Approves Soper Greek plan 'The Town of Newcatle Planning and Development Committee On Monday morn- • ing approved the Soper Creek Neighbourhood plan as recommended recommended by the planning department. The development is south of Concession Street and east of Liberty Street and irtcludes lands owned by a number of private owners and a number of developers. The recommendation now goes to council and upon its acceptance will be sent to the ■ I.,:" ■ ' !; ' SALES OPPORTUNITY National Canadian Canadian Manufacturer, has immediate opening in the Orono area' for sales representative. representative. We sell direct to Cities, Schools, Industries. We manufacture a complete line of industrial coating and sell nationwide. nationwide. We offer a business of your own without any investment. No limint on earnings. No overnight travel. travel. No overnight travel. No age limit. Liberal commissions commissions and excellent excellent "Winter Bonus" Program. Write J.C, Byas, Vice President- and General Manager, Tropical Industrial Coatings, 2030 Notre Dame Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Manitoba. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B.E. Long " B.Th. Organist and Choir Director David Gray SuAday, March 25 *1979 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School'10 a.m.. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. PANCAKE DINNER April 8th ". 12:30-3:00 p.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 9:45 Morning Worship 9:45 Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 Region of Durham for their information. Planning Director Leslie Kristof said the Neighbourhood Neighbourhood plan outline the road pattern for the area as well as a plan for services and storm sewering. He said the Region had approved the hard servicing servicing for the area. Kristof said that construction construction of houses could begin in the fall of 1980. He said sewage capacity would or is supposed to be ready for the area in 1981. Counc. Holliday said he was concerned over the floodplain area and would move that the plan be approved subject to agreement in principal from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority as to the floodplain and storm drainage. Kristof said that all building would be outside the floodplain and that CLOCA had been sent a copy of the plan and had not contacted the Town. It was also pointed out that the floodplain would be dealt with in more detail when the individual draft plans of sub-divisions were submitted. The Neighbourhood plan as submitted by the Planning department was presented to the committee. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 21st 1979-3 TELEPHONE MEETING ( Continued from page 1) today's society, he said. Elizabeth Currie, vice- chairman of the Orono ratepayer's ratepayer's Association and Harry Harry Irwin, president) presented a list of complainte and as well stating they could not support an increase in rates and should not have to tolerate such a service as now existed. Mrs. Currie said someone else should take over the deplorable system. They also demanded that an extended calling area be provided to the Orono customers. customers. Mrs. Belski, chairperson for the Ontario Telephone Commission hearing stated that there was a lot of money involved in providing an Extended Services Area. The chairperson said that Community Community should first undertake ' a cost study before any final commitment was made to providing an extended area, "To be fair to all customers they should be aware of the additional cost for this service", service", she said. She also warned that once Extended Area Service was provided it was not reversible. Mrs. Belski also said she would take it as a commitment commitment of the Commission to see that a meeting is held with Community Telephone with _ the Ratepayer's Association ' present. Mr. Gerry Marvin addressed addressed the meeting stating that he was happy to know that there was someone operating the Community Telephone sys- ; tem. He said the Company St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCH Orono, Ontario , Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Rev. Allan Haldenby B.A. L.Th. Steve's Furniture : Shop Upholstery Fabric Samples Furniture Refinishing 983-9630 STEVE JOHNSÇN a e • « Select 1984 Host for Inter. Plowing Match " LocalNews 600 applications have been mailed to prospective exhibitors" exhibitors" V •#*•••••! had a nerve to ask for an increase when in fact they should be giving a decrease. He suggested that the group hang together and stop paying paying their telephone bills. "If you do this we will have Bell sooner," he said- Mr. Harvey Partner, Orono said, that being in business he Was aware of the need for a good telephone service. He said, open your eyes and look back, we did have a larger business section in Orono but everywhere we phone today is a long distance call. He said they could not expect to attract business to Orono with the type of service now provided. Roy Forrester, Orono, said he had no criticism of the telephone service and was the only one to so express this opinion. He said for $5.50 a month he had the facilities to call anywhere in the world. "I do realize it does require long distance charges but I am