c • ■ - 4 6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 14th, 1979 Clarke High School News , -, Senior band and choir students have relunctantly ,■ returned from their week long .exchange to St. Albert, Al berta. Students enjoyed themselves themselves tremendously. Excursions Excursions varied from an oil refinery to a MacBeth opera, from a hayride to Banff to take in a little skiing. For those who didn't ski there was a bus tour. Students from St. Albert will be coming here within the next few weeks. Due to a bomb scare at the school, Max Webster packed it up earlier than expected. However, they played their full contract, just omitted ORONO, ONT. 983-5009 J. H. STUTT - E. J. STUTT Salé in Progress 10*-50 SAVINGS EVERYTHING MUST GO Many items on sale below our cost » ALLSALES FINAL MIDTOWN CONFECTIONERY & GIFTS . * . ORONO ' 983-5242 their breaks. Many thanks to Bruce Bagg and help for preparing the group their Roast Beef dinner. A magazine campaign has now been started to raise money for the music department. department. Prizes are being distributed distributed to students who sell a certain amount of magazine subscriptions. The math department have put into operation plans to buy a computer. Up to now, the computer math course has been using a computer in Port Hope, but due t problems concerning mail and so on, this has been an inconvenience. At the moment moment students have béen collecting collecting Kraft labels and . sending them in for rebates. For each set of two bread labels, two Parkay margarine margarine labels, two Kraft peanut butter labels and two Kraft individually wrapped 1 lb. or 2 lb. cheese slices, we send in, we get $3.00 back. With lots of participation, we could raise the full price of a computer. March break is coming up and already lots of students have made their way down to that sunny state of Florida. Raise $950. at bazaar The Orono Hockey Mothers and Orono Figure Skating Club have had another successful successful bazaar, thanks to the many people supporting us. Approximately $950.00 was raised for the Arena Building Fund. Draws were - won by the following: Afghan, Marion West; Coppercraft casserole - Cathy Stephens; Cake, Sue Sawyer: Camera, Geri Bailey; Hanging Planter, Gary Cooper. There are far tqo many' people to thank individually but we would like to make mention of those who donated either special items for our draws or their time. Our thanks goes to Stutt's Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Cornish's Red and White, DeJonge Sales, Gerri's Flowers, Orono Hair Care,, Roberta Nesbitt, Pat Irwin, Mrs. R. Sutton, Mrs. Jean Duvall and Bernice Chambers. Chambers. Mrs. G. Bailey, Chairman Second Annual Orono Hockey Mothers and Orono Figure Skating Club Bazaar 1979 On Strike Custodians, cafeteria and bus drivers, employees of the, Northumberland and Newcastle Newcastle Board of Education went out on strike on Monday protesting the lack of an agreement between ' the Board and their Union. Schools are continuing to operate but the Region Health Department is keeping watqh on the sàhools as to conditions under the Public Health Act. The strike affects 160 employees employees of thé Boasd. , The Board hqs' offered an increase of 37 cents an t hour, but would reduce vacation périods and holiday pây. , The Union is seeking a 92 cents per hour inprease which is 15 percent of the top wage. The Union is also asking improvements to the OH1P plan as well as a dental and drug plan,' - Ontario ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 15 of The Planning Act, (R.S.0.1970, c. 349). and IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Regional Municipality of Durham for approval of those parts of the Official Plan for the Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Area referred to the Ontario Municipal Board by The Minister of Housing. OMB FILE NOS. R 781110 to R781137 inclusive R781139 to R781170 inclusive R781172, R781951, R781952 R783299, R783301. R79741 Appointment for Hearing THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Tuesday, the 17th day of April, 1979 at the hour of ten o'clock (local time), in the forenoon of the Council Chambers, Municipal Office of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing this application. The Ontario Municipal Board intends to hear this application starting on the above date and time. At the start of its hearings, the Board will settle matters of procedure, hear preliminary motions and issue such directions as may be required for the proper hearing of all persons interested in, this application. The Board may be asked at that time to allocate specific times or special directions for the consideration of specific items when that can be done as part of the overall hearings of the Durham Regional Official Plan. If you do not attend or are not represented at this hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings. In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing may request a copy of the decision from the presiding Board member. Such decision will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 28th day of February, 1979. Secretary Explanatory note concerning the Official Plan for the * Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Area Part VI of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act, 1973, S.O. c. 78, as amended, directs the Council of The Regional Municipality of Durham to' investigate and survey the physical, social and economic conditions in relation to the development of the Regional Municipality, of Durham Planning Area, to undertake studies concerning matters affecting the development of the Planning Aea, to undertake a program involving public participation in the resolution of such problems and the preparation of guidelines for the development of the Regional Area and to prepare and adopt an Official Plan for the Regional Area. The Official Plan for the Regional-Municipality of Durham Planning, Area was adopted by the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham on the 14th day of July, 1976. An application was made under Section 14 of The Planning Act to The Honourable The Minister of Housing for Ontario for approval of this Plan. The Honourable The Minister of Housing made some modifications to the Official Plan under section 14 of The Planning Act, decided to refer certain sections of the Official Plan to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to section 15 of The Planning Act, deferred other parts of the Plan for further consideration and approved the balance of the said Official Plan on'the 17th day of March, 1978. The Honourable The Minister of Housing subsequently referred certain portions of the Plan to the Ontario Municipal Board and approved further portions of the Plan. Pursuant to this reference the Regional Municipality is now applying to the Municipal Board for approval of these parts of the Durham Regional Official Plan. Some of these parts are statements of policy of general application throughout the Regional Area. Others are before the Municipal Board, only as they relate to specific parcels of land, 'areas, or area municipalities. Still others concern the land use designations provided by the Plan for specific properties. In all cases the decision of the Municipal Board to approve, modify or reject these parts of the Official Plan may affect other lands. In these barings the Municipal Board has fhe same authority as the Minister of Housing to apprvè or to modify these parts of the Official Plan under sectiop 14 of The Planning Act. Explanatory note concerning those parts of the Official Plan referred by The Honourable The Minister of Housing to the « Ontario Municipal Board. ■flie Regional Municipality of Durham has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of those parts of the said Official Plan that have beeg referred to the Ontario Municipal Board as referred to above. This description of the' " parts referred is intended for quick reference and notice by tlie public. To accurately and fully appreciate the purpose, location, extent and effect of each such part or area of referral, the reader shoüld' examine the actual Order of Referral and the Official Plan itself. Those parts referred are briefly as follows: .y: