Orono Weçklv Times, Wednesday, February 7th, 1979-5 These two young competi- two minutes in a draw, tors finished their match of A young competitor, Peter Bolton of Pontypool, last Sunday at the Judo competitions competitions being bêld at the Clarke High School examines one of the medals to be presented with Charlie Formosa of Oshawa. Peter had not at this time competed in the competition competition so was interested in the gold, silv'er and bronze awards. Ray Wilson of Orono, second second to right at the table, was assisting with the promotion along with Hugh Hicks of Time keepers are an all- important part of any competition competition and on Sunday at the Judo competition at the Clarke High School the case again was most evident. F'rora left to right, Jarfiie Campbell of Peterborough, Gordon JJardy of Leskard and Spencer Williams of Orono mark the time for each competition and also with the Picton. Ray Wilson is the instructor for both the Pontypool Judo Club and the Pines Judo club, the latter meeting weekly at the Pines Senior Public School every Thursday even- use of'flags note the time-out as called by the referees. At the end of the two minute bouts they throw a red bean bag onto the mat. Over 100 compete in the fun sport Well over one hundred boys and girls took part in a Regional Judo competition' held in the Clarke High School Sunday morning and afternoon. afternoon. Competitors were from an area ranging from Oshawa to Kingston and as far north as Bancroft. There are four such competitions held in the region over the , winter term. Tudo was explained'tiy Ray -ilson of Orono as a fun sport for everyone and he said the main objective along with physical fitness is tjie teaching teaching of discipline. He said Judo was not a pressure sport and that students are taught that it is not whether you win or lose but that you take part in the competitions. Wilson said the students are treated the same whether they win or whether they Ipse out in competition. Locally there are two clubs .in operation both under a Board off Education Night School program. One club operates out of Pontypool while a local Orono area club known as the Pines Judo Club operates out of the Pines Senior Public School. The Pines Club holds forth at the school every Thursday evening evening from seven to nine. It was evident at the competition on Sunday that the Üudo competitions was a non-pressure sport. There was no arguments with the judges or referees and even the spectators along the sidelines were not boisterous in their 1 support for, any particular competitor. The competitors themselves themselves seemed to take the results of the competitions within their stride and thçre were no demonstrations às to victory or defeat. ing from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Both local clubs operate as part of the Board of Education Education Night School program, and each club has a membership membership of around thirty boys and girls. Christmas Seals go over the top Durham Region Lung Association's Association's annual Christmas Seal Drive closed officially on January 31st, having reached an all-time high of $79,310.89. The Association exceeded its target of $75,000 by $4,310 : .89 and achieved a 16 percent increase over the 1977 Campaign. Campaign. Christmas Seal Co- Chairman Marline Ve'ater said today that the campaigns campaigns success was built upon year round efforts by Association Association volunteers, staff mem- ' bers and local media who have worked continuously to raise public awareness of the services provided by Christmas Christmas Seal dollars in Durham Region. "The public are realizing that a dollar given to Christmas Seals goes a long way in providing practical help for many people in our ■ community, who suffer from such diseases as asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis", said Mrs. Veat- er. Co-Chairman Bill East- wood summed up the Assoc-, iation's feelings about the final campaign totals in one word - "terrific!" - and added that the combination of Durham Durham Region's concerned and generous * public with this enthusiastic and dedicated voluntary Agency could only result in the Lung Association's Association's continued expansion as a comlnunity health re» ource. "Thanks to our many Christmas Seal Friends" he said, "More people than ever before will be helped this year 1 by Durham Region Lung Association,. their local Christmas Seal People". ONTARIO TELEPHONE SERVICE COMMISSION PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT Community Telephone Company Company of Ontario Limited has applied under Section 105 * of The Telephone Act (R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 457) for approval of changes in telephone rates and has mailed noticp of their application to all subscribers. The Commission will hold a public hearing in the Commission's Offices, Suite 200, 3625 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario on Thursday, February 22, 1979 commencing at 2:00 p.m. Oral and-or written submissions may be made at this hearing and all those wishing to attend are cordially ; invited. • ■ , W.E. McDougall Secretary-Registrar Ontario Telephone Service Commission Suite 200 3625 Dufferin Street Downsview, Ontario M3K 1Z2 For That Special Sweetheart! Say Happy - Valentine's Day with a lovely fresh floral arrangement or beautiful potted plant! ' Prompt Delivery! 983-9724 Gerri's Flower and Gifts