Policy too hot to handle? Wives promote co nvention s u ccess It has become an established, established, fact, according to Hydro officials, that wives contribute contribute greatly to the success of any convention. They are the moderating factor to keep all things in line and to keep attendance at the various sessions to a maximum of those delegates registered. As a result commissions have been urged to give financial support to wives who accompany their husbands husbands to the annual conventions conventions of the OMEA and AMEU which are held jointly in Toronto early every spring. In the past, some hairy reports have been told of delegates the least being that they never attended any of the sessions of the convention. The OMEA and AMEU in recent years support the practice of wives attending conventions and as a result attendance has greatly, improved improved at all sessions and the overall conduct of the annual convention has improved immensely. The loteal Orono Commission Commission in the past few years has on an ad hoc basis provided funds for the attendance of wives to the convention. This extra funding included registration registration fees, meals and accommodation. The Bow- manville Public Utilities did likewise while Newcastle P.U.C. had a somewhat lesser involvement financially. Some two months ago the three local commissioners were made aware of the fact that their policy as to remunerations for commissioners commissioners attending to business outside the area lacked the approval of Ontario Hydro. Such policy must go to Town Council for their consideration consideration and then be sent to Ontario Hydro for their sanction. sanction. The three local commissions commissions in their deliberations in setting a new draft policy which included remuneration of $40.00 a day or part thereof for commissioners atténding to hydro business outside of their centres decided it was ■ time to establish a firm policy as to payment for wives attending conventions with their husbands. A section was included in the draft policy that commissions commissions would pay for the wives accommodation as well as registration, meals and sanctioned sanctioned activities by the convention. This section along with other financial responsibilities of the commissions commissions as to the delegates expenses, accommodation and travel were passed locally locally ready for presentation to council of the Town of Newcastle. But alas the section as to paying wives exenses has been. deleted and the presentation presentation to council will not include such a section. The issue appears to be too hot to handle so it has been deleted even though there is a sound basis for its inclusion. It is likely that the three local commissions will continue continue the payment of wives expenses but it will De carried on through a year to year basis- not through an esta- ■ blished policy passed through council and approved by Ontario Hydro. Council Makes Appointments Town council on Monday made the following appointments appointments for the year 1979. Fence Viewers, Gerald Shackelton, Harold Dean, Arthur Hamilton. Live Stock Valuers, L. Hallowell, K. Ormiston. Pound Keepers, Ross Brown, Newtonville; Law- renceHarris, Orono; Douglas Cathcart, Kendal; Sid Cornish, Cornish, R.R. 5, Bowmanville; Wilson Carson, Newtonyille; Morley Robinson, Newtonville; Newtonville; Fred Griffin, Black- stock; Vic Cookson, R.R. 6, Bowmanville; Arnott Wotten, R.R. l, Hampton. Warble Fly Inspections, Clifford Pethick, Bowmanville Bowmanville and Lawrence Harris, . Orono. Cowman spearheads skirmish at council over Town planning Planning in the Town of Newcastle came under attack at Monday's council meeting by the Chairperson of the Planning and Development committee, Counc. Cowman. Before the skirmish was over Counc. Cowman had apologized apologized to town staff and had been reprimanded by the Mayor. Counc. Cowman asked council to defer the circulation circulation of a proposed eight lot subdivision in Tyrone until such time as the Hamlet plan was completed and a positive opinion had been received from the people in Tyrone. This view was also supported at the meeting by Terry Clifton of Tyrone. Council gave approval for the circulation circulation to the various departments. departments. "Why do a Tyrone plan at all," asked Counc. Cowman. The chairperson also opposed opposed the approval in principal principal of a third subdivision in the Courtice area and again asked that council await the . completion of the Courtice district plan. Council in passing the approval in principal also rescinded a former resolution of council that the subdivision proposal be tabled