willing to pay for my own calls." He said service charges charges would increase for everyone everyone on the system whether or not they used the extended area. He said there are no end to the demands for those in the south could ask for extended • area calling to Oshawa and Bowmanville, those in the north to Bethany and Peterborough and those in the east to Welcome and Port Hope. As to the increase in rates being asked by Community he said he had no knowledge if . «they were justified or not. But . I do know that everyone in k this room expects an increase in salary every year. À representative from Erin Hill's Committee for Better Telephone Service also spoke at the hearing and said in Erin Falls they had the other half of hell with Community. He suggested that all twenty- one areas serviced by Community Community Telephone stop paying paying their bills which should force something to be done. George Porter of Orono said Community was an American based company. He said he had travelled all over the world and found that In Orono he had the worst telephone service he could imagine. "If they can't provide provide a better service let them (Community) get out and let someone else take over . John Cousin asked near the end of the hearing, "Where are we going now?" Chairperson Belski said there were obviously some problems and that the Com-" mission does have a responsibility responsibility to see that there is some improvements. , She said as far as the rate increase is concerned she could not say at this time. This, she said, will be considered further with the company. The Commission, ■ she said, does have a respon- 1 Wellington County will host the 1984 International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Show. It may sound like light years away, but it takes years of planning to prepare for this major agricultural event. Representatives of county, district and regional Plowmen's Plowmen's Associations met recently recently to hear proposals from the three counties who were vying for the 1984 match, says Art Peppin, Director of the Agricultural and Horticultural Horticultural Societies Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. "There are many criteria to consider in the selection of the site," explains Mr, Peppin. "We have to choose on the basis of proximity to essential services, such as telephone and hydro, and we must also consider accommodation and transportation routes." This year's plowing match will be hosted by Kent County, September 25 to 29. sibility to theCompany iri that they do get adequate financial returns. "As far as any Bell Canada takeover," she said,"that is beyond tbe jurisdiction of the Commission." 1 Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. Durham Durham East, was called on to address the hearing by the chairperson. Cureatz said it was not just a simple matter to ask the Provincial government government to step in-and request a take-over. We do. have a democratic system. "I will approach the Minister but you have to respect the democratic democratic system. It would be foolish for me to say the' Mipister would step in in this matter. Cureatz said the Commis- ' sion had a flavour from the meeting. He also asked the Company to. develop a plan that would provide a better technical service but you (addressing the meeting) must be patient. The 50.5 hectare site is located 1.5 km north of Highway 401, on Highway 40, near Chatham. "Plans for the 1979 match are being finalized now", 'says Mr. Peppin. "More than : Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lane (nee Dunlop) formerly of Sudbury * are now residing at 305-205 Simpson Avenue in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle NOTICE of Highway Closing TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, at a Council meeting to be held at the Council Chambers, Police Building, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Monday, the 9th day of April, 1979, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, propose to pass a by-law to stop up and close that part of Lot 32, Eighth Concession, of the Geographic Township of Clarke, former County, of Durham, more particularly described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of all that portion of a travelled road running through the northerly part of Lot 32, in the Eighth Concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke, former County of Durham, more particularly designated as Part 3 according to Plan 10R-915 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on January 5, 1979. > AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that before passing the said by-law Council^ or a Committee of Council, shall hear in person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. DATED at the Town of Newcastle, this 7th day of March, 1979. '■ , ' J.M. Mcllroy, A.MÆ.T. Clerk, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Cloverleaf Solid Albocore White Tuna 1.39 FOOD STORES 7 oz. tin 5 to 6 lb. average Fresh picnic Style Pork Roasts lb.,88c Miracle Son Corn Oil Margarine Cashmere bamroom Tissue Fresh and Tasty t ', Pork Butt Roasts Pork Butt or Shoulder Chops Schneiders , « " . ' . Meat Pies CORNISH S 1 ib. bowl .99C 2 roll pkg. e 88C ' lb. 1.08 lb. 1.28 250 gram size .88C .