VAN BELLE ON GARDENING Pruning The next four weeks are probably the best for pruning than any other month of the year, and I am specifically referring to pruning trees, such as the different types of fruit trees and all the ornamental ornamental trees such as Maple and Ash and many more. This time of the year the danger of very heavy frost is over, so that the pruned branches will not be damaged by heavy frost penetrating the open wound and doing harm to the Cambiàn layer. Also at this time the sap of the trees has not started to flow, so no sap will be lost when the spring opens, since by that time the wound will be healed over. Tools: The proper equipment to prune should always be a tool that is very sharp, so that no ragged edges will be left on the wound. Three tools will be required for most pruning jobs, a sharp knife, a sharp hand prurier, and a sharp saw. With this equipment you Should also have a tree wound dressing, which should be applied to the larger wounds, to keep them from insect damage, and speed up the healing of the wound. Pruning Fruit Trees: With fruit trees you prune to increase the yield, ease of maintenance of the tree and keep down the fungus and disease. Young trees are pruned in such a way to lay their foundation for good shape and maximum crops; If left alone they will just run wild and will produce inferior fruit and will be hard to manage. When we look at the proper requirements for good Thank you to all who participated in the Bonne Bell 10-06 "Great Gallon Give-a-way" draw. The winner was Miss Karen Atkins, Centre Street, Orono. r armacy ORONO, ONT. • ,983-5009 J. H. STUTT E. J. STUTT The-Up & Our Hydro-Mist system lifts dirt, ! stains,old yharoptm residue and GCiv: of tm; molstwem just ,, one step I»'.-, me same method professionals use' do-it-yourself \ and save. Just 3c per sq, ft for the / average home. Safe* As easy to ^ use as a. vacuum:cleaner, s|:Saillilll|l«i:illlll*^p|!l Made by the Trtewax Company and ..... ' * XV proven by over 2 million rentals. - Available now at ROLPH DOMINION HARDWARE trees, number ' one will be light or sunlight for 1 proper leaf growth and quality fruit, and closely following this requirement is the proper movement of air through the tree to keep down the fungus and disease. The latest method method of pruning was derived in Europe when the new dwarf and semi-dwarf fruit trees became very popular, and a proper pruning procedure was established to serve the fruit grower. This method is the open Christmas tree method, where a tree _ is pruned with a central leader and four or five main branches branches coming out from the trunk, which would carry all the other branchés, keeping the tree open and which enables the maximum sun penetration for good color on the fruit. This may appear to be hard to achieve, but really it is quite simple, just keep the form of a Christmas tree in mind, which has a nice slope from the.tip of the tree almost the bottom of the ground. Old trees are much harder to prune since they already may have an established established form, which may not fit this system. However, the same thing applies. Open up the inside of the tree, and shape to get the most sun on the side. An interesting fact is that you should be able to climb into a fruit tree and reach the ends of the branches branches without the branch breaking, since if it will not hold your weight, it certainly . will not hold a crop, so it is better to cut back the branch, again giving the tree the Christmas tree shape. Never clean the branches of all the so-called suckers, since they set bud the following year giving you fruit even on the inside of the tree. If you remove all these branches, then the only place where you will have growth is on the outside, forming a dense mat of foliage where there is no air movement. „ Ornamental trees should be pruned to give them the shape you'would like to have, round, weeping, etc. Especially on this type of a tree, seal the wound with tree wound dressing. dressing. Keep them open by thinning put branches that are weak or that cross over another branch. Until next week, happy gardening. St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCH Orono, Ontario Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Rev. Allan Haldenby B.A. L.Th. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B.E. Long B.Th. Organist and Choir Director David Gray ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 9:45 Morning Worship 9:45 ORONO, ONT. 983-5207 Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 7th, 1979-3 A happy group above araska Forest Centre. Counc background congratulate the following the judging of thé Clarke, left, and Mrs.' Clarke young winners, snow sculptures at the Gan-• right and Counc. Barr in the Town of Newcastle ELDERLY PERSONS TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The Council of the ToWn of Newcastle is considering financial assistance, by means of a tax credit of $100.00 to eldery home owners in the Town who are qualified as follows: The owner or spouse of the owner must: A. Be 65 years of age by March 31, 1979" B. Be in receipt of monthly Guarabteed Income Supplement provided under the Old Age Security Act (Canada). C. Occupy the property on .which municipal taxes are imposed and D. Have been continuously assessed as the owner of residential property in the Town of Newcastle, or Town of Bowmanville, Township of Darlington, Township of Clarke or Village of Newcastle for not less than 5 years preceding March 31, 1979. . ' Application must be* made not later than March 31, 1979. If you believe that you qualify for the above, please apply in writing as soon as possible to: 1 T.C, Bryden, Tax, Collector, ■ 40. Teitaperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Beef Prices are High But steaks for barbecuing will be higher still in July* and August. You can avoid this dilemma by purchasing a hind of 'Â-1' beef this month, and stock that freezer. Call us at 983-5201 for prices. • 4 " You'll be happy you did. Schneiders Fresh-Cut - Back attached Chicken Legs, Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls Fresh Quartered Chickens WHITE V FOOD STORES Bye the Sea Chunk Light Tuna 6V-i oz. tin 79c Simkist Oranges Sweet 'N Juicy $1.49 lb..98c lb. $1.58 lb.:88c Silverwood for Quality and Freshness Coffee Cream Quart 99C