pending Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, January 31st, 1979-3 people but development is . being delayed because of the planning ■ process. Bowmanville, Bowmanville, ; she said, was in the same position. In then referring to the Courtice area she said they had none of these services and no money on the line to pay for them, not even a planning process agreed upon and yet subdivision applications applications receive approval almost on demand. " Counc. Cowman also objected objected to the fact that the Courtice District plan was being completed by developers. developers. "I think this is irresponsible" irresponsible" she said. She warned council they would face an Ontario Municipal Municipal Board hearing for every subdivision they approved. "We can't seem to biyld a kitchen as an addition to the Tyrone Hall . . . but we can place 20,000 people in Courtice?", Courtice?", she said and asked. completion of the Courtice district plan. "You are making a mockery mockery of the whole planning process", stated chairperson of the.Planning committee. In a fourteen page submission submission Counc. Cowman asked council to get financial affairs in order to avoid mortgaging the future of this municipality to "front end" the cost of Constructing a city the size of Barrie in Courtice which may take from five to fifty years to materialize. She pointed out that Newcastle Newcastle Village had water, sewers, stores, ténnis courts, swimming pool, arena, library library and post office and a capacity to grow to 10,000 Sam Cureatz to provide further information to Town DX SERVICE STATION Highway 35 & 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products AttHe Most Reasonable Prices Stove Oil & Dièse! Oil Available in gny quantity Phone 987-4215 We have a complete line of POP-CITY ) Soft Drinks. Save by buying these a case at a time. Mayors Blood Donor Clinic His Worship Garnet B. Rickard and the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle are sponsoring a Blood' Donor Clinic under the auspicious of The Canadian Red Cross Society on Wednesday, Feb. 7,1979 Lion's Centre, Beech Ave., . Bowmanville, Ontario 1:00 p.m. to8:30 p.m. Mayor Rickard urges you to come along and donate, as supplies of blood are low and urgently required. J.M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk, ' 1 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. On Monday evening the Town of Newcastle council tabled two items from the Planning and Development Committee report pertaining to development in the Town of Newcastle as related to district plans. Counc. Holliday and Counc. Barr called for the tabling of the two items of business awaiting further information that would be provided. Counc. Cowman was told the further information would be coming from Durham East M.P.P. Sam Cureatz. One item involved a request to the Minister of Housing to convene a meeting at his convenience with his staff, the M.P.P., the Town of Newcastle and staff to clarify the policy and methods of procedure and approvals for land development in the Town and particularly the problems associated with the urgency in utilities coming on stream. The above recommendation was presented to council from the Planning committee when it was learned that the Town could only pass along District plans for Bowmanville and Courtice to the Minister prior to a complete district plan for the entire Town of Newcastle. Such a procedure would hold up development in the hamlets hamlets and Newcastle Viljage. The other item tabled by council on Monday night referred to a hold on the _ community district plan for Newcastle Village until such 1 time as the .Town's district plan had reached the draft stage. « In speaking'with Councillor Barr he said that Sam Cureatz wanted to seè what he could do, in this matter and felt he could save time arid the possible meeting which could be some months away. SNOW SALE Toro2V 2 H.P. Toro 5 H.P. Bolens 5 H.P. Bolens 6 H.P. Bolens 8 H.P. $329.95 $700.00 $700.00 $729.00 $799.00 Prices include chains,,where required - pre-service - warranty RoIphDominion Hardware Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5207 WH ITE. V FOOD / STORES WHAT FOOD BUYS! Fresh young backs, wings, necks attached quartered Quartered Chickens lb. .78c Maple Leaf mild and sweet Rind less Bacon 1.38 16 oz. Pkg. We Specialize in Home Freezer. Meat Orders ♦ ♦ Let us quote you • a price today on Canada A-l meats Kismet Soft Margarine 1 lb., tub .59c Quicl^ or Instaht Quaker Oats 1.25-1.35 k g bag .99c With pectin and colour raspberry or strawberry Aylmer Jam 24 n.-«. jar .99c Cloverleaf Chunk Light , Tuna 61/2 oz. tin .85c 'Assorted 9-Lives Cat Food 6.5 oz. tin 4-99c CORNISH'S