Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, March 21st, 1979-5 Discipline... not a dirty word "Children are much like adults . . . they work best under pressure. They respond to a challenge and produce much more work when more is demanded of them. Our education system in Canada is far too easy. We expect too little of our children, with the result that yve produce lazy students with lazy minds. There is a serious decline in the literacy level of Our children today". So say's the Reverend Alastair Haig, Headmaster of Grenville Christian College in Brock ville, Ontario. Grenville is a co-ed private school where 'discipline' is not a dirty word, and where young minds are constantly being pushed toward their ability limit. "There is a popular misconception today in educational circles that discipline is bad, that it stifles creativity and hinders learning. This couldn't be further from the truth." says Haig. "We have found that young people like to be challenged and stimulated, and they respect the teacher who is firm and loving. They do much more work for him. A teacher makes a big mistake when he tries to be a pal With his Students. He must be a dependable authority figure in the classroom if he is to be effective. Discipline promotes creativity, it does not hinder it. "The best teacher is the one who applies 'tough love' to his students ... he loves them ehough to press them to their full potential. He will not accept sloppy second-rate work and he will definitely not pass a student who has failed. "Back in the 1930's, Dr. Spock and Dr. Blatz and others sold us a bill of goods. They said, "lets liberalize the education of' our children. Let's get rid of the old methods which are outmoded, repressive and restraining. Let's liberate the child. Let him express himself, choose his own way and develop his individual person- hood." "That all sounds so good," says Haig, "but unfortunately doing one's own thing with crayons, scissors, paper and paste has now replaced sound disciplined learning. Drill on the basics which provide the foundation for a solid education has gone out the window. Daily repeated exercises are considered dull and old fashioned. The result? Far too many elementary students never master their multiplication tables or the skill of reading or the rules of good - grammar. Memory wôrk which was a staple in the diet of an earlier generation has been scrapped. Great poetry and prose is no longer committed to memory. Spelling drills and spelling bees are a thing of the past. To a great extent multiple choice exams have replaced the old written answer kind, and in some quarters examinations of any kind have been abandoned. "Let's make learning fun' became the slogan of the modern approach to education, and so good hard work with its reward - the thrill of achievement - has been lost to our children. "There is no shortcut to becoming well-educated" says Haig. "It takes hard work and disciplined effort." Reverend Haig once captained the University of Toronto 'Varsity Blues' football team, and as Headmaster of Grenville Christian College in Brockville he runs a 'tight ship'. There are no drugs anywhere, no one is allowed to smoke, boys hair is neat and short, and the girls hair is out of their eyes. The boys stand when a girl comes to the dinner table, and one of the boys even holds her chair as she sits down. But for boys it is 'hands, off' as far as the girls are concerned. There is no hugging, petting, hand-holding, or-'going steady'. ,. "the girls are the boys friends, not their - 'playthings' "says Haig.' "Our entire staff of sixty is sold on the truth that 'discipline with love' is a formula that works in every generation. It works at Grenville Christian College where we have the happiest, most productive teenagers anywhere." Speaking to the Rotarians recently, Haig said "The idea that there must be democracy in the classroom has proven itself to be destructive. Let's bring back that dedicated school marm whom we feared, respected, and even loved all at the same time. She wasn't out to win a popularity contest. She kept our shoulder to the wheel and gavé her life to seeing that we made the grade." It used to be that teachers saw their vocation as a high and dedicated 'calling'. Now teaching has become just a job, and when the bell rings at three o'clock, the teacher suddenly disappears. "Let's be fair to our Children," Haig insists. "We owe them better guidance than they are getting. Let us once again pay the price. "And let us dare to discipline. Our children will love us for it in the long run, and in the meantime, they will respect us and learn that essential old virtue 'obedience'. Committee stalls on Newcastle Villàge Neighbourhood Rian A Neighbourhood Plan for the southwest quadrant of the Village of Newcastle was presented to the Planning Committee on Monday when the plan was received by the committee and turned back to the planning department to consider concerns expressed at the meeting. The area covered by the proposed plan incorporated lands owned by two developers developers butting on the north of Highway No. 2, on the east, Foster Creek, on the west, Ruddell's road and on the south the sub-division on Sunset Blvd. An ultimate population for the development development is expected to rise to 2000 persons in single family homes and two areas with a greater density. Miss Portech, speaking for Milani Developments, spoke out in opposition to the plan as OOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOON Kêm-TbnÇ FLAT WALL P**' 1 . 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Mr. Kristof, planning director, director, said that both the public works department and the fire department wanted a loop system and did not favour cul-de-sacs. This plan, he said, recognizes their concerns. 1 . Mayor Rickard said there must be some way to connect this development with the Village proper and recommended recommended a proper road into the present Village across the Foster Creek area. He said they did not want to separate the development from the rest of the Village. Kristof said provision had been made for a walkway to connect with Edwards Street. He said he did not agree that this should be a proper road but that those living on Edwards Street were in opposition that this should'be a connecting link with the present Village. Mayor Rickard stated that they would only reach similar problems as they now have in Waverley Gardens in Bow- manville as to students attending attending school. He also said if there was not a better connecting link there would soon be requests for a shopping area outside the present downtown area. Counc. Clarke stated he had some concerns and that he felt the whole .concept would have to be changed. ' Counc. Holliday askedgf the developer had 1 a plan and that if such existed it should be submitted along with the staff proposal. Miss Protect said they did have a plan but she did not have it-with her on this Attend North Bay Meeting Mr. Keqneth Stephenson, Secretary-Treasurer of the Lindsay District Trappers' Council, and his wife, along with Mr. Robert Lawrence, occasion. ,The Neighbourhood plan is to be given more consideration. consideration. President of the Council, his wife and two sons, have, returned from North Bay where they attended the 32nd Ontario Trappers Association Convention. While there Ken Stephenson was elected a Director of the OTA and Ted Lawrence came second in the Youth Muskrat Skinning Contest. Contest. STANDING TIMBER OR VENEER LOGS MIXED HARD WOODS TOP PRICE FOR GOOD LOGS Inquire as to price and specifications Phone or write: Wilberforce Veneer & Lumber Company Wilberforce, Ontario Phone 9:00.a.m.-4:00 p.m. (705)448-2521 Evenings Mr. Gibbs (705)448-2248 « Mr. Tighe (705)448-254.6 Gem's Flower and Gifts Main Street, Orono * 983-9724 Closed Wednesday, Open 9-6 Monday-Saturday After Hours Call 623-1487. DX SERVICE STATION Highway 35 & 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products At the Most Reasonable Prices Stove Oil & Diesel Oil Available in any quantity Phone 987-4215 We hav.e a complete line of POP-CITY* Soft Drinks. Save by buying these a case at a time.