r 2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 21st, 1979 Orono Weekly Times A LITTLE IMAGINATION GOES A LONG WAY , The Orono Firefighters last week-end aroused the curiosity of some four to five hundred people with their novel promotion of a Boston Bean Bake. It did show some imagination on the part of the firefighters and being an active group of men in this community this event went off With flying colours. Imagination is something that is often lacking in our présent society and we become sterile as to our thoughts and promotions. It does take imagination to surge ahead and imagination is generally the catalysis for the development of great achievements. Einstein, Watt and Bell must all have had a quantity of imagination for without it their names would mean nothing today. The Boston Bean Bake showed imagination and however simple the promotion really was it did become a roaring success. The Orono firefighters can take all the credit and chalk this success with their other imaginative promotion of the pancake breakfast. ITS THE OLD BALL GAME BETWEEN TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AND HYDRO STUDY TEAM It was alrhost impossible last week in the hydro restructuring debate between the Town of Newcastle and the local Hydro study team to know who held the ball at any particular time. ' The issue over the past two or three years was debated periodically and quitely by hydro commissions in the three urban areas. It gained no real momentum until just recently when it appears the commissions were faced with a deadline in order that legislation coùld be passed this June by the provincial legislature. Last Monday the Hydro Study Team recommended to council that the whole of the Town of Newcastle be placed in a single utility. Council wanted more information and asked for a consultant's report. Tuesday the study team met and turned down any thought of providing council with a consultant's report. The Study Team flipped on their original proposal claiming it was not feasible to place all of the Town in one utility and they then suggested to council that the three urban centres be amalgamated into one utility leaving the rural area for future consideration. Council was back at it again on Friday and after many attempts to get a majority vote again suggested that it be considered that all of the Town be placed in one utility providing a consultant's report proved it feasible and providing the hydro users foot the bill for the study. The Regional Correlating team will now consider the proposal this Wednesday night in Whitby. It does appear that more information is certainly required when especially the Study Team can one day make one proposal and then one day following change its mind and make comment that the original proposal was not financially sound. Surely the Study Team can not be sure in its own mind as to the proper course at this time. Unfortunately it always seems that we have to wait until the lâst moment to make a decision and although in this case it has been known for at least four years some move would have to be made to coincide with Regional restructuring. » It a major decision and it should be backed with the best information that is available for the common good of all 1 users within the Town. If the cost of a consultant's report is to be $5,000 this represents less than 50c. from each customer throughout the Town of Newcastle. Is a proper answer worth fifty cents to you? WORTHWHILE READING 1 Last week'we received in the mail a news release relating to an address given by Reverend Alastair Haig, Headmaster of Grenville Christian College in Brockville. We felt the article was well worth printing in this issue of the Times and would suggest reading what Rev. Haig has to say as to education and discipline. The Rev. makes a good point when he states we expect < too little from our children and also that they appreciate discipline and challenge. He contends there are no drugs in his school, no smoking, no hugging, no petting in the hallways. How does this compare with the public system when orie hears that a student is an outcast if not associated with drugs, and students are arm in arm in the hallways? The Rev.-Haig makes a lot of sense and certainly discipline should return in the development of character and work habits. We suggest you read the article and come to your own conclusions. * Change will now only come from the general public who must make their desires known to their school representatives who must pass these desires along to administration and eventually into the classroom. We cannot expect change to come from the top without the support and backing of the general public. If you want something better but of the education system you will have to make it happen. , A menu of beans The Boston Bean Bake dreamed up by the Orono firefighters many weeks ago certainly appears to have sparked the imagination and curiosity of a goodly number of local and district residents. They came early to the bake on Saturday at least one HYDRO STUDY TEAM AND COUNCIL LOCKED IN CONFRONTATION ( Continued from page 1 ) Mayor Rickard said Hydro had been studying restructuring restructuring for years. The Mayor also said that this was a major decision and that the public should be involved. The motion of Holliday and Prout with an amendment that the Minister withhold any final decision until the public were informed locally was lost with Councs. Barr, Clarke and Cowman voting in the negative. Counc. Holliday and Proyt and Mayor Rickard supported the motion. A further motion similar to the first motion to amalgamate amalgamate the three urban hydro systems was also defeated. Counc. Cowman stated that to not include the rural areas in any amalgamation would continue the higher hydro rates in the rural sectors of the Town. We can't ask the rural users to sit back while Orono, Newcastle and Bow- manville move ahead, she said. She also said that in fairness to everyone more information is needed and I have to support cheaper rates for the rural area. It was moved by Counc. Cowman and seconded by Counc. Holliday that the Minister of Energy be advised advised that council within the present time restraints were unable to obtain public opinion opinion which would be undertaken. undertaken. The motion did advise that council gave support to - one hydro Utility to include all areas of the Town of Newcastle Newcastle (rural areas included) subject to an acceptable consultant's report at the users' costs and subject to public opinion. As a recorded vote was not called on this motion Mayor Rickard did not vote. The motion was carried with Counc. Clarke, Cowman and Holliday in support of the motion and Councs. Barr and 'Prout in opposition. Counc. Cowman said this did create a confrontation with the Hydro study team as to a consultant's report but she felt the information'was needed. Mayor Rickard during the discussions did state that he had noticed increased efficiency efficiency through the amalga- ' mation of the public works department and other areas such as the clerk and treasurer treasurer offices. He said the ultimate aim in the Town was for one utility but he realized there were some problems at the present time. CUSTODIANS ( Continued from page 1 ) out. OSSTF was to nave contacted all principals and vice-principals in the area tc inform them they were not supposed to-do the custodians jobs.* * half hour before serving time of five o'clock and kept coming and coming to the amazement of the firefighters and everyone else seeking table space and a chair at the peak of the rush. The event was held in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall with table space taxed to capacity. The idea dreamed up by the local firefigneers saw some four hundred attend for a plate of Boston baked beans, salad, cold cuts, coffee and donuts. Ten ladies baked some 62 pounds of beans which were taken to the hall in relays to be served to the hungry crowd. Along with the beans fifty pounds of cold cuts were served, 26 dozen donuts', 35 loaves of bread, etc, etc. It was a bonanza for the firefighteres. who were all in attendance to help out with the project. At press time actual figures as to revenue were not known but the receipts from the event will be presented to the Orono Arena Fund Raising Raising Committee sometime in i-ko nnar fiitlirP David Forrester dishes out 68 lbs. of beans. ivivie ucaub pitsti&e Clearing- Men's Dress Pants Sizes from 30-40 - Shop now to have your choice of sizes All for the low price of' *10 .00 THE SLACK BACK Ladies shoes are being cleared at x k Regular Price MEN'S SHIRTS New, in stock, are men's cotton and pfolyester long sleeved shirts in attractive plaids with domed cuffs. «1.25. We haye' received ,a shipment of men's jockey ' * underwear 'and t T-shirts so wé now haVe all sizes. Armstrong's