Town vs Dust off old file in search of planner The Town of Newcastle has opened old files in an effort to quickly fill the vacancy left through the resignation of Leslie Kristof as Planning Director. hire Leslie Kristof. Last week the files were again pulled and contact was. made with previous applicants applicants for the Newcastle position. These files date back to the time Jock Milne was hired as Planning Director just about one year ago and which two months later was dusted off to The Planning Committee met last Saturday and it could just be that the position will be offered this week. The position could be filled within three weeks of the decision. Orono Weekly Times, Custodians still on strike The strike of some 160 custodians, cafeteria personnel personnel and bus drivers continues continues into this week. The custodians went out on strike Monday March 12th after refusing to accept a Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle Board offer for a tiew contract. , During the past week schools throughout the district district remained open with few incidents. This week the Wednesday, March 21st 1979 schools are closed for the March break. As yet the two groups have made no attempt to get together and pickets remain outside the schools. Both sides appear to be awaiting a decision of a mediator to bring them together. It has been reported that last week the striking custodians custodians filed a complaint with the Ontario Secondary School Teacher's Federation claiming claiming faculty members have been doing thèir (custodian's) jobs during the current walk- (Continued page 2) Oshawa councillor, Mayor Rickard to petition Province for Bell take-over STILL NO AGREEMENT The negotiating committees for the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education and the 458 Secondary School teachers failed to reach an agreement last Thursday in a bid to settle the contract between the board and teachers. Frank Mendeville, chairman of the OSSTF 'take-over team' has been reported to say that he was disappointed in the • approach being taken by the school board team and in what he claimed was an offer of 3.8 percent of a salary increase. W.H. Carman, chairman of the boprd negotiating team said he was surprised that the federation would go public , with a statement at this time. He said the figures qould be juggled to mean anything. At the present time the two groups are negotiating the 1978-79 contract as well as the 1979-80 contract in two separate sets of negotiations.' AROUND THE WORLD The Orono Figure Skating Club.will be presenting their annual carnival at the Orono. Arena on Saturday, April 7th and 8th. The theme being taken this year is "Around the World". Special guests are: Sandra Boyce, Andrea and Arthur White. Jo-Anne French and John Thomas. ' NEEDS A GOOD TRANSFUSION ..... . v * The Orono and Area Chamber of Commerce is holding a special meeting this Thursday evening in the Orono Hydro office in an effort to put some life into the local organization. It has been pointed out that over the past year interest has declined that it is impossible for the Chamber to carry on any form of business. President Bob Hazeldon urges everyone to attend as a completely new slate of officers and council is needed to get the Chamber back to an active organization. * CHIMNEY FIRE CALL TUESDAY The Orono Firefightèrs received a fire call Tuesday at noon to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stephenson, Duchess Street, Orono. The cause of the call was a chimney fire. No damage to the dwelling. SOME PROGRESS BEING MADE In speaking with Counc. Keith Barr last week he mentioned that some progress was being made as to a partial elimination of gravel truck traffic on Town roads in the Leskard area. He said more details would be available at a later date. He said he wants the residents of the area to know that the matter had not been forgotten and that some progress was being made. . TOILET PAPER RATIONING EMBARRASSING Close to 200 students at the Port Hope High School walked out of classes Thursday morning chanting they wanted their caretakers back. The students were suspended for one day and parents sent letters. Principal Gellatly has praised the majority of students for their co-operation during the emergency conditions. Some of the students who walked ' out said it embarrassed them to have to apply at the main office for toilet paper when going to the washrooms. Washrooms in the school are locked until 9:10 a.m. and then closely suprevised. , In general throughout the.area students and teachers nave been co-operating during the past week coping with the lack of custodians in the schools. Oshawa Regional councillor councillor Bruce McArthur supported supported by Mayor Rickard of Newcastle stated they would present a notice of motion to the Regional council on Tuesday Tuesday to have the Regional council petition the Province of Ontario to invite Bell Canada to take over the telephone system of Community Community Telephone in the Orono area. McArthur made this statement statement when he was addressing the Ontario Telephone Commission Commission hearing held in the Orono arena community room on Tuesday