now selling at-.-...... $14.00 Ladies Blouses and tops on one rack reduced 20 percent. Paris Star 2-Piece suits, size 14 and 16. Regular Price $67.00 are now /. $38.00 t Dell 2-Piece slacks suits. Regular price $52.00 now only... $28.00 The last of Haughs dark blue Big 88 overalls sizes 34, 36, 38 and 46 now only . :. .. $10.00 3 only Houghs lined work jackets, size 38 and 40 now only. V.... $10.00 ARMSTRONGS