night. In addressing the hearing later Mayor Rickard said he would support the notice of motion at Regional council. Mayor Rickard stated that he did feel the telephone service in Orono area did isolate the community from the rest of the Region. This isolation is not acceptable in (Continued page 3,) Safety patrollers being honoured The Orono-Lockhart Safety Patrol includes over thirty Junior Level students who assist in the safety of pupils as they proceed to and from school as well as using the services of a bus. As pointed out they tolerate cold and rain and other adverse conditions to carry out their work. Recently on March 1st the Orono-Lockhart patrollers joined over 1000 Oshawa area safety patrollers at the Civic Centre Jamboree in Oshawa. In the individual categories Cindy Nelson has been chosen Orono Patrol Captain for 79-80 and Will attend a four-day Patroller's Camp at Camp Samac in Oshawa this summer. summer. Lisa Stephens was chosen the most valuable patroller in 78-79 and has been presented with an engraved plaque from Students to name Orono complex Mr. Robert Hancock of the Durham County Senior Citizen's Citizen's Lodge recently visited the Orono Public School when he asked that the students enter into a competition to choose a name for the new senior citizen complex just west of Orono. Students from both Orono and Lockharts are being urged to take part in the competition to come.up with a suitable name.. the Durham Regional Police. Warren Lycett and Darlene Dennis will attend a three-day Jamboree in'Ottawa in May in recognition of their work as patrollers. The local Hydro Study Team and the Town of Newcastle council are locked in a confrontation as to the restructuring of Hydro utilities utilities within the Town and especially as to the need for a consultant's report of such action. . Last Monday council passed passed a resolution asking that the Hydro Study team obtain a consultant's'report as to restructuring and report back to council with a more comprehensive report. At the time the Study Team was asking council to support a move to form all hydro users in the Town of Newcastle into one hydro commission. This recommendation included included the levelling out of hydro rates throughout the Town which would create a decrease in rates for the rural customers and an increase in rates for those in Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville. The rates would be levelled out' over a period of five years. : ■ On Tuesday afternoon the 1 Hydro Study Team considered considered the recommendation of .council and turned aside any action as to hiring a consultant consultant to compile a report as to restructuring. According to Mr. Harvey Partner, a member of the Study,Team, it was pointed out at the Tuesday meeting that it was not financially feasible at this time to include the rural area into a system : with the urban area users. He said Ontario Hydro had said that the • present rural area would not carry itself financially. financially. ' . , The Hydro Study Team on Tuesday changed their pro- 1 posai to council from a system including all hydro users in the Town of Newcastle Newcastle to an amalgamation under one commission and one management of Hydro users in the urban centres of Orono, Newcastle arid Bowmanville. This proposal did not include the rural areas and it was pointed out that they would not as such derive a benefit of reduced rates. Within a twenty-four hour period the Hydro Study team had changed their mind for one single hydro system throughout the Town to an arrialgamation only of the Orono, Newcastle Village and Bowmanville. It was considered considered that the new commission commission for the three urban centres could continue to study arid consider a system which would include all hydro Users within the Town and at some future date could, in- clifde these users. It was moved by Councs. Holliday • and Prout that the council accept the recommendation recommendation that the three urban centres be amalgamated amalgamated into one system. Counc. Holliday said this would not incur any extra expense at this time and would leave time to further study grouping grouping all hydro users under one utility. Counc. Holliday also said it would be the decision of the new commission to set rates within Orono, Newcastle Newcastle and Bowmanville and also their decision to further carry on an overall study of the system. Counc. Clarke said the rural areas under this system would still continue with their higher hydro rates. Counc. Barr said he favoured favoured one commission for Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville but that the three systems be operated, with the present managements, as three separate separate identities. He also said the public should be notified of any actiori as to restructuring restructuring and be given the opportunity to comment. Counc. Clarke ■ asked how critical it was to have an answer by the end of March. (Continued page 2> ' Ron Sutcliffe, one of the Bean 'Orono Firelighters, dishes up when cold cuts at (he Orono Boston were Bake last Saturday between 400 and 500 in attendance. The menu also included beans,' salad, donuts, fresh bread and coffee. i